undefined, object
copy deck
- artifice
- craftiness; trickery
- pictograph
- a picture or drawing representing words or ideas
- parody
- a humorous imitation of a piece of literature or music
- incantation
- the chanting or speaking of words seeming to have magical power or used to create a magical spell
- recant
- to take back a formal statement or belief previosly made known
- artifact
- an object made by human beings, often refers to primitive tool or other relic from an earlier period
- aoide
- song
- rhaposody
- speech or writing expressing great pleasure or enthusiam
- Canto,Cantare, Cantavi, cantatum
- to sing
- ars, artis
- art
- artless
- without deciet or cunning; natural; simple
- ode
- a poem. usually adressed to a particular person, object or event that has simulated deep and noble feeling in the poet
- pingo, pingere, pinxi, pictum
- to paint; to embroider
- dipict
- to paint or draw or express in a picture or sculpture
- artisan
- a skilled craftperson