American Revolution
undefined, object
copy deck
- anachronistic
- chronologically misplaced
- autochthonous
- originating where found
- billet
- lodging for a soldier in a private/nonmilitary building
- cogent
- clearly reasoned
- consituents
- component/element/people you represent
- contemplative
- thoughtful/reflective
- countenancing
- to extend approval or toleration to
- dissent
- to disagree with
- emoluments
- payments
- fallacy/fallacious
- more false
- inculcate
- to inundate w/ideas
- indubitable
- unquestionable
- lexicon
- vocab
- omnipotent
- almighty/infinite power
- palladium
- safeguard
- pecuniary
- of or relating to money
- pernicious
- evil/vindictive
- pestilence
- plague
- precipitate
- to lead into
- renounce
- to give up by formal declaration
- subordination
- under the authority of
- transgressor
- one who violates a law