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Theory of Use and Disuse
a. If you use a particular trait, it will be kept and passed on to next generation. b. If you don't use a particular trait, it will disappear
Disruptive Selection
In polygenic traits the average trait is selected against and the 2 extreme traits are preferred
Genetic Recombination
1) law of Independant Assortment 2)Crossing Over
gametic isolation
part of reprodcutive isolation: protein receptors on the egg cell do not match the protein receptors on sperm cell
an organism gets buried by mud, then the mud hardens; organism decays then an outline of organism exists
Are Lamarck's or Darwin's ideas accepted now?
behavioral isolation
part of reprodcutive isolation: courtship pattern is different
organism steps into a soft material, the material hardens so a partial print remains
phylogenetic tree
how you get the evolution of organisms over time
extreme cold
preservation of soft tissue (Wooly Mammouth)
Theory of Aquired Characteristics, Theory of Use and Disuse
What are Lamarcks 2 theories?
vestigial structure
structure still exists, but no longer has a function (human appendix, human tail bone, human wisdom teeth, human little toe)
the evolution of the species occured gradually over time
homologous structures
similar in structure, different in function (hand of human, flipper of whale, wing of bird)
anaerobic condition
no oxygen present, bacteria of decay caon't survive without oxygen, so no decay of organism will occur (fish)
Stabilizing Selection
In polygenic traitsthe average trait is preferred and the 2 extreme traits are selected against
variation, overproduction, competition, adaptation, natural selection, speciation
What is the theory of natural selection?
analogous structures
different in structure, similar in function (wing of bird, wing of bee)
Convergent Evolution
A type of speciation where different species begin to evolve and look similar in structure because they have similar surviving traits int the environment
A type of speciation where the interaction between 2 species that couae them to evolve and have certain structures (birds and flowers)
mechanical isolation
part of reprodcutive isolation: different reproductive organs
bottleneck effect
Onte type of genetic drift where a small population is affected by hurricane, flooding, earthquake (some die out and some surivive)
trees will release sap and coat any insect on tree, then sap hardens into...
Darwin; Gould and Eldredge
Who discovered gradualism? Punctuated Equilibrium?
geographic isolation
A type of speciation where species seperated by a land barrier (river, nountain, vallye, continent shifting) even if the 2 populations came together, they are so different they are considered different species
Mutation, Genetic Recombination, Migration, Gene expression
Sources of Variation
Punctuated Equilibrium
the population remains relatively constant and then evolves quickly over time
Change in DNA occurs in the genetics of the gametes (not somatic cells(body cells))
tar pits
an organism gets trapped into a..., then (sedimentary) rocks will cover the organism and preserve in anearobic conditions
reproductive isolation
A type of speciation where reproductive mechanism causing species not to produce offspring
organism that has minerals that slowly replace the soft tissue (plants)
Theory of Aquired Characteristics
If you need a trait to survive, then you will gain (aquire) it.
Directional Selection
In polygenic traits one extreme is favored over another extreme
founder's effect
Onte type of genetic drift where a small representative of the population moving (migrating) to a new area and populate it
genetic drift
small population that is affected by a random event (by chance)
individuals move into or out of a population
Divergent evolution
A type of speciation where a common ancestor which evolves into different species and depending upon which organisms are best adapted to its environment
temporal isolation
part of reprodcutive isolation: time differences when organism wants to mate (seasonal polinations of plants)
Who refuted lamarck's idea of use and disuse by conducting a mice experiment. (cut tails off, bread mice, offspring had tails, repeated experiment, offspring born with tails)

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