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Japans 501


undefined, object
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taisaku (大作)
a masterpiece, a work/picture/sculpture of large size; a voluminous work
taisekibutsu (堆積物)
a deposit, a sediment
tairo (退路を断つ)
to cut off the retreat
taiseki (体積)
volume, capacity
taishakutaishōhyō (貸借対照表)
a balance sheet
taisen (大戦)
a great war
tairyaku tsugi no gotoshi (大略次のごとし)
It may be summarized as follows
tairikukandandōdan (大陸間弾道弾)
an intercontinental ballistic missile, an ICBM
taisei (大勢)
the general trend, the [international] situation
taiseihōkan (大政奉還)
the restoration of the Imperial rule/government
tairiku (大陸)
a continent
tairetsu (隊列)
a file; a rank
taiseidōbutsu (胎生動物)
a viviparous animal
taisei ni sakaratte (大勢に逆らって)
against the current/tide
tairyokusokutei (体力測定)
a test of physical strength, a physical fitness test [-> 体力テスト]
taisengo no (大戦後の)
tairyō ni (大量に)
in large quantities
tairikuōdan no (大陸横断の)
Kita Taiseiyō jōyaku kikō (北大西洋条約機構)
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the NATO
taiseiha (体制派)
an Establishmentarian
tairitsu (対立)
taisai (大祭)
a grand festival
tairani suru (平らにする)
to level, to flatten, to smooth, to make [a thing] even, to make oneself at home
tairyūken (対流圏)
the troposphere
taisekichi (対蹠地)
the antipodes
tairyōyusō (大量輸送)
mass transportation
tairin no (大輪の)
tairu o haru (タイルを張る)
to lay/set tiles on
tairyōseisan (大量生産)
mass production
taisei ni aru (態勢にある)
to be prepared
tairitsu shita (対立した)
opposing [opinions], rival ~
tairana (平らな)
even, smooth, level, flat
taisetsuni (大切に)
carefully, with care
tairyoku o yashinau (体力を養う)
to develop/build up one's physical strength
tairitsu suru (対立する)
to be opposed to, to be confronted with
taisei (体制)
an organization, a system, a structure, an order; the Establishment
Taiseiyō (大西洋)
the Atlantic (Ocean)
taishakukankei (貸借関係)
financial relations, accounts
taisha (大赦)
an amnesty
taisan saseru (退散させる)
to disperse, to expel
tairubari no (タイル張りの)
tairyō (大漁/大猟)
a big/large/good catch
taisha (代謝)
Nihon no sengoseiji (日本の戦後政治)
Japanese post-war politics
taisetsuna (大切な)
important, valuable, precious
taisetsu ni suru (大切にする)
to value, to make much of, to treasure, to take good care of; to love, to pet
tairani (平らに)
evenly, smoothly, level
tairyū (対流)
taisa ga nai (大差がない)
There is no great/marked difference [between]
tairyokutesuto (体力テスト)
a test of physical strength, a physical fitness test [-> 体力測定]
tairikudana (大陸棚)
a continental shelf
taisan suru (退散する)
to disperse, to disappear, to take to flight
taisei (胎生)
hantaisei no (反体制の)
Taiseiyōōdan no (大西洋横断の)
taisha suru (退社する)
to leave/retire from a company, to leave the office
taisei suru (大成する)
to be crowned with success, to attain greatness
tairyaku o noberu (大略を述べる)
to give an outline, to give a summary of
taiseki suru (退席する)
to leave the room
taishaku (貸借)
a loan
tairu (タイル)
a tile
taiseki suru (堆積する)
to accumulate, to be heaped up, to be piled up
tairageru (平らげる)
to subdue, to suppress; to eat up, to finish
taisaku o kōjiru (対策を講じる)
to take counter-measures to meet, to take measures to cope with [the situation]
taisei o totonoeru (態勢を整える)
to prepare for/to do
taisen suru (対戦する)
to fight [with]
tairan (大乱)
a great rebellion
tairyoku ga otoroeru (体力が衰える)
one's strength declines
taisenmae no (大戦前の)
tairikuteki (大陸的)
taisa (大佐)
a colonel, a (group) captain
tairei***u (大礼服)
a full dress, a court dress
tairei (大礼)
a state ceremony, a coronation
taisei ni shitagatte (大勢に従って)
with the current/tide
gojūgo nen taisei (五十五年体制)
the 1955 setup
taisenseiseki (対戦成績)
the win-loss records
kisotaisha (基礎代謝)
basal metabolism
tairikuseikikō (大陸性気候)
a continental climate
taishi (大志)
an ambition, an aspiration
taisanboku (泰山木)
a magnolia
ukeiretaisei (受入れ態勢)
preparedness/readiness/preparations to receive [new personnel], a reception setup [for immigrants]
taisei o bankai suru (退勢を挽回する)
to restore one's declining fortunes, to rally
taisei (体勢)
a posture

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