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EPPP Missed items test D


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Key Features of Glasser's Reality Therapy
accept responsibility
clarify the cx values and evaluate current bx in relation to these values
Ellis' Rational Emotive Therapy
Cognitive beh
Focuses on irrational beliefs
IQ score correlations
1. sibs reared together
2. sibs reared apart
3. identical twins
4. parent and child
1. .50
2. .25
3. .75
4. .40
Bowen's triangulation vs. family projection
Triangulation is when two people triangle in a third person, for example they might share secrets. Projection is when a mother's anxiety is projected ontly child .
Fusion is when boundaries are diffuse (i.e., Minuchin's enmeshment)
factor analysis
test of structure
ex: Dr. Spook wants to test his hypothesis of three underlying components of fear.
Discrimant analysis
predict group membership
correlational techniques to confirm causal models
LISREL and path analysis
1. One way
2. factorial
1. one IV and one DV
2. 2+ IV ex: a study investigating the effects of type of diet (IV) and self esteem (IV) on binge eating (DV)
2+ DVs
ex: the effects of type of diet on binge eating and self-esteem
the effects of diet on binge eating with degree of psychopathology controlled for
Erikson's stages
trust v mistrust
autonomy v shame
initiative v guilt
industry v inferiority
identity v role confusion
intimacy v isolation
generativity v stagnation
integrity v despair
Quality Assurance
focuses on services: availability, adequacy, appropriateness
utilization review
cost and resource focus
best tx for OCD
real or imagined: expose the patient to provoking stimuli then stop them from engaging in the bx or leaving
tx of choice for specific phobias
systematic desensitization
imagined exposure, have them relax as they think about anxiety-provoking situations
what is the key effect of both job enrichment and enlargment?
reducing boredom
certain questions are correlated with desirabble work bx and the scoring is weighted. Some items are filler or informational
depleted energy, lowered resistance to illness, increased pessimism, increased absenteeism and inefficiency
Not a symptom of stress
z score formula
z= Mean-Score
Standard Dev.
standard scores
always utilize the mean and sd and provide info about the relative status of a score
Bipolar meds of choice
Anticonvulsants: tegretol and valpoic acid
Kohlberg's moral dev stages
7-11 preconventional/rewards and punishment
adolescence conventional comparison to others
adult post conventional self over others and ethics
piaget's stages of cognitive development
sensorimotor b-2
preoperational 2-7
concrete 7-11
formal operations 11+
Interval v ration
most to least resistant to extinction with schedules of reinforcement
Variable ratio
fixed ratio
variable interval
fixed interval
So--the least is when you reinforce every 1 minute, the most resistant is when they don't know how many behaviors before you will r
asians and therapy
logical and structured
blacks and therapy
egalitarian and collaborative
native americans and therapy
male sex hormones
MMPI validity scales
F= faking bad
K= defensive
L= lie, try to Look good
social comparison theory
we compare ourselves to others to evaluate our own b
self-perception theory
people infer attitudes by watchin gown bx in context
congruity theory
shift reactions to correct an imbalance. Initially neutral attitudes will likely change
autism drug
object relational family thx
transference and projections b/w family members
project unwanted elements of themselves onto others in the family
exposure to a stimulus to make it easier to recognize it later
tension headache tx
I expect to be successful, I will be rewarded, and I will like my reward
structural family therapy
pathology is from structural imbalances such as poor boundaries (disengaged or enmeshed)
encoding strategy
hypothalamus vs. thalamus
hypothalamus is concerned with homeostasis (hunger, thirst, sex, aggerssion, sleep)
Thalamus is the sensory relay center (except olfaction)
Bowen's coalition vs. Triangulation
coalition act together against another.
Triangulation a 3rd person is pulled in to reduce tension--direct involvement.
REM sleep
increased heart rate and blood pressure
loss of muscle tone
night terrors
non-rem sleep
delayed recall of words
remember beginning best
immediate recall of words
remember beginning and end best aka serial position effect
trend analysis
non-linear data
ex: depression changes with different doses of medication but it isn't curvilinear
classical conditioning
US (meat) + NS (tone)=UR (salivating)
Then, the US--> CS and the UR-->CR
CS must come before US
real or imagined
classical extinction
present fear (CS) w/o allowing response
schizophrenia prevalence rate
general pop: 1%
first degree relatives: 10%
phobias and psychoanalytic theory
transfering one's feelings from one object to another
antipsychotic uses
people are least influenced by
knowledge of facts

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