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Chapter 6 Vocab - Hewitt


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Antipathy (n)
feeling against; distaste; repugnance; dislike; enmity
Autopsy (n)
(literally, "a seeing for oneself') medical examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death; postmortem examination
Automation (n)
Technique of making a process self operating by means of built-in electronic controls
Aristocracy (n)
government by a small privileged upper class; ruling class of nobles; nobility; privileged class; gentry
Kleptomania (n)
insane impulse to steal
Antonym (n)
word meaning the opposite of another word; opposite
Unorthodox (adj)
not orthodox; not in accord with accepted, standard, or approved belief or practice; unconventional; heretical
Antibiotic (n)
substance obtained from tiny living organisms that works against harmful bacteria
Homogenize (v)
make homogeneous
Technocracy (n)
government or country governed by technical experts
Aristocrat (n)
advocates of aristocracy; member of the aristocracy; noble; patrician
Automaton (n)
(literally, "self-acting thing") purely mechanical person following a routine; robot
Pedagogue (n)
teacher of children
Antihistamine (n)
drug used against certain allergies and cold symptoms
Odometer (n)
instrument attached to a vehicle for measuring the distance traversed
Antiseptic (n)
substance that prevents infection by checking the growth of microorganisms; germicide
Chronometer (n)
instrument for measuring time very accurately
Synchronize (v)
cause to agree in time; make simultaneous
Onomatopoeia (n)
use of words whose sound suggests their meaning
Maniac (n)
raving lunatic; mad or insane person; crackpot
Orthodox (adj)
generally accepted, especially in religion; conventional; approved; conservative
Anachronism (n)
error in chronology or time order
Pandemonium (n)
wild uproar; very noisy din; wild disorder; tumult; racket
Panorama (n)
complete, unobstructed view
Photometer (n)
instrument for measuring intensity of light
Encyclopedia (n)
work offering alphabetically arranged information on various branches of knowledge
Mania (n)
madness, insanity; excessive fondness, crave
Pediatrician (n)
physician specializing in the treatment of babies and children
Pyromania (n)
insane impulse to set fires
Authentic (adj)
(literally, "from the master himself") genuine, real, reliable, trustworthy
Hypodermic (adj)
beneath the skin
Orthopedist (n)
physician specializing in the correction and prevention of deformities, especially in children
Diameter (n)
straight line passing through the center of a body or figure from one side to the other; length of such a line; thickness; width
Democratic (adj)
based on the principles of democracy, or government by the people
Pantomime (n)
dramatic performance that is all signs and gestures without words
Symmetry (n)
correspondence in measurements, shape, etc, on opposite sides of a dividing line; well-balanced arrangement of parts; harmony; balance
Genealogy (n)
history of the descent of a person of family from an ancestor; lineage; pedigree
Democracy (n)
government or country governed by the people; rule by the majority
Pan-American (adj)
of or pertaining to all the countries of North, South, and Central America
Democrat (n)
Member of the Democratic Party
Panoply (n)
complete suit of armor; complete covering or equipment; magnificent array
Epidemic (n)
outbreak of a rapidly spreading contagious disease affecting many people at the same time; plague; rash
Dermis (n)
inner layer of the skin
Antitoxin (n)
substance formed in the body as the result of the introduction of a toxin (poison) and capable of acting against that toxin
Meter (n)
device for measuring; unit of measure in the metric system; 39.37 inches
Heterogeneous (adj)
differing in kind; dissimilar; not uniform; varied
Orthopedic (adj)
having to do with orthopedics, the science dealing with the correction and prevention of deformities, especially in children.
Dermatologist (n)
physician specializing in dermatology, the science dealing with the skin and its diseases
Taxidermist (n)
one who practices taxidermy, the art if preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals in lifelike form
Autonomy (n)
Right of self government; independence; sovereignty
Panacea (n)
remedy for all ills; cure—all; universal remedy; elixir
Chronological (adj)
arranged order of time
Chronology (n)
arrangement of data or events in order of time or occurrence
Demagogue (n)
political leader who stirs up the people for personal advantage; rabble-rouser
Genesis (n)
birth or coming into being of something; origin
Antidote (n)
remedy that acts against the effects of a poison; countermeasure
Epidemic (adj)
affecting many people in an area at the same time; widespread
Antagonist (n)
one who is against, or contends with, another in a struggle, fight, or contest; opponent; adversary; foe
Democratize (v)
make democratic
Pediatrics (n)
branch of medicine dealing with the care, development, and diseases of babies and children
Pseudonym (n)
fictitious name used by an author; pen name; alias
Autocrat (n)
Ruler exercising self-derived, absolute power, despot, dictator
Pedagogy (n)
art of teaching
Autobiography (n)
Story of a person's life written by the person himself or herself
Homogeneous (adj)
of the same kind; similar; uniform
Speedometer (n)
instrument for measuring speed; tachometer
Automatic (adj)
Acting by itself; Self regulating
Autocracy (n)
government or country governed by one individual with self-derived, unlimited power
Synonym (n)
word having the same meaning as another word
Barometer (n)
instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure as an aid in determining probable weather changes.
Anonymous (adj)
nameless; unnamed; unidentified
Antibody (n)
substance manufactured in the body that works against germs or poisons produced by germs
Maniacal (adj)
characterized by madness; insane; raving
Epidermis (n)
outer layer of the skin
Orthodontist (n)
dentist specializing in orthodontics, a branch of dentistry dealing with straightening and adjusting of teeth
Acronym (n)
name formed from the first letter or letters of other words
Autograph (n)
Person's signature written by himself or herself
Bureaucracy (n)
government by bureaus or groups of officials; administration characterized by excessive red tape and routine
Orthography (n)
correct spelling
Chronicle (n)
historical account of events in the order of time; history; annals
Homonym (n)
word that sounds like another but differs in meaning
Plutocracy (n)
government or country governed by the rich
Autonomous (adj)
Self governing; independent; sovereign

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