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According to evolutionists, why do some structures appear so similar in a variety of species?
common ancestry
Where do most evolutionists say the oldest fossils are found?
found at the bottom of the fossil record
What are most common ancestors believed to be by evolutionists?
missing links
How could the Genesis Flood have been the cause for most of the fossils?
strange and extinct organisms found in sedimentary fossils were alive in Noah's day - most fossils are a record of the days when the Flood occurred as the swirling waters of a worldwide flood could have caused the random order of the fossils found
What theory states that one kind of organism can change into a different kind of organism?
biological evolution
What species did Darwin study while developing his theories?
tortoises of the Galapagos Islands
Who proposed the mutation theory of evolution?
Hugo De Vries
What organism is viewed by some evolutionists as a missing link between reptiles and birds?
What was the Archaeopteryx?
a missing link - organism with tiny clawed fingers on its wings, a beak with teeth, and a muscular tail longer than most birds' tails - said to be the missing link between birds and reptiles
What theory is a method of biological evolution and states that traits are caused by an organism's environment (giraffe's neck)?
theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics
What type of family tree indicates how organisms supposedly evolved from common ancestors?
evolutionary family tree
What theory is associated with the phrase "survival of the fittest"?
theory of natural selection
What are three main points of the mutation-selection theory?
mutations supply new traits, organisms produce more offspring than can survive, and selection allows only those with the best traits to survive
What theory did De Vries come up with?
mutation theory of evolution
What two kinds of organisms did Darwin find on the Galapagos Islands that he later used to explain natural selection?
tortoises - notched-shell-tortoises and rounded-shell-tortoises
Why are most mutations not passed on to offspring?
they take place in body cells
Who proposed the theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics?
Jean Baptiste Lamarck
What type of structure is shared by two or more species and used by evolutionists to indicate (wrongly) common ancestry?
homologous structures
What are acquired traits?
traits that are caused by an organism's environment - not their genetics
What theory is called Neo-Darwinism and is believed to be true by many evolutionists today?
mutation-selection theory
What is said to be somatic, harmful, and not passed on to offspring?

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