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- adj. Pleasing to the senses, especially to the sense of taste; delicious.
- delectable
- n. Amazement or fear that makes one feel confused.
- consternation
- V. To ask earnestly: to beg.
- beseech
- n. Noisy merrymaking.
- revelry
1. v. To pull off or out: to pick.
2. v. To remove the feathers from.
3. v. To pull at and let go.
4. n. Courage;bravery.
5. adj. Brave; courageous. -
5. plucky - v. To think about; to consider carfully.
- ponder
1. v. To please or satisfy.
2. v. To give into what is wanted or requsted.
3. adj. Pleasing -
3. gratifying -
1. n. A special favor, right, or advantege given to a person or group.
2. adj. Given favors or advanteges denied to others. -
2. privileged -
1. adj. lying flat.
2. adj. lying face down, especially to show respect.
3. adj. Completely overcome; weak and helpless. - prostrate
1. adj. Showing to much pride in oneself and scorn or comtempt for others.
2. n. The state of quality of being haughty. -
2. haughtiness - n. a wreath or chain of leaves and flowers.
- garland
1. adj. Much more that enough.
2. adj. very costly.
3. v. To give freely or generously. - lavish
- n. A sudden wish to do something without a particular reason:a fanciful idea.
- whim
- adj. Inclinded to act without thinking; hasty.
- impetuous
- n. A state of great joy, delight, or love.
- rapture