Science Vocab 4-16
undefined, object
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- Apogee
- When the moon is farthest from earth
- Autumnal equinox
- occurs about sept. 23, marks the start of fall in the northern hemisphere
- axis
- imagionary line that passes through earths center and the north and south poles
- gibbous moon
- you see almost the whole moon
- maria
- dark flat areas on the moon
- neap tide
- has the smallest difference between the high and low tides
- orbit
- earth's path as it revolves around the sun
- penumbra
- a part of the shadow surrounding the darkest part
- perigee
- when the moon is closest to earth
- revolution
- the movement of one object around another
- solstice
- the two days of the year when the sun is at 23.5 degrees
- Spring tide
- has the biggest defference between high and low tides.
- tides
- the rise and fall of water in the ocean
- rotation
- earth spinning on its axis
- umbra
- the darkest part of a shadow
- vernal eqinox
- marks the beiginning of spring in the northern hemisphere
- waning
- going away
- waxing
- coming
- winter solstice
- marks the begining of winter