soc 10 review #2
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- ethnocentrism
- the tendency to judge other cultures as inferior in terms of one's own cultural standards
- reverse enthnocentrism
- a type of ethnocentrism in which the home culture is regarded as inferior to a foreign culture
- cultural genocide
- a form of ethnocentrism in which the people of one society define the culture of another society not as merely offensive, but as so intolerable thet they attempt to destroy it
- cultural relativity
- thr perspective that a foreign culture should not be judged by thr standards of a home culture and that a behavior or way of thinking must be examined in its cultural context
- what is culture?
- way of life
- material culture
- all physical objects that people have borrowed, discovered or invented and to which they have attached meaning
- non-material culture
- intangible creations or things that we cannot identify directly through senses
- beliefs
- conceptions that people accept as true
- values
- norms
- written or unwritten rules of behavior or conduct
- folkways
- norms that we apply to the mundane
- mores
- norms that are considered imp or essential
- what is the difference between denotation and connotation?
denotation is the literal defination
connotation is the set of associations a word evokes -
what is an idiom?
Give an example -
a group of words when taken together have a different meaning than its intentional meaning
its raining cats and dogs - group
- - 2 or more people who share a distinct identity, feel a sense of belonging, and interact directly or indirectly with one another
- primary group
- social groups characterized by face-to-face contact and strong emotional ties among members
- ingroup
- agroup with which people identify and to which they feel closely attached, particuraly when thet attachment is founded on hatred from or opposition toward another group
- outgroup
- a group toward which members of an ingroup feel sense of separateness, opposition, or even hatred
- culture shock
- the strain that that people from one culture experience when they experience the ways of a new culture
- reentry shock
- cultural shock in reverse. experienced upon returning home after living in another culture
- what are 3 factor that have an effect on the intensity of culture shock?
-the extent to which the home and foreign cultures differ
-the level of the person's perparation or knowledge about the new culture
-the circumstances surrounding the encounter (vacation, job, war) - subcultures
- groups that share in some parts of the dominant culture but have their own distinct values, norms, language, or material culture
- counter culture
- a sub culture that challenges, rejects, or clashes with the norms and values of dominant culture
- role taking
- stepping outside the self and imagining how others view its appearance and behavior imaginatively from an outsider's perspective
- what are the three stages of role-taking?
- imitations
-games - difference between nature and nurture
nature is biological
nurture is interactions that make- up every-day life - socialization
- a process by which people develop their human capacities and acquire a unique personality and idenity and by which culture is passed from generation to generation
- what are six types of socialization?
- primary socialization
-secondary socialization
-adult socialization
-anticipatory socialization
-gender socialization -
who coined "looking at glass-self?
what is it? -
Charles Horton Cooley
it describes a way in which a sence of self development in which people see themselves reflected in others' reactions to their appearance and behaviors - resocialization
- discarding values and behaviors unsuited to new circumstances and replacing the with new values and norms
- what did Margaret Mead study?
- famous anthropologist who determined that we are not "born with selves" but rather that our selves are brought out by socialization
- gender polarization
- organizing social life around male -female distinction so that people's sex is connected to virtually every other aspect of human experience
- primary sex characteristics
- traits used for reproduction
- secondary sex characteristics
- physical traits not essential to reproduction (body hair, voice change)
- social emotion
- internal bodily sensations experienced in relationships with other people
- feeling rules
- norms that specify appropriate ways to express internal sensations
- diffusion
- the process by which an idea an invention or some other cultural item is borrowed from a foreign source
- engrams
- chemically formed entities in the brain that store in physical form a person 's recollections of experiences
- collective memory
- the experiences shared and recalled by significant numbers of people
- reflective thinking
- stepping outside the self and observing and evaluating it from another's viewpiont