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Cold War


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Vietnam Conflict
1.Us military lossed support of people 2. North Vietnam became a Communist country
Cuban Missile Crisis
1. Might go to War. 2. could launch Nuclear weapons
"Iron Curtain"
symbol of cold war
refers to post-World War II ideologies, political movements, and social movements seeking to revive Nazism
Temporary alliance of various political parties
Great Leap Forward
Urged Chinese peasants to make superhuman efforts to increase farm output
Five-year Plan
Plan to reconsruction in China after the Great Leap Foward
Mikhail Gorbachev
Leader after Yelstin
Period of Relaxation from Tension
People's Republic of China
Chinese who fled to Tawain
Policy of openness instituted by Soviet leader in the 1980's
Cold War policy of limiting Communism to areas already under Soviet control
Tiananmen Square
Protesters where shot and killed
Cold War
Causes-Fall of Communism, fall of USSR, and economic and foreign policy troubles
1.North Vietnam wanted them to become communist so they helped them int their Civil War
Korean War
1. North Korea is Communist 2. Allied with China and Soviets
Berlin Airlift
US dropped off supplies to Germans in Est Berlin
Boris Yeltsin
Leader after Krushchev
Community in which property is held in common, living quarters are shared, and physical needs are provided in exchange for work assigned jobs
Cultural Revolution
Chinese revolution b/t communists and nationalists
Someone who speaks out against the Gov't
Chinese Communist Revolution
1.Communism in China 2. Communist allied with Soviets
Division of Germany
1. Germany split in half 2. Berlin split in half
A region in the Caucasus Mountains
Ban on trade
Vladimir Putin
Leader after Gorbachev
Fall of USSR
Causes-The Gorbachev Revolution
Berlin Blockade
Soviets blocked US aid to East Berlin
Halt in fighting
Restructing of the Soviet Governement and the economy in the 1980's
Common currency used by members nations of the European Union
Kim Jong II
Leader of North Korea-Communist
Nikita Krushchev
Leader of USSR after Stalin died
Fail to make payments
Truman Doctrine
Made clear that the US would resist Soviet expansion in Europe
Nuclear Test ban policy
Stop testing nuclear bombs in the atmosphere
Pooling of land and labor in an attempt to increase efficiency
"Little Red Book"
Book that praised Mao
Syngman Rhee
South Korea's leader
Berlin Wall
Wall put up by Soviets to keep East Berlin's in East Berlin
Afghan War
USSR invaded Afghan to gain some control in the Middle East
Ho chi minh
Led Japan against French forces who were trying to recapture Indochina
Prime Minister
Four Modernization
Emphasized agriculture, industry, science, and defense in China
Arms race
1.Nuclear war 2. Cuban Missile Crisis
Khmer Rouge
Overthrew Cambodian Gov't
Berlin wall
1. Communism in East Berlin 2.Berlin Wall
Domino Theory
Belief that if one nation fell to communism, neighboring countries would fall to it too
Yalta Conference
Conference that set German Borders
Military alliance b/t US and Canada
Independent state
Soviet Expansion into Eastern Europe
1. Spread Communsim
Helmut Kohl
chancellor when the Berlin Wall fell
Marshall Plan
US aid to European Deomcracies
Warsaw Pact
Military alliance between Communist countries

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