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- Kind of lifeforms SETI search for
- advanced civilizations
- characteristics of life
- water based, gas exchange, adaptation, cells, metabolism (chem reaction), reproduce, carbon based, hc meostasis, genetic mat,response to stimulate
- Kind of lifeforms astrobiologists search for
- organisms that survive in universal environments where there is no other life
- where Astrobiologists search for life
- unvsval enviroments within solar system, especilally moons
- search for extraterestial intelligence
- Evidence that Dr.Arroway traveled in contact
- 18 hours of static
- the act of searching for extremophiles
- astrobiology
- oxygen hating
- anaerobe
- evidence Astrobiologists search for
- soil samples fossils, and organic molecules. H20,ice. energy saurces (sunlight, nutrients ect.)
- Where SETI searches for life
- Out side solar system
- Evidence SETI searches for
- radio signals
- first layer of the code in contact
- sound
- Second layer of code in contontact
- Prime numbers
- third layer of code in contact
- Vdeo of hitler
- fourth layer of code in contact
- plans for machine
- requirements for life
- H20, air, shelters/enviroment specific habitat, energy saurce (sun, food)
- salt loving
- halophile
- acid loving
- acidophile
- where alkalophiles live on earth
- lime stone, soda lake
- where acidphiles live on Earth
- gastric juices in stomach, volcanic soils
- dry loving
- xerophile
- where xerophiles live on Earth
- deserts, antarctica, dried fruit/candy, stones
- where psychrophiles live on Earth
- deep in Earth, Freezer/ glacier, snowfield:antarctica
- cold loving
- psychophile
- Where thermophiles live on Earth
- hot springs, volvanoes, hydrothermal vents, deserts
- heat loving
- thermophile
- Where anaerobes live on Earth
- hydrothermal vents, ocean floor, intestiines, river/ lake sediment, and ground water
- Pressure Loving
- barophile
- organisms that survive in very unsval enviroments where there is no other life
- extremophile
- where halophiles live on Earth
- salt mines, jerky
- where barophiles Live on Earth
- ocean floor, high pressure equiptment
- base loving
- alkalophile