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Geology- Lecture 3


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Define: Compressional
When you have convergent forces
Define: Tensional
when you have divergent forces
Define: Shear forces
When you have transform boundaries
Define: Anticlines
looks like an A oldest in the middle
Define: Synclines
Looks like an U oldest on the outside
Define Symmetrical folds
dips the same
Define: Asymmetrical fold
dips are different
Define: Overturned folds
the top of the layer is facing the bottm
Define: recumbent folds
extreme overturn, when the fold is on its side
Define: Joints
fractures with no displacement. Lots of pressure, then pressure is releases. The rock fractures apart
Define: Faults
Fractures with displacement
Define: Dip-Slip fault
the direction of movement is along the fault
Define: Normal faults
when the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall. Rocks pulled apart and lengthened.
Define: Reverse Fault
When the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall. It shortens the rock unit
Define: Thrust fault
a reverse fault that has a gentle dip
Define: Strike-Slip Fault
when the rocks move side to side (left or right lateral)
Define: Body Waves
P wave (fast, move through solids and liquids, fastest) S wave (can't go through liquids)
Define: Seismometers
measures earthquakes: P wave --> S wave --> Surface wave
How do you figure out how far away an earthquake is?
the time between P and S waves
How do figure out where the earthquake is?
using three seismographs
How do you measure the size of an earthquake?
maximum S wave
Define: Richter Scale
-based on amplitude of largest seismic wave -based on Log10 scale
Define: Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale
based on touchy feely science. "Are animals acting funny"
What are some famous earthquakes in North America
-San Fransciso 1960. Most of the city destroyed. Got america looking at earthquakes -Alaska 1964, largest earthquake in USA
What are some famous earthquakes in the world
-Chile 1960, largest in the world -Turkey 1999, killed 17000 due to shitty buildings -Sumatra 2004, Tsunami
What are earthquake hazards?
-buildings fall -repercussions (landslides, liquefaction, fire, tsunami)
Define: liquefaction
solid material behaving (flowing) like a liquid
Define: Parkfield Experiment
in 1985 researches predicted that there was a 95% change of a magnitude 6. They were way off in time.
Define: Lahars
mixture of ash and water (melted snow), its like a flood
Define: Shield Volcanoes looks/type of lava/eruption style
-broad gently curved slopes -mostly basaltic lava flows -flows, very runny
Define: Cinder Cones looks/type of lava/eruption style
-cone shapped hills,several hundred meters high. Contain loose black or red pebble size volcanic cinders with larger volcanic bombs. -Basaltic -
Define: Stratovolcanoes looks/type of lava/eruption style
-large, nearly symmetrical volcanoes. Comes from a central vent -really explosive because the lava is andesitic or rhyolitic
What are two examples of hot spots?
Hawii and Yellowstone
What are some volcanic hazards?
lahar (ash and water) pyroclastic flow (mix of gas and solid ash. Lava behaves like a liquid)
Famous Volcanoes
-Mt. Vesuvius blew up Pompeii -Mt. St. Helens (largest recorded volcano in the US) -Yellowstone (everyone would be shit. Super Volcano) -Mt. Mazama (40X more powerful than Mt. St. Helens, created Crater Lake)
Where are the North American Cordillera and the Castigate Range
formed by oceanic crust being subducted by continental crust. Its goes all the way across the west cost of the USA
General Overview of what happened to form the Southern Appalachians
1,000mya= supercontient 750mya= rifting of supercontinent 600mya= Iapetus Ocean (proto Atlantic) 500mya= subduction in Iapetus 460mya= piedmont terranies collide with NA 400mya= Godwana terranes collide with NA 300mya= Gondwana collides w/NA and forms Pangea 220mya= Pangea rifts apart
What forms North Carolina
Blue Ride+ Piedmont terrane+ Gondwanna terranes+ Costal Plain
Define: Orogeny
mountain building time period
Define: Geologic window
when older rocks are pushed over younger rocks. Then part of the older rocks erode away exposing younger rocks underneath
What are the major mountain building processes?
- Oceanic Oceanic subduction zones -Oceanic Continental subduction zone -Continental Continental collisions -Continental extension
What is an example of: Oceanic Oceanic subduction zone?
Aleution (Alaska) Japan arc
What is an example of:Oceanic Continental subduction zone
Cascade range in Washington
What is an example of:Continental Continental collsion
What is an example of:Continental extension
basin and range Nevada
Define: Strike
a horizontal plane bisection the rock (its where when you walk you don't go up or down)
Define: Dip
the direction the water falls

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