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Ch 27, Cold War


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Hiss Case
Former State Dept. official Alger Hiss tried for perjury, accused of passing info to Soviets in '30's, convicted (product of Red Scare)
Iron Curtain
Churchill's term for the Soviet isolation of themselves & their satellites from the western world
Taft- Hartley Act
limits union power, allows president to order workers back on the job after 90 days, bans closed shop (union membership requirements for employment)
George Kennan
US ambassador in Moscow, expert in Russian History, predicts cold war introduces idea of containment & says we cant fight them everywhere, weve got to pick and choose
Southern Democrats that break from party over civil rights plank, led by J. Strom Thurmond; for segregation, against integration
Army GI Forum
'48 campaign for civil rights, led by Dr. Hector Garcia (began over where a mexican american war hero should be buried, arlington or not, ended up going to arlington after this effort)
"To Secure These Rights"
Title of Report by Committee on Civil Rights (commissioned by Truman) that exposed persistent racial inequalities in the US and suggested possible solutions
list of people suspected to be communists, people on the list were prevented from finding work
Greece & Turkey
British pull support out of both, US steps in w/ economic & military aid to keep them from going communist
Case of J. Robert Oppenheimer
McCarthy's Atomic Energy Commission accuses the director of the Manhattan Proj w/ passing secrets to Soviets (never proved)
McCarran Act
(blatantly unconstitutional legislation that gained so much support cause of Red Scare) Mandatory Communist registration, no entry to US for members of totalitarian groubs & indefinite detention of aliens during deportation hearings
Keep communism confined to where it already exists, seek to keep it from expanding (Domino Theory Base, if one falls, well all fall eventually)
Organized Labor
Minority Unions demand better conditions, Lots of Strikes RAIL STRIKE 1946 gets Truman's Attention
Checker's Speech
Nixon's televised speech as a vice presidential candidate in response to scandal that he had a "slush fund" equated his indiscretion to a cute cocker spaniel puppy, result: stayed on ticket
Marshall Plan
Aid to whatever country wants it, idea is to help build up economies and arrest discontent that can lead to communist sympathies (Czech govt goes communist, US blames Soviets)
Hollywood 10
Evoked 1st Amdmt right, refused to say whether they were communists, jailed for contempt of Congress
Baruch Plan
Plan for International Atomic Agency where the US dominates, no comprimise reached with Soviets, Baruch says his way or nothing so it ends up being nothing
Congress of Racial Equality pushed for Post war desegregation & equality worked in conjunction w/ NAACP
Loyalty Review Board
Overt manifestation of Red Scare "security risk" govt employees (hundreds) fired
Atomic Deterrence
Policy to avoid atomic warfare by having more bombs than the other guy i.e. if you blow us up well blow you up more (exchange of threats)
McCarthy v The Army
Army denies McCarthy's aid a commission, he investigates army for communists, ABC broadcasts his crazy assaults & he is discredited, anti communism hysteria begins to fade
Klaus Fuchs
Passed info to Soviets about Manhattan Proj, evidence of Soviet Conspiracy (fed Red Scare)
Truman Doctrine
Help all free people anywhere in the world resist tyranny & communism (containment basically)
GI Bill
Rewarded soldiers for efforts during war. GI welfare. Programs such as Govt pays for college after 2 yrs of service
NSC 68
National Securtiy Council memo #68 US "strive for victory" in cold war, pressed for offensive and a gross increase ($37 bil) in defense spending, determined US foreign policy for the next 20-30 yrs
Iranian Crisis
Stalin does not comply w/ treaty obligation to withdraw troops from Iran. Byrnes freaks but Stalin withdraws before Byrnes can act

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