Spanish Vocab.
undefined, object
copy deck
- olas
- waves
- buzon
- mailbox
- dar una vuelta
- to take a walk, stroll, or ride
- periodista
- journalist
- velas
- candles
- inyeccion
- injection
- abajo
- down
- semaforo
- traffic light signal
- gripe
- flu
- alimento
- food
- peaton
- pedestrian
- fotografo
- photographer
- enojarse
- to get angry
- fiebre
- fever
- casarse
- to get married to
- habia
- there was
- vuelo
- flight
- bellas artes
- fine arts
- consulta
- consultation
- estacionamiento
- parking space
- disfrutar con los amigos
- to enjoy time with friends
- estar de acuerdo
- to be in agreement
- sonreirse
- to smile
- delante de
- in front of
- escultura
- sculpture
- reunirse
- to get together
- despedirse
- to say goodbye to
- cruce
- crossing
- entrenarse
- to train
- sorpresa
- surprise
- enamorarse
- to fall in love with
- nutritivo
- nutritious
- diario
- daily
- exclamar
- to exclaim
- para empezar
- to begin with
- cansarse
- to get tired
- alimentacion
- nourishment
- despertarse
- to wake up
- pollo asado
- roast chicken
- cunado
- brother in law
- fuera de
- outside
- sentirse
- to feel
- disculparse
- to apologize
- cantar en el coro
- to sing in the chorus
- revisar
- to review
- sabor
- taste
- al contrario
- on the contrary
- infeccion
- infection
- agente de viajes
- travel agent
- bajar un rio en canoa
- to go down a river by canoe
- habichuelas coloradas
- red beans
- saludable
- healthy
- estudiar las artes marciales
- to study martial arts
- frente de
- facing, opposite
- esconderse
- to hide
- consultario
- doctor's office
- comenzar
- to start
- lujoso
- luxurious
- exposicion
- exhibit
- alrededor
- around
- rodilla
- knee
- bajar por
- to go down
- regresar
- to go back
- escultor
- sculptor
- subir por
- to go up
- reportero
- reporter
- sentarse
- to sit down
- encantar
- to delight
- mostrador
- counter
- dentro de
- inside
- plantano verde
- plantain
- arriba
- up
- boleto
- ticket
- aburrirse
- to get bored
- escritor
- writer
- obra
- work of art
- conductor
- driver
- sabroso
- tasty
- arreglarse
- to get ready
- tener verguenza
- to be ashamed
- darse cuenta de
- to realize
- lastima
- pity
- reportaje
- report
- periodismo
- journalism
- reirse
- to laugh
- muneca de peluche
- stuffed animal
- auxiliar de vuelo
- flight attendant
- portarse bien
- to behave well
- equipaje
- luggage
- obtener
- to obtain
- llegada
- arrival
- dolor de cabeza
- headache
- seguir
- to follow
- olvidar
- to forget
- llevarse bien
- to get along well
- viaje
- trip
- rebaja
- sale
- sobre
- on
- consejo
- advice
- preocuparse por
- to be worried about
- mantenerse sano
- to be healthy
- junto de
- next to
- debajo de
- underneath
- pelearse
- to fight
- atletismo
- athletics
- relajarse
- to relax
- en seguida
- at once
- balanceado
- balanced
- pintura
- painting
- parada
- stop
- asustarse de
- to be scarred of
- pariente
- relative
- vecindario
- neighborhood
- mientras
- while
- aconsejar
- to advise
- madrastra
- stepmother
- bienestar
- well being
- estirarse
- to stretch
- empezar
- to begin
- puente
- bridge
- acampar en las montanas
- to camp in the mountains
- sudar
- to sweat
- retrato
- portrait
- tobillo
- ankle