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chapter 29

Chapter 29 vocabulary


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Dante Alighieri
Italian poet who wrote,''The Divine Comedy'' completed in 1321
Girolamo Cardano
A mathmatician who studied and made break throughs in algerbra and probability.
Niccolo Machiavelli
A statesman, historian and writer during the Medici's rule; wrote the book The Prince; advised rulers to make certain decisions
Sculpture and artist who's work expressed personality and mood.
The Statue of David
A famous sculpture by michalangelo by influneced by donatello
Leonardo da Vinci
Scientist, inventor, and artist that lived in the Rensisannce period.
Arno River
A very Important old bridge that is located in Italy that has the Ponte Vecchio bridge over it
Lorenzo the Magnificent
Member of the Medici family; patron of art and scholarship; ruled for more than 20 years.
Divine Comedy
a long poem written in the 1300s by Dante Alighieri who influenced many other authors
Medici Family
A wealthy ruling family of florence, They built palaces and had a strong military, and mainly patrons.
A republic governed and elected by councils in Italy.
A great Architecht that desighen the Duomo di Santa Maria del Fiore, and invented the hoist.

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