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Mirco Lab final


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What are the reading criteria fpr BA (4)? (Name types of growth)
(1)no growth evident (2)Beta hemolysis (3)Alpha Hemolysis (4)Gamma hemoylsis
If the media is BA and there is no growth, what is the microbe?
cant tell bc no growth
If the media is BA and there is clear zone around the colony, what is it?
Beta Hemolysis
IF the media is BA, and the culture has green decolorazation from the top, what is it?
Apha hemolysis
If the media is BA and the culture has no color change in the medium, what is it?
Gamma hemolysis
What is gamma hemolysis?
is in BA and has no color change
What is Alpha hemolysis?
is in BA and has green decolorization at the top
What is Beta hemolysis?
is found in BA and has a clear zone around the colony
What are the reading critreia for MAC? (what organimsms can it be) (2)
(1)fermenter (2)nonlactose fermenter
What is a fermenter? (2)
is found in MAC and is pink and red
What is nonlactose fermentor?
is found in MAC and is colorless
If the media is MAC, and it is colorless, what is it?
nonlactose fermentor
If the media is MAC, and its color is Pink or red, what is it?
SA stands for (1)
Salt agar
What are some ph incolulators? (3)
(1)TALU (2)TSI (3)UB
(1) is a ph indicator
tMSA is a (1)
ph indicator
when is the ph postive?
when its is phenol red
What is the reading criteria for MSA? (3) (name organisms it can be)
(1)Staphylococcus aereus (2) streptococcus epdidermis (3)Staphloycoccus
when is a organism stapholycoccus aereus?
if it is in MSA media and if medium growth turns a lemon yellow
If the media is MSA and the medium growth turned a lemon yellow, What is it?
Stapholyoccous aereus
When is the culture Streptococcus epidermis?
if it is in MSA media and the growth medium is pink
If the media is MSA and the growth medium is pink, what is the organism?
Streptococcus epidermis
When is the organism stapholyoccus?
if the media is MSA and there is no growth
If the media is MSA and there is no growth. what is the organism?
what organisms can be found in the medium PA ? (2)
(1)Pseudomonas (+)
(2)Pseudomans (-)
When is a culture pseudomanos (+)?
if the media is PA and the growth is streaked on a line
What is a culture psedumonas (-)
if the media is PA and there is no growth
If the media is PA and there is no growth. what is the organism?
pseudomonas (-)
if the media is PA, and there is growth streaked in a line, what is the media?
Pseudmonas (+)
What does CIT stand for?
Simmon's Citrate agar
What does SIM stand for?
Sulfide Indole Motility Medium
What does TSI stand for?
triple Sugar Iron
What is the purpose of CIT?
dectection of citrate utilizers
purpose is the decection of citrate utilizers
What is catergory of CIT?
What is the catergory of SIM?
What is the catergory of TSI?
What is the catergory of UB?
What medias are under the caterogry biochemical? (4)
(1)CIT (2)SIM (3)TSI (4)UB
What is the purpose of SIM?
screening for indole and H2S production and motility
purpose is the sceening for indole and H2S production and motality
What is the purpsoe of TSI?
screening for fermentative ability
purpose is for the screening of fermenative ability
What is the purpose of UB?
producation of exoenzyme urease
purpose is the production of a exoexnzyme urease
What does UB stand for?
Urea Broth
If the culture is in a UB media, what organisms can be found? (2)
(1)urease (+) (2)urease (-)
When is the culture urease (+)?
if it is in the media UB and is fuschia
when is the culture urease (+)
if the media is UB and a fuchsia color
IF the media is UB and the culture is fuchsia color, what is the organism?
urease (+)
if the media is UB, and the culture is a orange color, what is the media?
urease (-)
What is the purpose of UV radiation in a experiment? and how is it limited?
(1)has a lethal effect on bacteria and can therefore be used as a sterilzing agent (2)bc bacteria can repair uv damage
UV light can cause the (1)
formation of thymine dimers
What are enzyme is used in the light repair?
DNA photoylase
What enzymes are used in dark repair?
(1)helicase (2)DNA polymerase (3)DNA Ligase (4) endonuclease
What is the function of helicase in dark repair?
removes nucleotides
What is the function of endonuclease in dark repair?
detects the thymine dimer
What is the function of DNA polymerase in dark repair?
inserts complementray DNA nucleotides
What is the function of ligase in dark repair?
seals the sugar phosphate bone
What is the function of DNA photolyase?
a repair enzyme that reversese the reaction
E coli can perform (1)repair
both light and dark
What is the kirby and baver test?
a culture and senstivity test that measures the zone of inhibition
is a culture and senstivity test that measures the zone of inhibition
kirby and baver test
is called photoreaction
light repair
is called excision repair
dark repair
What is another name for dark repair?
excision repair
What does STA stand for?
Snyder's Test Agar
What is the purpose of STA?
dectect and ID lactobacilli
What is the catergory for STA?
Selective and differintial
the purpose of this media is to dectect and ID lactobacilli
What is STA ph indicator?
bromcresol green
Bromcresol green in (1) ph indicator
What does LSB stand for?
Lauryl Sulfate broth
what is the purpose of LSB?
detect and ID coliforms in food
the purpose of this media is to detect and ID coliforms in food
What caterogty is LSB ?
differential and selective
How do you tell what microbe it is if it is a LSB media?
(1)if there is a gas buble in the durham's tube then it is "coliforms +" (2)if there is no gas then it is coliforms - "
If the microbe is in a LSB media, and has a gas bubble in the Durham's tube, what is it?
coliforms +
If the microbe is in a LSB media, and has no gas bubbles, what is it?
coliforms -
the microbe was found to be coliform +
What is the bacterial lawn?
space around the anitbiotics
What does BEA stand for?
Bile Escular Agar
What is BEA's catergory?
Selective and differential
What does EMB stand for?
Eiosan metheylene Blue
is a "fecal contmination indicator"
E coli
has a red pigmentation and causes pneumonia in alcholics and in wounds of burn patients
Serrshatia marcesens
What is transformation?
when live bacteria absorbs DNA fragments and expressises new traits
What is serrshatia marcescens? (2)
(1)has red pigmentation (2)causes pneumonia in alcholics and in the wounds of burn patients
What is the purpose for EMB?
to detect califorms which detect fecal contamination
If it is in a UB media and is a orange color, What is it?
urease -
If it is in UB media and is fuschia color, What is it?
urease +
If it is in CIT media and is a Blue color, What is it?
Citrate +
If the media is SIM and it is a black color, what is it?
If the medida is CIT and the media is green, What is it?
Citrate -
If the media is SIM, and it is cloudy, What can you conclude?
If the media is SIM, and you add (1) and turns red, What is its readings?
(1)Kovac (2)idole +
If the media is TSI, and the slant is red,, What is it?
K for alakaline
If the media is TSI, the slant is yellow, What are the readings?
A for acid
If the media is TSI and the butt is red, what is the readings?
If the media is TSI and the butt is yellow or black, what are the readings?
If the media is TSI, the slant is red, the butt is yellow, and there is no gas production, what are the readings?
(1)AK+ (2)only glucose is fermented
In TSI, when is there only glucose fermented?
red=slant and yellow butt
In TSI, when is there Glucose and lactose fermented and or sucrease feremented?
yellow slant and butt
How do you tell if there is no H2S production?
no black
What is the Blood order?
Never Let Monkeys Eat Bannanas

If a person has a fungal infection, what are the max types of blood cells present?
If a person has a infection caused by a Helimenth, what are the max types of blood cells present?
If a person has increased levels of histermenes resulting in incresased allergies, what are the max types of blood cells present?
If a patient has increased levels of Basohilis blood cells, what do they likely have?
allergies and increased levels of histomenes
If a patient has increased levels of monocytes, what do they likly have?
is non-specific nad increase w any infection
these blood cells increase when a person has a infection
If a patient has increased levels of Esosinophilis blood cells, what do they likely have?
when you have a fungal infection by Hemimeths
If a patient has increased levels of Neutrophilis in their blood, What do they likely have?
bacterial infection
A patient has a bacterial infection, what are the max types of blood cells present?
If a patient has increased levels of lymphocytes, what do they likely have?
a viral infection
A patient has a viral infection, what are the max types of blood cells present?
What is Blood types A? (4)
(1)has Anigen A (2)the Anitbody in plasma is Anti-B (3)Rxt w Anti A =+(4)Rxt w AntiB= -
What is Blood type B?(4)
(1)has antigen B (2)Anitbody in the plasma is anti A (3)Rxt w Anti B = - (4) Rxt w Anti B=+
What is Blood types AB? (4)
(1)has antigens A and B (2)is not anti anything (3)Rxt w Anti A = + (4) Rxt w Anti-B=-/+
What is blood type O?
(1)has nether A or B antigens (2)Rxt w Anti-A= - (3)Rxt w Anti-B=-
for the blood types, which ones are domminant and recessive of the O, A, and B?
A and B are co-dominant and O is recessive
Which medias are used for unkown projects?
(1)MAC (2)CIT (3)GLU (4)SIM (5)UB (6)TSI
Which medias are used for food?
(1)EMB (2)LSB (3)MSA (4)PA (5)TSA
Which media is used to test for dental carries?
category is general
category is Selective and Differiental (4)
(1)EMB (2)MAC (3)MSA (4)STA
category is biochemical (7)
(1)CIT (2)GLU (3)SIM (4)UB (5)TSI (6)LSB (7)PA
What are the specail ingredents in MSA?
Which media's contain Durham tubes? (2)
(1)GLU (2)LSB
Which medias have a low ph?
Which medias are pH indicators?
(1)UB, TSI, and MSA= phenol red (2)Bromcresol green=STA
What is the pH indicator for STA?
bromcresol green
What is the pH indicator for UB, TSI, and MSA?
phenol red
media is a respiration/ fermentation test
TSI is a (1) test
media is used to test milk quailty
Methylene Blue Reductase test
What is Methylene Blue Reducatse test used to do?
test the quaility of milk
For the Methylene Blue Reductase test, how do you tell if the milk is good or not?
(1)if it changed from blue to white in under two hours= poor quailty of milk (2) if changed after 6 hours=good quaility
For the Methylene Blue Reductase Test, blue=? and white=?
(1)oxidized (2)reduced
What is the media LSB and ESB used for?
to find fecal contamination
What is the media MSA used for?
What is the media PA used for?
spoilage of water
What is the media TSA used for?
general bacteria count in food
is used to find fecal contamination? (2)
is used to test foods for handling
is used to count baceteria in the food
What media where used to test Iced Tea?
(1)EMB (2)LSB (3)PA (4)TSA
EMB, LSB, PA, and TSA used for??
to test iced tea
Why was not MSA used to test iced Tea?
bc it contains tannic acid which would interact w salts and give you a fasle postive
In the transformation experiment, why did we include ampiciillin in the medium?
to show the transformed cells
is antibiotic senstivity test
Kirby-Bauer test
What does aggulination mean?
what increased pathological smear of mono blood ?
What reagent is required for the reading of SIM?
What are the readings for CIT?
(1)Blue= citrate +
(2)Green = citrate -
What are the readings for SIM? (3)
(1)black=H2S+ (2)Cloudniss at inculation line=moltitly + (3)when Kalvoc is added and it turns red it is indole +
What are the readings for GLU?
(1)Red= K or yellow = A (2) gas = + or -
What are the readings for MAC?
(1)Pink/red= fermenator
(2)colorless= nonlactose fermenator
What is the purpose of BA?
test for hemolytic acitivty
purpose is to test for hemolytic activity
What are the readings for MSA>
(1)S. aureous =yellow/lemon
(2)pink= s. epidermis
(3)no growth = stapholycoys -
What is the purpose of MAC?
isolate gram - enterics
purpose to isolate gram - enterics
What is the purpose of MSA?
isolte Staph species
purpose is to isolate staph species

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