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Foreign Service Written Exam


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Define "Balance of Power."
A concept that describes how states deal with the problems of national security in a context of shifting alliances and alignments.
Define "Bipolarity."
A balance of power system involving two power centers. Example: The US and The Soviet Union post WWII.
Define "Polycentrism."
A balance of power situation involving multiple power centers and participants.
Define "Foreign Office."
An executive agency that formulates and implements foreign policy.
Define "Foreign Policy."
The official strategy of a state regarding how it will relate to other states and international organizations.
What is the Realist Approach to Foreign Policy?
The Realist approach assumes that the use of power to promote the national interest of a state is the most successful foreign poliicy.
What is the Idealist Approach to Foreign Policy?
The Idealist approach assumes that a foreign policy based on morals, legal codes, and international norms is the most effective foreign policy because it encourages unity and cooperation among states rather than competition and conflict.
What is the Revisionist Approach to Foreign Policy?
A Revisionst approach to foreign policy seeks to alter territorial, ideological, or power distribution to the state's advantage.
What is the Status Quo Approach to Foreign Policy?
The Status Quo Approach to Foreign Policy seeks to maintain the territorial, ideological, or power distribution of the state.
Name some elements of national power.
-Size, location, climate, topography of a national territory
-Natural resources and production
-Population and demographics
-Size and efficiency of industry
-Extent/effectiveness of transportation and the media
-Science and technology
-Political, Economic, and Social system
-Quality of diplomacy
-Policies/attitudes of leadership
-National character/morale
Define "National Interest."
The elements that constitute a state's most vital needs.
What are Foreign Policy Objectives?
Foreign Policy Objectives are the goals of a foreign policy, derived by relating a state's national interest to the international situation and the power available to the state.
What is a Capability Analysis?
A Capability Analysis is an evaluation by the state of its military, political, diplomatic, and economic abilities to see if it has the means to achieve national interest and foreign policy objectives.
What is Intelligence?
Intelligence is information gathered by the state about another state's capabilities and intentions.
What is a National Style?
A National Style is the behavior pattern of a state dealing with its foreign policy problems.
What is Unilateralism?
Unilaterialism is a state's dependence on its own power to maxime security and achieve national interests.
What are Alliances?
Alliances are groups of states in opposition to other groups of states. Each alliance is developed to help the member states promote their national interests and achieve foreign policy objectives.
What is Collective Security?
Collective Security is a power system in which each state would guarantee the security and independence of every other state.
What is World Government?
World Government is a theoretical power system in which all states would surrender their sovereignty and create a supranational state to govern the affairs of the entire world.
What is Power?
Power is influence and control excercised by one nation over others.
What are North-South relations?
North-South relations are the relationship between industrialized, developed countries (the North) and mostly poor, developing countries (the South). Most developed countries are geographically north of Lesser Developed Countries.
What is Apartheid?
Apartheid is South Africa's FORMER racial segregation policy which was designed to keep the white European minority in power over the African majority and other racial minorities.
What is Charismatic Leadership?
Charismatic Leadership is usually headed by an individual who is revered by the people of a state and generates widespread and emotional popular support.
What is Colonialism?
Colonialism is the rule of an area and its people by an external nation with an Imperialist policy. Two major types:

-The transportation of emigrants from the mother country to form a new political entity at a distant location

-The imposition of rule over technologically lesser-developed peoples
What is a Colony?
A Colony is a noncontiguous possession of a sovereign state, established by settlement, cession, and/or conquest.
What is a Leasehold?
A Leasehold is an area used by a foreign state under an agreement with the sovereign state that owns the area.
What is a Protectorate?
A Protectorate is a relationship between a strong sovereign state and a semisovereign state or an area not recognized as a state. Two traditional reasons for their establishment:

-To thwart the interests of third states
-To administer law in order in an area where no responsible government exists
What is a Sphere of Influence?
A Sphere of Influence is an area dominated by the national interests of a foreign power.
What is Ethnocentrism?
Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own group and culture is superior to all others.
What is Imperialism?
A relationship in which an area and its people are made subject to the will of a foreign state.
What is Cultural Imperialism?
Cultural Imperialism is the imposition of an alien ideology or civilization on an unwilling society.
What is Economic Imperialism?
Economic Imperialism is the involvement of one state in the economy of another so that the power of the sovereign state is impaired.
What is a Nation?
A Nation is a social group that shares a common ideology, institutions, customs, and a sense of homogeneity. It may be a state, part of a state, or extend beyond the borders of a state.
What is Nationalism?
Nationalism is the popular will that seeks to preserve the identity of a gropu by institutionalizing it in the form of a state.
What is Chauvinism?
Chauvinism is an extreme superpatriotism which implies an uncritical devotion to a state, jealousy of its honor, and an exaggerated sense of its glory.
What is Integral Nationalism?
Integral Nationalism glorifies the state as the highest focus of individual loyalties.
What is Liberal Nationalism?
Liberal Nationalism is the aspiration of a group to achieve statehood based on popular sovereignty. It emphasizes freedom from foreign domination.
What is National Self-Determination?
National Self-Determination is the idea that a group of people who consider themselves seperate and distinct from others have the right to determine the state in which they will live and the form of government it will have.
What is Xenophobia?
Xenophobia is the fear and distrust of foreigners and the policies and objectives of other states.
What is Irredentism?
Irredentism is the desire of the people of a state to annex the contiguous territories of another state that are inhabited by mostly members of linguistic and/or cultural minorities of the first state.
What is the PLO?
The PLO is a political and military organization that claims to represent the interests of the Palestinian people in their opposition of Israel and quest for a homeland.
What is Zionism?
Zionism is a movement which promotes political, economic, financial, and military support for Israel.

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