German Vocab
Deutsch Kapitel Eins (E)
undefined, object
copy deck
- benoten
- to grade
- verdienen
- to earn
- die Förderung
- the promotion or advance
- ankommen
- to come in
- finanzieren
- to fund or pay for
- der Kontakt
- the contact
- die Königin
- the queen
- die Übung
- a class w/ less than 100 students but more than 25
- prüfen
- to test
- jobben
- to take a job (usually lower pay)
- der Ausbildungs
- the education
- Bafög (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz)
- federal law for the advancement of education
- durchführen
- to conduct a class
- unterstützen
- to support
- die Mensa
- the cafeteria in a university
- der Flur
- the commons area outside of the dorm rooms
- die Ferien
- the vacation
- einladen
- to invite
- zurückkommen
- to come back
- umziehen
- to move
- vorstellen
- to introduce
- ausruhen
- to relax
- vorbeikommen
- to come by or drop by
- aussehen
- to look (how someone looks)
- finanziell
- financial
- das Studentenheim
- The Dormitory
- aufstehen
- to wake up
- der Druck
- the stress
- das Seminar
- a class w/ 25 students or less
- einsteigen
- to get on (to board)
- gering
- minimal
- das Einzelzimmer
- the single room
- der Katalog
- the catolog
- aussteigen
- to get off
- anrufen
- to call
- der Staat
- the state
- fertig
- done
- das Gesetz
- the law
- das Vorlesungsverzeichnis
- the listing of lectures
- das Doppelzimmer
- the double room
- zuhören
- to listen to
- anfangen
- to begin
- der König
- the king
- aufpassen
- to focus (look out)
- zurückfahren
- to drive back
- der Berater
- the adviser
- s. leihen
- to borrow
- die Lehrveranstaltung
- university "teaching event"
- pauken
- to cram
- belegen
- to take
- die Studiengebühr
- the tuition
- aufhören
- to end or stop
- mitkommen
- to come along
- s. melden
- to apply (by giving one's name)
- das Studium
- The study of ...
- spazierengehen
- to walk around
- vorhaben
- to plan
- das Hauptfach
- The Major
- die Vorlesung
- a class w/ more than 100 students (a lecture)