undefined, object
copy deck
- Aden, adenos
- gland
- aer
- air, gas
- agogos
- leading
- agra
- a taking, catching
- aisthesis
- feeling, sensation
- aitia
- cause
- ake, akme
- point, tip
- akouein
- to hear
- akros
- at the end
- aktis, aktinos
- ray
- algos, agle, algesis
- pain
- allos
- other
- amblys
- dulled, blunt
- amnion
- the intermost membrane eclosing the fetus
- amoibe
- change
- archaios
- ancient
- arche
- begining
- argyros
- silver
- arteria
- vessel
- arthron
- joint, juncture
- askos
- bladder
- aster, astron
- star
- astragalos
- anklebone
- atlas, atlantos
- a mythological demigod
- autos
- self
- auxein
- to increase
- ba, be
- to go, walk
- bakterion
- a little staff, rod
- ballein
- to throw
- bole, bolos
- to throw
- metabole
- change
- baros, bare
- weight, pressure
- barys
- heavy
- bathys
- deep, inner
- bathos, batheos
- depth
- bios, biosis
- life, living
- blastos
- bud, shoot
- blepein
- to see
- boule
- will, wish
- brachion
- arm, upper arm
- brachy
- short
- brady
- slow
- branchi
- gills
- bronchos
- windpipe
- bry
- to be full
- chaite
- hair
- chasma, chasmatos
- cleft, opening
- chas
- separation
- cheilos
- lip
- cheir, cheiros
- hand
- chiasma, chaistos
- crossed
- chloros
- green, yellow
- chole
- bile, gall
- chondros
- granule
- chorde
- cord
- choreia
- dancing
- chorion
- skin
- chro, chroma, chromat
- surface of the body
- chronos
- time
- chrysos
- gold
- chy, che
- to pour
- dakryon
- tear
- daktylos
- finger, toe
- deein
- to die
- desmos
- band, bond
- delta
- a greek leter
- demos
- country, land
- dendron
- tree
- derma, dermat
- skin
- diaita
- life
- didymos
- twin
- dipsa
- thirst
- diskos
- disk
- dolichos
- long
- dosis
- a giving, dose
- doteos
- to be given
- dromos
- course
- dynamis
- power
- echein
- to have, hold
- eidos, eide
- form, shapeq
- idea
- appearance
- elektron
- electricity
- elytron
- cover
- emeein
- to vomit
- enteron
- that within
- ergon, ergasia
- work
- eros, erot
- love,lust
- erythros
- red
- erythema, erythemat
- a reddness
- ethmos
- fireplace
- ethnos
- race, religion
- eurys
- wide, broad
- gala, galakt
- milk
- gammos
- marriage
- gamete
- husband, wife
- ganglion
- mass of nerve cells
- gaster, gastros
- belly, stomach
- ge
- earth
- gen
- to become
- genesis
- being, produced
- genys
- jaw, cheeck
- geneion
- chin
- geron,gerontos
- old person
- geusis
- taste
- glaukos
- gleaming
- glia
- glue
- glossa, glotta
- tongue
- glykys, glykeros
- sweet, sugar
- gnathos
- jaw
- gnonai
- to know, judge
- gone
- generation, semen
- gonia
- corner, angle
- gony, gonat
- knee
- graphein
- to draw, write
- gramma, grammat
- something drawn or written
- gymnos
- naked
- gyne, gynaikos
- woman
- gyros
- circle, ring
- haima, haimatos
- blood
- hairein
- to take, grasp
- hals, hal
- salt
- haptein
- to fasten
- hed, hid
- to sit
- hedra
- sitting
- helios
- sun
- helix, helikos
- something spiral shaped
- helkos
- sore, ucler
- helmins, heminthos
- worm
- hemera
- day
- he
- to send
- enema, enemat
- a sending in
- katheter
- that sent
- hepar, hepat
- liver
- herpes, herpet
- a creeping, spreading blisters
- heteros
- other
- hidros, hidrotos
- sweat
- histos, histi
- tissue
- hodos
- road, way
- holos
- whole, entire
- homalos
- even, flat
- homos, homoi
- like, the same
- hormon, hormonos
- setting in motion
- hyalos
- glass
- hydor, hydat
- water, fluid
- hydrops, hydrop
- dropsy
- hygieia
- soundness or mind
- hygros
- wet, moist
- hyle
- wood, matter
- hymen, hymenos
- skin
- hyoeides
- U shaped
- hypnos
- sleep
- hypsi
- on high
- hypsos, hypse
- height
- hystera
- womb
- ia, iatros
- to heal, one who heals
- ichthys
- fish
- idios
- one's own
- ikteros
- jaundice
- iris, iridos
- the rainbow
- is, inos
- strength, muscle
- ischion
- hip, joint
- isos
- equal
- isthmos
- a narrow neck
- kainos, kainotes
- new, newnes
- kakos
- bad, disordered
- kal
- beautiful
- kalyx, kalykos
- covering, shell
- kardia
- heart
- karkinos
- crab, cancer
- karpos
- fruit, seed
- karyon
- nut, kernel
- katharsis
- a cleansing
- kausos, kauma
- burning, heat
- kele
- tumor
- kenos
- empty
- kenosis
- an emptying
- kenteein
- to goad, prick
- kentron
- sharp point
- kephale
- head
- enkephalon
- that within the head
- keras, kerat
- horn, horny
- kineein
- to move
- kirrhos
- tawny, orange
- klaein
- to break
- klados, klasma
- that which is broken off
- kleiein
- close
- klinein
- to bend, turn
- klonos
- confused motion
- klyzein
- to wash
- koilia
- cavity
- koilos
- hollow
- koiloma
- a hollow cavity
- koinos
- common
- kokkos
- berry, grain
- kokkyx, kokkygos
- cuckoo
- koleos
- sheath, the vagina
- kolla
- glue
- kolon
- the colon
- kolpos
- swollen out, vagina
- koma, komat
- deep sleep
- kome
- hair
- konche
- mussel
- kondylos
- knuckle
- konis, konios
- dust
- konos
- pine cone
- kopros
- dung
- kore
- maiden, doll
- kotyle
- something hollow
- kranion
- cranium
- krasis
- a mixing
- kreas, kreatos
- flesh
- krinein
- to separate
- krotos
- a striking, beat
- kryos, krymos
- ice cold, frost
- krystallos
- clear ice
- kryptos
- hidden
- kyanos
- dark blue
- kyein
- to swell, be pregnant
- kyma, kymat
- a swell,wave
- kyt
- cell, sac
- kyklos
- circle, ring
- labein
- to take, grasp
- labe
- handle
- leps
- seizure
- labyrinthos
- a maze
- lalein
- to talk, chat
- lampein
- to shine forth
- larynx, laryngos
- the organ of voice
- leios
- smooth
- leipein
- to leave
- lepis, lepidos
- scale, flake
- lepros
- scaly
- leptynein
- to make thin
- lep
- to peel