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Japans 436


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shii (椎)
[Bot.] a chinquapin
shiji (支持)
support, backing
shiji suru (指示する)
to indicate, to point, to point out, to instruct
shiitageru (虐げる)
to oppress, to tyrannize, to treat with tyranny
shika (市価)
the market price, the current price
shiire (仕入れ)
stocking, buying in
shijitsu (史実)
a historical fact
shijō de (紙上で)
in the paper
shijiban (指示板)
a finger post, a notice board
shijōjuyō (市場需要)
market demand
shiji (私事)
personal/private affairs
shijōkakaku (市場価格)
market prices
shijimi (蜆)
a corbicula
shijō (私情)
personal feelings
shijōchōsa (市場調査)
market research, marketing research
shiji (師事する)
to study [under], to become a person's pupil
shihyō (指標)
an index, [Math.] a characteristic
shijūsō (四重奏)
a quartet
shijōrēto (市場レート)
a market rate
shiin (死因)
the cause of a person's death
shijōkachi (市場価値)
the market value
shijin toshite (私人として)
in one's private capacity
shikabane (屍)
a corpse, a carcass
shijōsaikō no (史上最高の)
the highest [price] on record
shiireru (仕入れる)
to lay in, to stock
shiin (子音)
a consonant
shijin (詩人)
a poet
shiitekina (恣意的な)
shiji (指示)
an indication, instructions
shijōkeizaishisutemu (市場経済システム)
a market economy system
shiiru (強いる)
to force, to compel, to press, to urge
shijōsen'yūritsu (市場占有率)
a market share
shikai (歯科医)
a dentist
kabushikishijō (株式市場)
a stock market
shijisha (支持者)
a supporter
shikadaigaku (歯科大学)
a dental college/university
shijōtōgō (市場統合)
market consolidation
shika (歯科)
dental surgery, dentistry
shijūdai de aru (四十代である)
to be in one's forties
shikai suru (司会する)
to preside at/over, to take the chair
shijunsetsu (四旬節)
Shikai (死海)
the Dead Sea
shikaisha (司会者)
the chairman, the president, the toastmaster, the master of ceremonies, the M.C.
shikaiin (歯科医院)
a dentist's office
shijō ni deteiru (市場に出ている)
to be on the market
shihyō (死票)
a wasted vote
shijōshisutemu (市場システム)
a market system
shiji suru (支持する)
to support, to back (up), to stand by, to uphold, to maintain
shikaeshi suru (仕返しする)
to revenge oneself, to be revenged, to retaliate, to give tit for tat, to get even
shika ga agaru (市価が上がる)
The market rises
shijōakusesu (市場アクセス)
market access
shikaeshi (仕返し)
revenge, retaliation
shihōdai o suru (仕放題をする)
to act as one pleases, to have one's own way
shijōkaihō (市場開放)
market opening
shiite ~ saseru (強いて~させる)
to force/compel to do
shijōgenri (市場原理)
a market mechanism
shiiku suru (飼育する)
to breed, to raise, to rear
shijōmeirei (至上命令)
a supreme order
shijōkainyū (市場介入)
market intervention
shijū (四十)
chūōshijō (中央市場)
a central market
shijōken (至上権)
hito no shiji ni tachiiru (人の私事に立ち入る)
to pry into others' business
shika (史家)
a historian
shii suru (思惟する)
to think, to consider, to speculate
shijō (詩情)
poetic(al) sentiment
oroshiurishijō (卸売市場)
wholesale market
shijōsōsa (市場操作)
market operations
shijō o kaitaku suru (市場を開拓する)
to find a market
shijō ni na o todomeru (史上に名をとどめる)
to be immortalized in history
shika no hendō (市価の変動)
market fluctuation
shikai (視界)
the field of vision, view, sight, visibility
shiitekini (恣意的に)
shihō kara (四方から)
from all quarters, from every direction
shijō (市場)
a market, a fair, a mart
shiitake (椎茸)
a shiitake mushroom
shiji o ukeru (支持を受ける)
to have at one's back
shika ga sagaru (市価が下がる)
The market falls
shihō o mimawasu (四方を見回す)
to look round
shijo (子女)
children, sons and daughters
shiji ni shitagau (指示に従う)
to follow a person's instructions
shijuku (私塾)
a private school
shijō ni deru (市場に出る)
to come into the market
shijō suru (試乗する)
to make a trial trip/ride, to test [a new plane]
shijō o motomeru (市場を求める)
to seek a market
daishijū no (第四十の)
the fortieth
ni mairu shihō ni (2マイル四方に)
two miles around
shihō (至宝)
the greatest treasure
shihō (四方)
the cardinal points, on all sides
shika (鹿)
a deer, a stag, a hind
shiika (詩歌)
poetry, Chinese and Japanese poetry
shijō de (誌上で)
in a magazine
shijūkara (四十雀)
a tit mouse
shijū (始終)
from beginning to end, all the time, always, very often, constantly

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