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US history 2


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jackson versus adams

age of romanticism 

based on looks

- [ ] jackson promted as  a common man, was poor, built stuff, killed
      indians, british, duels, old hickory, barely knows to read and
      write, never been to

- [ ] the natural right to govern the people
    - [ ] the wealthy, they should be naturally incharged
- brain child of federalist
monroe octrine  
treaties from spain and brits
articles of confederation

first constituion for the united states

end up provided for a weak federal government

theres no  on president but instead 3 guys that sit in the executive council

very little powerful to do anything and it is very weak

no p

treaty of paris 1783

US is granted independence from great britian and every thing to the missippi river

spain gets flordia back 

land policy 1787

needed something to deal with distrubtion of land

federal control over land, rather than state

opens the way to western expansion 

1785 Land ordinance also Nw ordiance

passed by articles of confederation government

set how new states can come to be and setin the union

written by thomas jefferson
slavery is forbidden in the north west terrirotry

main source of income for the federal government

Great Britian
- [ ] refused to have anything to do with America
    - [ ] can't trade within british empire
        - [ ] west indies, carribiean
        - [ ] best
- [ ] Spain
    - [ ] 31 parallel, america thought was the flordia boundary, spain
    - [ ] spain armed indians in the land above flordia
Shay's rebellion

can't pay debt, you loose farm

feel this is unfair and underrepresented in governement 

taxed without representation

took control of banks, burned banks 

- [ ] americanrealied they need another look at the constitu

- [ ] [James madison

    - [ ] propose we get rid of the articles of confederation

- [ ] The power of government comes from the people , not god
    - [ ] governmeant powers mus tbe delienated
    - [ ] make clea


- [ ] mob rule,, people get talked into something
- [ ] key element. strong consitution, checks and balances. democracy
      and anti democratic situations
president chosen by electorial collge, no the people

Democratic party
thomas jefferson and james madison
3/5 compromise
slaves are count as 3/5 of a person
Federal supreme court
can rule and declare state laws unconstitutional if they went against federal law

infavor of constituion

james madison, george washington, alexander hamilton

mostly on the coast

- [ ] new york
    - [ ] argue infavor of the constitution
        - [ ] the f

democratic republican party
- [ ] thomas jefferson
    - [ ] more local oriented
    - [ ] fear strong central government and it's strong powers
    - [ ] slave owners, fear what happens to slavery
the assumption bill
- [ ] each state went to debt to fight the war
    - [ ] hamilton wanted the governemnt to assume it's debts and have
          the US pay it off
- [ ] report on manufactoring
- [ ] US must produce evrything, we were too depedent on overseas
      france adn britian on things
- [ ] we need a tariff, tax all things imported coming from britian and
whiskey rebelliion
- [ ] tax on alcohol
- [ ] there to raise revenue and pay off funding
- [ ] whiskey tax lays to heavly on their backs
- [ ] do the same as the people of the stamp act
    - [ ] tar and feather of taxers
- [ ] france succumbs to constiutional government with lockenian ideas
- [ ] constitutinal monarchy
    - [ ] king still there
    - [ ] rest of europe is threatened by this
- [ ] monarch gets overflown, f
- [ ] anti british
    - [ ] want ot stand up against british and possibly goto war
        - [ ] enchance political divisions

1794 treaty of lodon, aka jay's treaty
- [ ] shows how weak we are to great britian, but adverts the war
- [ ] britian doesn't do the things jay wants, they all agreed on it
    - [ ] unfavorable for americans except we get peace
    - [ ] 3/4 o
washing farewell address  
- [ ] [washington steps down cause he just did 2 terms and he is really
    - [ ] he writes with hamilton a farewell address
    - [ ] guide american foreign policy for the ne
XYZ affair
- [ ] jacobins lost control
- [ ] french terror has now ended
    - [ ] french want order, revolution got way out of hand
- [ ] Napolean
    - [ ] establishes himself as ruler france
* [+] before you
adams pass alien and sedition act
- [ ] laws aimed at democratic republican party to lessen critcisize of
      the president
- [ ] anything against president seditionist
- [ ] deport people who are opposed to the policy
- [ ] increase length o

Jefferson becomes president


Jefferson versus adams 

hamilton pullls his weight for jefferson

he hated jefferson but hated Burr even more

first peaceful transition 

idea was to come otegether as americans and work together 

marburary versus madison
- [ ] outcome
    - [ ] supreme court declares unconstituional a federal law
        - [ ] judicary act of 1790
    - [ ] sets that supreme court can say federal and state law
Lousianna purchase 1803
- [ ] L'ouverture
    - [ ] takes command of rebel slave forces in santo dmingo(?)
    - [ ] 1798
        - [ ] taken control of santo domingo
British and France
- [ ] both want to stop each other from trading with the US
- [ ] we want the freedom to trade with each country
- [ ] both violate oru neutral rights. british violates ours worst
      cause they have the better na
new group of guys more western, not so elitist
Henry Clay
- [ ] parents slave owners, kentucky
- [ ] sort of elite , college- [ ] clay leads teh war hocks
    - [ ] promotes war with britian
    - [ ] got to stand up for ourselves
Andrew jackson
- [ ] born on south caroline, north carolina border
- [ ] selfmade man
- [ ] became a lawyer, plantation owner, slave owner
- [ ] western guy, get in duels etc

war of 1812 on great britian

    - [ ] Britian was still evolved with the war with napolean
    - [ ] we fight britian in canada
        - [ ] we failed in detroit
jeffersonian of democratic republican
- [ ] believed in limited government
- [ ] had cut the income to nothing
    - [ ] ended up with military cut
- [ ] opposed to national bank
    - [ ] let it collapsed in 1811

difficult to fight because

- [ ] hard to raise money
- [ ] best banking systems is in the North
    - [ ] new england least wants the US to fight the war
    - [ ] most england people continue to trade with new england

Treaty of Ghent,

we come to agreement right when they land in lousianna-

[ ] end the war and back to status quo ant bellum
    - [ ] back to before the war
- [ ] the peoplewho landed didnt know it andthey made their move

- [ ] 1815-1848
    - [ ] age of nationalism a new period of history
- [ ] promotion of united states rather than state
    - [ ] (age of common man, age of jackson, jacksonian, nationalist

war of 1812 said...
- [ ] we need a banking system
- [ ] a protective tariff
- [ ] federal support for internal improvement
    - [ ] road building
- [ ] this all will be called the american system
- [ ] 1815, the demorepublicans see t
- [ ] from south caronlina
    - [ ] number one proponent of the american system and this
          nationalist situation
    - [ ] leading spokesmen for sotuhern se

- [ ] from south caronlina
    - [ ] number one proponent of the american system and this
          nationalist situation
    - [ ] leading spokesmen for sotuhern

bonus bill
- [ ] bill roads and canals
- [ ] came with the bank but wants to be applied this way

problems with great brtian and problems with spain
- [ ] no clear boundary of lousinana purchase
    - [ ] jon quincy goes in negotiations with britian in 1818
    - [ ] conventions of 1818
        - [ ] will be 49th parallel<
jon c calhoun
- [ ] jon c calhoun
    - [ ] gives andrew jackons permision to leave flordia to attack the
    - [ ] jackson wrote back and wrote back that not o
- [ ] Adams- Onis treaty of 1819 is formed
         - [ ] agreed to by spain, but ist fully supported by the senate
              and spain till 1821
foreign policy
- [ ] the US is anticolonial so they oppose to any other colnization of
      the western hemisphere and recolonization
    - [ ] opposed to any troops being sent to restore them
US and EUrope (economically post federalist versus demorepub
- [ ] europe depends on US for food
    - [ ] cotton is a 1$ per bushel
    - [ ] expand, get more slaves
    - [ ] we think it ll go on forever
- [ ] europe later doesnt need them, war is o
panic of 1819
- [ ] lead people to be very suspicious of the bank of the US
    - [ ] the power to call in loans without political supervision
    - [ ] andrew jackson
        - [ ] planter
mccolick versus marland
- [ ] is the bank consittuional
- [ ] does the state have the power to tax a federal instituion
- [ ] congress has the necessary power  to... missed what was said
- [ ] the power to tax is the power to destory
- [ ] we can not hav
missouri comprimise
- [ ] write a constitution, submit it to congress so they get in the US
- [ ] allows slavery, introduced as a slave state
- [ ] this will upset the balance and give the slave states majority in
      the senate
denmark vecesey
- [ ] planned an anti slavery plot
- [ ] won the lottery and bought himself out of slavery
- [ ] literate
- [ ] seafairer type
- [ ] knew about other slave revoles like HAITI
- [ ] sympathy of slaves in the north
- [ ] concoc

wanted to lessen the power of the federal goverment

willbe the leader of southern sectional stuff 

national reublican  
everyone was it, it was harmony.during monroe pre 1820

supports american system

- [ ] grand implementation of federal power and support
- [ ] strenghting the US
- [ ] federal support for the university
- [ ] US needs to support educaiton
    - [ ] create a universit


developed second party system

western self sufficient, self emloyed, tough, plantation type never been to college 

indian removal  

most americans agreed

1820, lots of indians east of mississippi and south

had lots of rich land

whites wanted to make these into cotton plantations

adams tried to get treaties

see as fraudelent

most idnians, can'

- [ ] they develope a written language
- [ ] they are christian
- [ ] they have their own newspaper
- [ ] they write their own constitution and form their own state
- [ ] problems happened
- [ ] Gold is discovered in georgia too,
indian removal act

 congress passes, jackson signs.

- [ ] 1830
- [ ] calls for US government for treaties of the removal of indians
      east of the missippi rivert and move them to newly created indian

idian removal problems
- [ ] cherokee is problem, they protest. most europeanized of the tribes
    - [ ] strongly protest it
    - [ ] fight the indian removal act in court
    - [ ] with northeastern types

- [ ] federal government begins to promote and faster the developement
      for internal approvements
- [ ] in 1830 congress passes the maysville road
andrew jackson says give to me and i ll sign it

- [ ]


- [ ] jackson
    - [ ] democratic party
- [ ] henry clay
    - [ ] whig

- [ ] clay, the whigs deiced to make the issue of 1832, the
      rechartering of the US bank

the bank and jackson

- [ ] the bank is up for recharter pretty soon
    - [ ] decide lets pass the bank bill in 1832
        - [ ] and not wait to 1836
    - [ ] this is clay and the whigs

fomration of the whigs
- [ ] jacksonacts like a kng
- [ ] and the whigs in brtian were anti monarchical
- [ ] henry clay is their nomine
- [ ] in election of 1832 , jackson wins big

Protective Tariff and jackson
- [ ] PROTECTED americans infant produces from europe
- [ ] high protective tariff *if you like the US strong you are for it *
    - [ ] if you like cheaper prices you are against it

1820, electionand protective tarrif
- [ ] andrew jackson
    - [ ] a new tariff is being passed, its an even high tariff
    - [ ] he passes high tariff, he told people differen things of pass
  - [ ] compromis of 1833
      - [ ] reduces high protective tariff gradually
                    - [ ] because of this south carolina bulls back its
cause of seperation      parties

tariff and bank etc

atriff lead to nullificaiton crisis


both parties realize they have to try to win the favor of the common man

- [ ] "common people democracy"
    - [ ] the more common you

1836 WHIGS
- [ ] whig
    - [ ] intneral improvements
    - [ ] high tariffs
- [ ] whigs
    - [ ] stategy
        - [ ] they have 4 candidates for president
- [ ] democrats
    - [ ] martin van bureua
        - [ ] new york
        - [ ] philosophical
        - [ ] fo
- [ ] unforunately for van buren
    - [ ] the bank war left the US without regulatory agency
        - [ ] to watch over the american banking system



- [ ] great campaing of 1840
    - [ ] wih harrison as the next candidate
    - [ ] born really wealthy
    - [ ] claim to fame, he defeated the shanees at the battle of

- [ ] old geiser
- [ ] 2 hour address
- [ ] the guy got phenomea and died cause of it
- [ ] john tyler is the first vice president to be a president
    - [ ] he wasnt' a whig, he is only a whig cause he really hates

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