Mr. Eyles' Vocab
undefined, object
copy deck
- selection
- a thing or a number of things selected or picked
- diverged
- brached off
- connotation
- implied meaning of word
- hence
- therefore; from now on
- diction
- style of speaking based on word choice
- trodden
- walked on
- ultimatum
- final proposal or statement of conditions
- alternative
- one of many things
- variety
- a number of different types of things that may be chosen
- sacrosanct
- extremely sacred
- preference
- that which is preferred
- synopsis
- a brief summary
- philtrum
- the skin between your nose and upper lip
- merciless
- cruel
- heuristic
- serving to indicate or point out
- sake
- benefit
- undergrowth
- low-lying vegetation/ small trees growing beneath larger trees
- sibilant
- hissing
- ought
- should
- subtle
- so slight as to be difficult to read
- epiphany
- sudden revelation
- surreptitious
- acting in a stealthy way
- gravitas
- seriousness
- option
- choice
- decision
- determination/resolution
- substitution
- something serving in place of something else
- setback
- defeat
- terminal
- end or last
- excerpt
- passage/quotation taken from a text
- rhyme
- a word agreeing with another in terminal sound
- linger
- delay
- pithy
- brief, forceful, meaningful expression
- loiter
- to waste time/dawdle
- sensory
- 5 senses
- significant
- important
- stanza
- an arrangement of lines forming a division of a poem
- evoke
- to bring out
- emulate
- to imitate or copy
- plot
- what happens in a story
- cliche
- trite, overused expression
- consequence
- the effect or result of a prior cause
- exhilerating
- exciting
- narrative
- story
- temerity
- boldness
- tradgety
- calamity or disaster
- dystopia
- a society characterized by human misery
- utopia
- an ideal place
- hubris
- overweening pride
- defenestrate
- to throw out of a window