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Natural Resources


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sedimentary rock
rocks fromed from sediment derived not only from rock fragments but also from plant and animal remains
a cone-shaped hill or mountain around this opening, built up of the material that is forced out
igneous rock
produced by fire, great heat, or the action of a volcano; solidified from a molten state. Igneous rock is formed by the cooling and solidification of magma
a chemical made or derived from petroleum or natural gas
a substance obtained by mining or digging in the earth
a solid, hard black substance that burns and gives off heat. Coal is composed mostly of carbon. It is formed from partly decayed vegetable matter under great pressure and heat in the earth
a white, radioactive metallic chemical element that weighs more than any other element in nature
a shaking or sliding of the ground. It is caused by the sudden movement of masses of rock along a fault or by changes in the size and shape of masses of rock far beneath the earth's surface
ny on of several substances made from various minerals, wood ashes, blast furnace dust, or the like, and used in making soap, fertilizers, and glass
the science or art of metals. It includes the study of their properties and structure, the separation and refining of metals from their ores, the production of alloys, and the shaping and treatment of metals by heat and rolling
the heaviest, thickest form of petroleum
metamorphic rock
Rock changed in structure by heat, moisture, and pressure
a white substance found in the earth and in seawater; sodium chloride; table salt. Salt is used to season and preserve food and in many industrial processes
iron ore
The term "iron ore" is used when the rock is sufficiently rich in iron minerals to be mined economically
On 13 Feb 1947, the Leduc No 1 well, in Alberta, successfully tapped the huge Leduc oil field. By the end of 1947, some 30 wells in the field were producing 3500 barrels of oil a day
Tectonic Movement
belonging to the structure of the earth's crust and to general changes in it, such as folding or faulting
Canadian Shield
a huge, rocky region that curves around Hudson Bay like a giant horseshoe. The Shield covers half the land area of Canada
a metallic chemical element that looks like silver and is somewhat like iron. Nickel is hard and used as an alloy and in electroplating
all of the surrounding things, conditions, and influences affecting the growth or development of living things
soil conservation
preventing soil erosion from water and wind
an oily, dark-colored, flammable liquid found in the earth, consisting mainly of a mixture of various hydrocarbons

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