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balance of power
a political situation in which no one nation is powerful enough to pose a threat to others.
"the politics of reality:- political theroy that national success justified the use of any means.
Alexander II
son Czar Nicholas, hoped to move Russia toward moderization & social change. Heissued the Eddict of Emnacipation, resulting inthe partial freedom of 20 million serfs (they still had to repay the gov't for their land0. Assassinated by teh terrorists in 1881.
French troops led by Napoleon were defeated by the armies of Prussia, Great Britian & the Netherlands in June 1815 in the Austrian Netherlands
One who dosen;t believe in certain religion. In Ottoman Empire, territories of people who didn't believe in islam were raided by the military.
Byzantine Empire
non-muslims religious communitites permitted to follow their own religious laws & practices. Millet leaders reported to the sultan & his staff.
a warrior for Islam
separate legal courts pertaining to personal law under which minoritites were allowed to rule themselves( not muslims) with fairly little interference from the Ottoman gov't.
In 1499, at the age of 12, seized most of what is now Iran, taking the ancient Persian title of shah or king & establishing from traditions of Persians, Ottomans, & Arabs.
in the Ottoman Empie, hte policy of taking boys from conqured Christians peoples to be trained as Muslim soldiers.
hereditary monarch of Iran
the belief tha ppl should be loyal mainily to thier nation- thatis, to the ppl with whom they share a culture & his.- rather than king or empire
A direct vote in which a countrys ppl have the opportunity to approve or reject a proposal
Shah Abbas
Also known as the Abbas the Great, took the throne in 1587 & helped create the Safavid culture.
Elba Island
Island off the coast of Italy where Napoleon was srnt into exille
a person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business
A person who leaves his native counrty for political reasons, like the nobles & others who fled France during the peasnt upsprings of the Frech Revolution.
William & Mary
King & Queen of England after the Glorious Revolution; ruled under a limited monarchy.
Bill of Rihgts
The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which prtect citizens' basic rihgts & freedoms
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Leader of the group known as Red Skirts, Garibaldi was helped by cavour to unite southern Itlay. He agreed to unite the southern areas with northern & let the Sardinian King rule
Guerilla warfare
A member of a loosely organized fighting force that makes surprice attacks on enemy troops occupying his or her country
French general who overthrew the Directory; proclaimed himself emperor & created a Frech emire in Europe
Louis XVI
Bourbon King during the Frech REvolution, beheaded during the Reign of Terror.
Continental System
Napoleon's policy of preventing trade between Great Britian & continental Europe, instead to destroy Great Britain's economy
Known as the most succesful warrior (ghazi), built a sall Muslim state in Anatolia between 1300-1326. Father of the 2nd ottoman leader, Orkhan I.
Invasion of Russia
Napoleon's most disasterous military campaign. The russian winter forced Napoleons to retreat. The loss will lead to Napoleon's downfall.
Klemens von Metternich
Ausrias chief minister who presided over the Congress of Vienna, believed that Eurpe should be restored to the way it was before the Frech Rev.He proposed three princiles" comprenation, legitimacy, and balance of power
English Civil War
a conflict, lasting from 1642 to 1649, in which Puritan supporters of Parliment battled supporters of England's monarchy
Charles I
Stuart King og England, beheaded after the English Civil War
inthe first half of the 19th century, a European who favrored drastic change to extend democrasy to all ppl
Constantinople (1453 Conquest)
Conquered by Mehmed II, considered the most dramatic feat in Ottoman history.
the development of industries for the machine production of goods
a per capita tax imposed on non-Muslim adult males in states ruled by Islamic laws in order to freely worship.
in the first half of the century, a euopean- mainly wealthy landowners & nobles- who wanted to preseve the traditional monarchies of Europe
Maximillien Robespierre
Jacabin leader, who along w/ his supporters, set out to build a "reublic of virtue" by wiping out every trace of France's past. As leader of the Committee of Public Safety, governed asa direvtor during a period known as reign of Terror.
inthe fisrt half of the 19th century, a European- ,mainly middle-class business leaders & merchants- who w3ante to give more political power to elected parlimets, incorporating enihgtment ideas
habeas Corpeus
a document requiring that a prisoner be brought before a court or judge so that it can be decided whether his or her imprisonment is legal
a largetomb or building containing tombs.
Glorious Revolution
the bloodiess overthrow of the England king James II and his replacement by Willian and Mary
factors of production
the resources- including land, labor and capita- that are needed to produce goods and services
federal system
A systewm of gov't in which power is divided between a central authority & a number of individual states
Petition of Right
Document signed by Charles II in 1628, which limited the monarch's power
constitutional monarchy
a system of governing in which the ruler;s power is limited by law/constitution
Literally traslated "w/o breeches", in the French Revolution, a radical group made up of Parisian wage-earners & small shopkeepers who wanted a greater voice in gov't, lower prices, & an end to food shortages.
Supporters of the sans-culottes n& extreme radicals who formed the Mountains, which asaw itself as the defender of the revolution & the vocie of the ppl, led by Robespierre, Danton & Marat.
a German emperor (from the roman title Caesar)
Marie Antoinette
Frech Queen & wife of Louis XVI, member of the royal family of Austria & unpopular among the Frech, known as "Madame DEcicit" due to her excessive spending habits. Beheaded during the Reign Of terror
Social class system in France consisting of three large groups, credited w/ fostering great inequalities among the ppl by determining legal rihgts & status. The First Estate was made up of Catholic clergy. Nobility formed the Second Estate. Everyone else-- 97% of the French ppl made up the Thrid Estate.
Industrial Revolution
the shift, begining I England during teh 18th century, from making goods by hand to making them by machine
Louis- Napoleon
Nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, won teh presidentail election in 1848 & later became Emperor. Considered a sronger ruler, he bult railroads, encouraged industrialization & promoted public works. Unemployment decreased & France experience proerity
strongly conserviative members of Prussia;s weathly landowwning class
middle class
a social class made up of skilled workers, professionals, busniessppl, and weathly farmers
the growth of cities and the migration of ppl into them
Suleyman the Lawgiver
also known as Suleyman the Magnificent, ruled from 1520 to 1566, credited with great military leadership as well as implementing a highly structured social organization. Created a law code, simlified the system of taxation & reduced gov't bureaucracy. Viewed as having improved the daily life of almost every citizen.
the Balkans
the region of southeastern Europe now occupied by Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, the European part of Turkey, and the former republics of Yugosalvia
a large building in which machinery is used to manufacture goods.
Otto von Bismarck
Conseravtive Junkker chosen by Wilhelm I of Germany as Prime Minister in 1862. Known as master of realpolitik
a group of advisors or ministers chosen by the head of a country to help make gov't decisions
follower of Osman (also called Othman)
the hereitary rihgt of a monarch to rule
A gov't-run public school in France
crop rotation
the system of growing a different crop in field each year to preserve the fertility of the land
Mehmed II
also calle Mehmed the Conqueror, Murad's son, conquered Constaninople in 1453 and opened it to new citizens of many religions and backgrounds. The rebuilt city was renamed Instanbul.
one of the fenced-in or hedged-in fields created by weathly British landowners on land that was formerly woked by village farmers
Great Fear
A wave of senseless panic that spread through the French counrtyside after the storming of the Bastille in 1789.
Camillo di Cavour
known for leading Italian inification, he was named prime mionister of Sardinia in 1852. Joined with Napoleon III to drive Austria out ofthenorthern Italin provinces in 1858
Battle of Trafalgar
An 1805 naval battle in which Napoleon's forces were defeated by Britian fleet under the command of Horatio Nelson
coup d' etat
A sudden seizure of political power ina nation
Safavid Empire, a Shi'ite Muslim dynasty that ruled in Persia between the 116th & 18th centuries, culturally diverse from traditions of Persians, Ottomans, & Arabs.
landowners experimented with more productive seeding and harvesting methods to increase crop yields, more scientific methods were used in farming (srop rotatin, invention, of the seed drill)
James watt
Scottish mathematician who desighned an eficient steam enginine, helping to set the industrial Revolution in full motion by providing a cheap convenient source of power
when England restored the monarchy by bringing Charles II to the throne.
Factory Act of 1819
First Factory Act in Britian to exert some control over child labor in factory citiie, it limited the hrs worked by children to the maximum of 12 per day but did not keep children from performing heavy, dangerous work in factories.
Tennis Court Oath
After establishing the National Assembly, the Third Estate delegates, locked out of their meeting room, broke down a door to an indoor tennis court, pledging to stay untill they had drawn up new constitution. Soon after, nobles & members of the clergy who favored reform joined these delegates.
Timur the Lame
named due to an injury by an arrow in the leg, this conqueror from Samarkand burned what is now the city of Baghdad, crushing the Ottoman forces at the Battles of Ankara in 1402, halting the expansion of the empire.
Old Regime
The social & political system of France where the ppl were divided into three large social classes or estates.
Holy Alliance
a league of European nations formed by the leaders of russia, Austria, & Prussia after tehCongress of Vienna
Hundred days
The brief pd during 1815 when Napoleon made his last bid for power, deposing the Frech king & again becoming emperor of France
Reign of Terror
THe pd, from mid-1793 to mid 1794, when Robespierre ruled France nearly as a dictator & thousands of political figures & ordinary citizens were executed.
Napoleonic Code
A comprehensive & uniform system of laws established for France by Napoleon
a member of an elite force of soliders in the Ottoman Empire, made up of Chritian slaves.
Checks & Balances
Measures designed to prevent anyo one branch of gov;t from dominating the others.
Declaration of Independence
Written by Thmos Jefferson, reflected ideas of John Locke & the Enlightment.
Concert of Eurpoe
a league of European nations in the 19th century, devised by Prnce Klemens von Metternich to prevent the outbreak of revolutions
scorched-earth policy
The practice of burning crops & killing livestock during wartime so that the enemy cannot live off the land.
the process of forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in the Russian Empire.
Eli Whitney
American inventor who created a machine that removed seeds from cotton production
"overlord", or :one with power", title for Ottoman rulers during teh rise of the Ottoman Empire.
Congress of Vienna
a seris of meetings in 1814-1815, during which the European leaders souhgt to establish long-lasting peace & security after the defeat of Napoleon.
St. Helena Island
A remote island in the South Atlandtic where Napoleon was sent in the second exile, dying there six days later.
The use of troops or ships to prevent commercial traffic from entering or leaving a city or region
Oliver Cromwell
Puritan general in English Civil War-became military dictator in 1653.
a politcal state whose ppl also share the same language & culture
Puritan supporters of Parliment, fighting the English Civil War from 1642-1649.

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