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Science Periodicity


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What is the charge of a cation
Inverse Square Law
Force is proportional to Q1 times Q2 over R squared
How the value of properties vary left to right in a period and top to bottom in a group
Periodicity of electron affinity
Left to right affinity increases because the amount of energy given off increases, Top to bottom it decreases
Primary Ionization energy
Amount of energy to remove first election from an atom. Ionization energy is proportional to atoms ENC
Going left to right the ENC
Secondary Ionization energy
Amount of energy required to remove the second electron. Greater value than primary
Attraction that an atom has for other atoms electrons. Can be 0-4 zero is no attraction and 4 is greatest attraction
Atomic Radius
Distance from nucleus to an atoms outer electron
As the magnitude of the charge or number of protons increases in the nucleus
the force of attraction increases making a direct relationship
As the distance between the nucleus and electrons decreases
the force of attraction increases making an indirect relationship
Elements that border the stairstep line
Number of electrons
Ionic Radius
A way of compariting the physical size of ions. Compare the number of protons to the number of electrons
Number of protons
Each period in the periodic table corresponds to
a principal energy level
Energy is added
1. Effective Nuclear Charge
How hard the nucleus pulls on the outermost electron
Distance between the nucleus and the electron your intrested in
Describes atoms with the same number of electrons
The more electrons there are to hold on to, the more the strength of the nucleus gets diffused
Periodicity of Electronegativity
As the nucleus gets stronger, so does the electronegativity
Homonuclear Diatomic Molecule
How we measure atomic radius with 2 of the same atoms attached together
Metalic Properties
Conducts electricity, silver white or grey, conducts heat, is shiny, can be made into sheets and stretched
Non Metals take on ____ when they react
Nonmetalic properties
Comes in all colors, insulates heat and electricity
Electron affinity
The energy given off when an electron is added to an atom exothermic reaction
Going top to bottom the ENC...
Decreases because there is an increase in distance
Person who made the first periodic table
Dmitri Mendeleev
Energy is released
A Metal gives up ____ when it reacts
Weak nuclei are on the ______ Strong nuclei are on the ______
Left, Right

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