Psychology Termz
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- conciousness
- an awareness of things both inside and outside of ourselves
- Psychological "construct"
- concept we can talk about, but not see (emotions)
- sensory awareness
- awareness of senses outside ourselves (sights, sounds)
- direct inner awareness
- awareness of things inside our bodies
- sense/self awareness
- awareness of ourselves/ existence
- preconscious
- ideas not in awareness but can be recalled
- unconscious
- info hidden/ unavailable
- nonconscious
- actions we are unaware of (blinking, heart)
- Beta waves
- 1; very alert
- alpha waves
- 2; relaxed, but focused
- theta waves
- drowsy; 3
- delta waves
- 4, sleeping
- Meditation
- method of narrowing consciousness
- biofeedback
- controling bodily functions, create brainwaves to allow relaxation
- hypnosis
- altered state of consciousness
- Depressants
- slow nervous system down, ex alchohol, narcotics (morphine heroine)
- Stimulants
- speed up nervous system, nicotine, cociane, amphatimines
- hallycinogens
- allow hallucinations, LSD, Mary j