ch.6 cosm
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- Clear layer of epidermis consisting of transparent cells
- Stratum Lucidum
- congenital leukoderma or absence of melanin pigment of the body, including the skin, hair, and eyes
- Albinism
- itchy, swollen lesion that lasts only a few hours; caused by a blow, the bite of an insect, urticaria, or the sting of a nettle
- Wheal
- sebaceous cyst or fatty tumor
- Steatoma
- cutaneous outgrowth of the skin
- Skin Tag
- protein base similar to collagen that forms elastic tissue
- Elastin
- change in pigmentation of skin caused by exposure to the sun or ultraviolet rays
- Tan
- largest organ of the body
- The Skin
- crack in the skin that penetrates the dermis, such as chapped hands or lips
- Fissure
- deficiency in perspiration, often result of fever or certain skin diseases
- Anhidrosis
- thick scar resulting from excessive growth of fibrous tissue
- Keloid
- abnormal growth of the skin
- Hypertrophy
- blackheads
- Comedones
- dead cells that form over a wound or blemish while healing; scab
- Crust
- the epidermis
- Cuticle or Scarf Skin
- abnormal sac containing fluid above and below the skin
- Cyst
- other names for dermis
- Derma, Corium, Cutis, True Skin
- inflammatory condition of the skin
- Dermatitis
- an eruptive skin infection caused by contact with irritating substances such as chemical or tints
- Dermatitis Venenata
- skin sore or abrasion produced by scratching or scraping
- Excoriation
- coiled base of sudoriferous (sweat) glands
- Fundus
- skin disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands from retained secretions
- Acne
- skin disorder characterized by light abnormal patches; caused by bum or congenital disease that destorys the pigment-producing cells
- Leukoderma
- fibrous protein that gives the skin form & strength
- Collagen
- condition characterized by increased pigmentation on the skin, in spots that are not elevated
- Chloasma
- deepest layer of epidermis responsible for growth
- Stratum Germinativum
- type of skin cancer more serious than basal cell carcinoma; often characterized by scaly red papules or nodules
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- the outermost layer of the skin
- Epidermis
- fever blister or cold sore
- Herpes Simplex
- small or large malformation of the skin due to abnormal pigmentation or dialated capillaries; birthmark
- Nevus
- Lies directly beneath epidermis and contains small, cone-shaped projections of elastic tissue pointing upward
- Papillary Layer
- pimple
- Papule
- skin disease characterized by red patches; covered with white-silver scales usually found on scalp, elbows, knees, chest, and lower back
- Psoriasis
- an inflamed pimple containing pus
- Pustule
- horny, outer layer of the epidermis
- Stratum Corneum
- most serious form of skin cancer; often characterized by black or dark brown patches on the skin that may appear uneven in texture, jagged, or raised
- Malignant Melanoma
- Granular layer of epidermis
- Stratus Granulosum
- abnormal cell mass, varying in size, shape, and color
- Tumor
- open lesion on the skin or mucous membrane of the body, accompanied by pus and loss of skin depth
- Ulcer
- a medical skin specialist
- Dermatologist
- study of skin, its nature, structure, functions, diseases, and treatments
- Dermatology
- whiteheads
- Milia
- this layer supplies skin with oxygen and nutrients
- Reticular Layer
- most common and least severe type of skin cancer; often characterized by light or pearly nodules
- Basal Cell Carcinoma
- freckles
- Lentigines
- small blister or sac containing clear fluid, lying within
- Vesicle
- fatty layer supplies skin with oxygen and nutrients
- Subcutaneous Layer
- tiny grains of pigment deposited in the stratum germinativum of the epidermis & the papillary layers of the dermis
- Melanin
- chronic congestion appearing primarily on the cheeks and nose, characterized by redness, dilation of the blood vessels, and the formation of papules & pustules
- Rosacea
- condition of dry, scaly skin due to deficiency or absence of sebum; caused by old age and by exposure to cold
- Asteatosis
- Foul-smelling perspiration, usually noticeable in the armpits or on the feet
- Bromhidrosis
- large blister containing a watery fluid; similar to a vesicle but larger
- Bulla
- milky-white spots (leukoderma) of the skin; acquired condition
- Vitiligo
- excessive sweating, caused by heat or general body weakness
- Hyperhidrosis
- inflammatory, painful itching disease of the skin, acute or chronic in nature, presenting many forms of dry or moist lesions
- Eczema
- small, discolored patch; freckle
- Macula
- 6 Functions of the skin
- Heat Regulation, Secretion, Absorbtion, Protection, Sensation, Excretion
- prickly heat; acute inflammatory disorder of the sweat glands
- Milaria Rubra
- small, brownish spot or blemish on the skin
- Mole
- specialist in cleansing, preservation of health, and beautification of the skin & body
- Esthetician
- skin condition caused by an abnormal increase of secretion from the sebaceous glands
- Seborrhea
- oil glands
- Sebaceous Glands
- Light-colored, slightly raised mark on the skin formed afer an injury or lesion
- Scar
- any thin plate of epidermal flakes, dry or oily, such as abnormal or excessive dandruff
- Scale
- underlying, or inner layer of skin
- Dermis
- acquired, superficial, thickened patch of epidermis commonly known as callus, caused by pressure or friction on hands & feet
- Keratoma
- sweat glands
- Sudoriferous Glands
- abnormal rounded, solid lump above, within, or under the skin
- Tubercle
- abnormal brown or wine-colored skin discoloration with a circular and irregular shape
- Stain