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science final


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used for building materals and industrial needs
divergence in the oceanic crust causes
sea floor spreading
energy for water cycle
the sun
animal plankton
aa lava
rough jagged block
kettle lakes
formed by glacier
what forms from contiental continental boundaries
mountain ranges- the himalayas
continental contiental convergence
the collision between the continental fragment and resulted and formed folded mountains
neritic zone
marine life zone
3 layered structure of the ocean
shalow surface mized zone a transition zone and a deep zone
what determines waters vertical position in the ocean of water
fractures in the earth wher emovemtn has occoured
glassy texture
very rapid cooling
accumulation of sediment dound along the shore of lake or oceans
processes that decrease salinity
precipitation- sea ice melting- ice bergs melting-
spheriodal waethering
edges of rock to be more rounded
as sediment move away from the mid ocean ridge
are older
tidal pattern with 2 high and low tides
semidiurnal tides
what forms from oceanic oceanic boundarys
volcanoes and volcanic ranges
abyssal zone
low temperatures low oxygen low high pressure- few nutrients- and no sunlight
a wave in shallow water slows causing the wave to bend and align itself with the underwater contours
warm wet tropical climtes
sources of sea salt
chanical waethering of rocks or the continents and lements found in seawater is form earths interoir
structures most damaged by an earthquake
brick structures
most abundant salts in ocean water
common table salt
sedimentary rock formed
preexisting rock
metamorphism can casue
recrystallization compaction and crystals to become larger
sandstone aquifier
purify water
maganese nodules
hydrogenous seidment -contain resources from the ocean that are hard to mine
in mountanous areas the continental crust is
thicker than usual
fine grained
fast cooling
the downward movement along a curved surfae
metamorphism means
to change form
the ability to transmit water thopugh connected pore spaces
biogenous sedimetn
consists of shells and skeltons of marine animals and algea
drift with ocean current- all oraganisms and bacteria
cause of earthquaks
elastic rebound
artesian wall
groundwater rided on own pressure
igneous rocks formed
crystallization of molten magma
seawater density
influenced by salinty and temperature
elastic deformation
deformation in which the object reutnns to its orginalk shape
steeper on windward side
renewable resources
replenished over short spans of time
earthquakes assosiated with what geological process
compositon of plates
oceanic and continental
explanation for plate techtonics
convection currents
nuclear fission
when the nuclei split uranium 235
cinder cones
a small volcano built primarily of pyroclastic material ejected from a single cvent steep sided slope
stream discharfe
the volume of water flowing past a certain point in a given unit of time, and increases the source to the mouth,
this produced the mountain of japan
oceanic ocean convergence
4 major oceans
produced by compression
spheriodial weathering
causes the corners and edges of rock to be more rounded
pelagic zone
open zone of any depth
processes that increase silinity
evaportaiton formation of ice
distance to and earthquake is determined how?
arrival times of p and s waves
crafts for deep sea reasearch- long period and controlled by computers
contour plowing
control erosions
cone of saturation
produce the most water
red sea was formed by
a divergent boundary
composition of continetal crust
major mountain types
folded, fault block, and volcanic
slow movemtn along a fault
wegeners explanation for contiental drift and why it was rejected
moons gravitational pull moved the ocnitnents `
sea floor spreading-
plate techtonics produces new oceanic lithosphere at ocean ridges
benthic zone
sea bottom surface with marine life
when water freezes
its volume increases
gas hydrates
rapidkly decomposed at the surface temp
heat- decrese in pressure-water can lower the melting temperat of mantle rock enough to form magma
barachanoid dunes
scalloped--wind is a right angle to it
transpiration o
the realease of water into the atmosphere from plants
energy in water
no visible evidence
the percent of pore spaces
hang down
mohs scale
list og 10 minerals from hardest to softest
cause of soil erosion
plate techtonics
temp of water moving toward the equator
as cold water currents travel toward the equator, they help moderate the wam temperatures of adjacent land areas
major cause of floods
rapid snow melts
types of weathering in deserts
course gained
slow cooling
conditions of formation of metamorphic rocks
a few km below the earths surface
produced by faults in the ocean
greatest amount of soil formation
warm wet climates
karst topography
the dissolving of rock due to acid.
what is a transform fualt boundary
the san andreas fault.
resources found in ocean
copper nickel and colbalt
collection of ice and snow
zone of aeration
cone of air
the grinding action of rock fragment in water
rate of waethering factors
climate-composition of rock- surface area
large masses of igneous rock that formed when magma intruded at depth and became crystallized- intrusive0 and biggest ban be core of mountains
how did they account for identical fosils on widely separtateed continents
one big contient that split apart pangea
neap tides
tides that have the lowest tiadal range
nonrenewable resources
take mjillions of years to form and accumulate
famous transform faulty in US.
san andreas
extrusive igneous rocks
cools quickly and has no crystals
all animals capable of moving independently of the ocean currents or swimming on other means of propulsion
the rising of cold water from deeper lawters to replace warmer surface
volcanic neck
reamains after the volcano has eroded
intrusive igneous rocks
haS crystals and cools slowly
wind energy
5 10 of the deman for electricty
hydrothermal solutions
dissolving oridinal mineral and then depositing new ones
balance in the water cycle
when average annual preciptation over earth equals the amount of water that evaportates
evidence of sea floor spreading
strips of alternating polerity which lie as mirror images across the ocean ridges
metamorphic rock formed
heat pressure and chemically active fluids
richter scale- what is the increase in wave amplitude from when increased by one
10 times
mass movement
the transfer of rock an soil downslope due to gravity
what occures at the continental margin of the pacific ocean in the us
oceanic crust plunges beneath the continental crust- volcanic activity and earthquakes
transmitting sound waves townard the ocean bottom
long shore current
a near shore current that dlows parallel to the shore
motion of water of particles in ocen
they orbit in circles
transform fault boundaries
plates grind past eachother without destroying the lithosphere

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