hub vocab
undefined, object
copy deck
- buffoon
- clown
- ambulatory
- able to walk
- litigious
- disputing at law
- baleful
- deadly, evil
- catholic
- tolerant, universal
- rubicund
- rosy
- penance
- sorrow for sin
- balmy
- mild, refreshing weather
- platitude
- a hackneyed remark
- sedentary
- sitting, motionless
- integrity
- uprightness, honesty
- pique
- wounded pride
- avert
- turn aside, prevent
- lackey
- a servile attendant
- circumspect
- cautious
- orthography
- correct spelling
- expedient
- convenient, necessary
- redoubtable
- arousing fear
- avid
- greedy, avaricious
- obliterate
- destroy utterly
- fickle
- changeable
- provincial
- narrow in interests
- castigate
- punish orally, scold
- ineffable
- indescribable, unique
- discord
- disagreement
- incessant
- without pause
- contrite
- sorry for sin, remorseful
- agnostic
- one who says that humans cannot understand the nature of humanity and the world
- impugn
- accuse, charge
- ubiquitous
- existing everywhere, omnipresent
- mordant
- biting words, sarcastic, acerbic
- tepid
- lukewarm
- chalice
- cup
- lacerate
- tear, mangle
- virulent
- hostile, deadly
- hallow
- make holy
- saccharine
- artificial
- discursive
- rambling from one subject to another, desultory
- refute
- disprove
- strident
- harsh-sounding noise
- cajole
- persuade by flattery or deceit
- guile
- deception
- obsolete
- out of date
- punctilious
- very exacting, meticulous
- transitory
- passing quickly
- prognosis
- forecast, prediction
- effete
- no longer productive
- obese
- fat
- askance
- distrustfully
- sangfroid
- composure, keeping "cool"
- fortuitous
- happening by chance
- plethora
- superabundance
- desiccant
- drying out, withering
- crass
- coarsely stupid, vulgar, unrefined
- paradox
- a seemingly self-contradictory statement, puzzle
- acolyte
- novice
- fetish
- an object of unreasoning devotion
- beguile
- cheat, charm, enthrall, entice
- volatile
- changeable
- captious
- quick to find petty fault
- promulgate
- make known
- extraneous
- irrelevant, not basic
- vilify
- debase, make a "villain" of
- fictitious
- imaginary
- proscribe
- outlaw, ban
- penchant
- strong inclination
- gullible
- easily imposed on
- torpid
- sluggish, lethargic
- benign
- kindly, benevolent
- augury
- prediction, portent
- gaudy
- showy, ostentatious
- jettison
- throw overboard
- querulous
- constantly complaining
- banter
- jesting
- antagonist
- irritant
- harbinger
- forerunner, precursor
- haggard
- thin, wan
- epitome
- highest point, summary
- carouse
- to take great pleasure or delight, revel (in luxury)
- corroborate
- confirm, support
- harangue
- noisy, ranting speech
- caustic
- biting, bitter, sarcastic
- frugal
- sparing of expenditure
- esoteric
- profound, understood by few
- explicit
- clearly expressed
- vestige
- a trace, a shred
- obdurate
- stubborn
- rankle
- fester, annoy
- candid
- frank, genuine
- cumbrous
- burdensome, ponderous
- epitaph
- writing on a tombstone
- convivial
- joyous
- transient
- temporary
- astute
- shrew, wily, discerning
- morose
- gloomy, sullen
- attrition
- grinding down, wearing down
- somber
- melancholy, depressing, serious
- cataclysm
- upheaval
- jocose
- humorous
- subtlety
- nuance
- slovenly
- untidy
- holocaust
- destruction by fire
- expeditious
- speedy
- junto
- council
- equity
- justice
- innocuous
- harmless
- scurrilous
- coarsely abusive in language, ribald
- spienetic
- melancholoy, morose, saturnine
- hapless
- unfortunate
- diagnosis
- explanation resulting from a careful study of facts
- extirpate
- root out an idea
- propinquity
- nearness, closeness
- uncouth
- coarse person
- stalwart
- brave, intrepid
- lurid
- sensationally vivid, graphic
- opaque
- opposite of lucid
- wanton
- unchecked, uncontrolled
- temper
- moderate
- temporize
- avoid committing oneself
- laity
- persons unrelated to a particular profession
- fastidious
- hard to please, meticulous
- expurgate
- cleanse of offensive passages
- tether
- fasten by rope
- expiate
- do penance, to make amends or reparation for sin
- compunction
- sorrow for sin, remorse
- expostulate
- reason earnestly with, plead
- orthodox
- normal, conventional
- coalesce
- fuse, merge, assimilate
- ostensible
- apparent
- sanctimonious
- outwardly religious, fake holiness
- authentic
- genuine
- pungent
- biting, acerbic
- elicit
- draw forth a response
- pithy
- meaningful, concise
- heterogeneous
- not uniform, diverse
- dictum
- authoritative statement
- delineate
- sketch
- rasping
- harsh-sounding
- putrid
- roting
- dynamic
- energetic
- patronize
- support
- comely
- pleasant to look at
- phlegamatic
- sluggish, lethargic
- remuneration
- payment for services rendered
- somatic
- physical
- posthumous
- occuring after death
- charlatan
- pretender to knowledge, quack, impostor
- martinet
- strict disciplinarian, authoritarism
- asylum
- haven
- estrange
- alienate
- ominous
- forecasting evil
- jingoist
- extreme nationalist
- ambiguous
- vague, of doubtful nature, equivocal
- tantamount
- equal to
- nuptial
- relating to marriage
- incognito
- of concealed identity
- penury
- extreme poverty
- emollient
- softener, water conditioner
- formidable
- dreadfully powerful
- askew
- turned to one side
- pariah
- outcast
- miell
- appearence, facial expression
- perfunctory
- mechanical, spiritless
- gird
- invest with power
- tenacious
- unyielding
- impervious
- impermeable
- canard
- an absurd rumor circulated to deceive the public, hoax
- insidious
- treacherous, evil
- complacent
- self-satisfied, smug
- eulogy
- praise
- succinct
- concise, brevity
- precursor
- forerunner, predecessor
- replete
- filled abundantly, glutted
- celerity
- speed
- defection
- desertion
- construe
- interpret, explain, infer
- enigma
- puzzle, obscurity
- enhance
- increase
- choleric
- illtempered, petulant
- dudgeon
- sullen resentment or anger
- remorse
- sorrow for sin
- canine
- pertaining to dogs
- iniquitous
- wicked, evil
- tyro
- beginner, novice
- stringent
- strict, regimented
- hibernate
- spend the winter resting
- conglomeration
- mass of varied elements
- admonition
- gentle rebuke, scold, reprimand
- predatory
- plundering
- emaciated
- haggard
- fleet
- moving fast
- miry
- muddy
- acquiesce
- comply, be amendable
- recalcitrant
- stubbornly hostile
- veracity
- truthfulness
- animated
- lively
- propitiate
- pacify, mollify
- chicanery
- deception by sharp practice, guile
- impute
- charge
- cursory
- hasty, superficial
- obsequious
- cringing, servile
- gamut
- range, scope
- precedent
- tradition established by time
- reprisal
- paying back for damage sustained
- manifest
- apparent, clear
- kaleidoscopic
- variegated with respect to changing scene, diverse on a large scale
- pseudonym
- pen name
- impeccable
- faultless, perfect
- wane
- decrease, mitigate
- fallow
- uncultivated, barren
- exigent
- pressing, urgent
- deleterious
- harmful
- panacea
- cure-all
- desultory
- unmethodical, meandering
- philatelist
- stamp collector
- lithe
- nimble, flexible
- heresy
- going against a set of principles (religion)
- condign
- deserved
- fissure
- crack in the earth
- perspicacious
- discriminating
- missive
- letter
- baneful
- destructive, noxious
- chafe
- irritate
- profligate
- extravagant
- portentous
- omen of evil
- myriad
- innumerable, countless
- ruthless
- pitiless, remorseless
- raucous
- harsh sounding, shrill
- dilemma
- a perplexing situation
- odium
- hatred, disgrace
- apocryphal
- of dubious origin, fictitious, bogus
- inundate
- flood
- diatribe
- an abusive speech
- staid
- very grave, serious, somber
- eclat
- brilliance
- guileless
- without cunning
- pervade
- spread, permeate
- importune
- plead with, beg
- ingenuous
- frank, without cunning
- doggerel
- trivial poetry
- imprecation
- curse, malediction
- pedantic
- making a display of learning
- toxic
- poisonous, noxious
- intrepid
- fearless
- murky
- dark, gloomy
- quiescence
- quiet, tranquillity
- arrogance
- proud and offensive self-esteem.
- humid
- damp, dank
- assert
- to state, to allege
- impasse
- barrier
- lacteal
- milky
- ribald
- low in language, vulgar
- apostate
- a renegade
- philology
- study of languages
- postulate
- hypothesis
- animosity
- hatred
- approbation
- approval
- invidious
- arousing envy or jealousy
- seemly
- proper, correct behavior
- squalid
- filthy
- aeon
- age
- interment
- burial
- hibernal
- wintery
- limpid
- transparently clear, lucid
- protuberant
- bulging
- pusillanimous
- cowardly
- connive
- plot, conspire
- zenith
- highest point, acme
- virago
- quarrelsome woman
- diabolic
- devilish, heinous
- succulent
- juicy
- prevaricate
- lie
- arbitrary
- biased, prejudiced
- careen
- tip over
- mendacity
- lying
- pensive
- thoughtful
- occult
- mysterious
- hypothesis
- premise, supposition
- arboreal
- pertaining to trees
- equivocal
- deliberately vague
- umbrage
- hurt pride
- novice
- beginner, neophyte
- precocious
- prematurely bright
- scrutiny
- careful examination or study
- adversary
- opponent
- devious
- indirect, crooked, artful
- imbue
- absorb, instill
- destitute
- poverty-stricken, deprived
- petulant
- highly irritable, crabby
- salient
- jutting out, prominent
- tranquil
- serene
- prerogative
- unquestioned right
- roster
- list of names
- indolent
- lazy
- facetious
- humorous
- docile
- submissive, amendable
- cant
- slang
- equitable
- just, fair
- disparity
- inequality
- ludicrous
- laughable, ridiculous
- inveigh
- denounce abusively
- fulsome
- repulsive, excessive
- asperity
- harshness, severity in temper, acerbity
- constellation
- an assemblage of stars of distinguished people
- commodious
- roomy
- acrimonious
- biting, sharp
- miscreant
- villian, coward
- delete
- cancel, erase
- homily
- sermon, a lesson
- tenuous
- slender margin
- extant
- in existence, present
- circuitous
- indirect, meandering, desultory
- poignant
- keen, touching
- volition
- voluntary
- bombastic
- pompous in language, pretentious
- capricious
- changeable, whimsical, fickle
- gaunt
- haggard, thin
- misogmy
- hatred of women
- sacerdotal
- priestly
- incipient
- beginning, the onset
- internment
- imprisionment
- exotic
- strange, foreign
- solicitous
- anxious, concerned, interested in
- apprehensive
- worried
- gregarious
- sociable, affable
- cynical
- sneering, sarcastic untrusting
- maudlin
- excessively sentimental
- hoodwink
- deceive
- abrogate
- cancel, nullify
- malign
- slander
- innuendo
- insinuation
- mesmerized
- hypnotized
- incubus
- an oppressive weight, burden
- acumen
- insight, astuteness
- stagnant
- static, not moving
- doleful
- sad
- braggadocio
- unjustified boasting, bragging
- vicissitudes
- changes in fortune
- abstemious
- moderate, especially in the use of food/diet
- embezzle
- steal
- scourge
- punish severely
- peruse
- read, study
- inure
- harden
- sidle
- move sideways
- accost
- greet, address, meet
- abject
- servile, cringing, slavish, obsequious
- circumvent
- evade by means of deception
- mirage
- optical illusion
- sleazy
- flimsy, cheap
- nonchalance
- indifference, disinterest
- blandish
- persuade by flattery, beguile
- accolade
- salutation, compliment
- fiasco
- a ridiculous failure
- machination
- plot
- feckless
- cowardly, craven
- bigoted
- prejudiced, dogmatic
- alleviate
- lighten, assuage, pacify, mollify
- ingratiate
- work oneself into another's good graces
- deviate
- wander from the usual course
- proximity
- nearness
- lethal
- deadly
- gibe
- mock
- meander
- wander aimlessly
- supine
- on one's back
- labyrinthine
- intricate, perplexing
- drab
- dull
- cynosure
- center of attention
- pandemonium
- chaos
- nostalgia
- warm feeling of the past
- periphery
- border, outer limits or edge
- euphemism
- mild expression of an offensive fact
- oblivion
- forgetfulness
- rancor
- animosity, hatred
- abstruse
- profound, obscure
- balk
- frustrate, prevent, impede
- purge
- cleanse
- supercilious
- arrogantly proud, haughty
- adamant
- persistent, stubborn
- nebulous
- vague, ambigous
- deluge
- flood
- arduous
- difficult
- altruistic
- unselfish, benevolent
- aggravate
- make worse, intensity, exacerbate
- moribund
- dying
- talisman
- a charm
- sporadic
- scattered
- prehensile
- grasping
- sophisticated
- worldly-wise, urbane, smooth
- bibliophile
- lover of books
- articulate
- eloquent
- turpitude
- baseness, depravity
- condone
- excuse, overlook, extenuate
- efficacious
- potent to produce an effect, inspirational
- prodigious
- vast, enormous
- desecrate
- render unholy, blaspheme
- sardonic
- sneering, cynical
- droll
- comical
- wily
- cunning, astute
- zealous
- enthusiastic, fanatic
- astral
- pertaining to the stars
- exude
- ooze out
- progeny
- offspring
- discerning
- having keen insight, astute
- conjecture
- guess, supposal, hypothesis
- probity
- uprightness, honesty
- syllogism
- three sentences in logical sequence
- gauche
- clumsy
- demise
- death
- hiatus
- gap, respite
- spurious
- not genuine, bogus
- tautological
- needlessly repetitive, wordy
- vacuous
- vacant, inane
- respite
- pause, interruption
- inexorable
- pitiless, relentless
- pellucid
- very clear
- motley
- of mixed ingredients, varied
- perspicuous
- ludic, clear
- hoax
- rumor designed to deceive the public
- coerce
- compel, force
- exonerate
- free from blame
- noxious
- injurious, deleterious
- incongruous
- inconsistent
- nonentity
- of little importance
- rudimentary
- bacis, fundamental
- plebeian
- common, relating to common people
- cogent
- strongly persuasive or compelling
- vituperation
- scolding language
- cantankerous
- ill-natured
- vacillate
- waver, hesitate
- obnoxious
- harmful person
- plagiarism
- stealing another's ideas
- congenital
- existing at birth
- impromptu
- without previous preparation
- adulation
- excessive praise
- distrait
- absent-minded
- shibboleth
- password, slogan
- jeopardize
- endanger
- percerse
- contrary-minded, hard or impossible to manage
- vindicate
- clear of blame
- puerile
- immature, childish
- amity
- friendliness, congeniality
- compatible
- agreeable, consistent, congruent
- pristine
- primitive
- opportune
- timely
- furtive
- secretive, covert
- ameliorate
- to better, conciliate, emend
- recondite
- difficult to understand
- voracious
- greedy, avaricious
- raconteur
- storyteller of anecdotes
- indomitable
- unconquerable
- obloquy
- abusive criticism
- vitiate
- destroy, nullify
- flay
- scold severely
- languid
- sluggish, lethargic
- lackadaisical
- indifferent, disinterested
- mundane
- worldly
- blasphemy
- irreverence, sacrilege
- forensic
- relating to public debate
- evanescent
- fleeting, transitory, ephemeral
- paramount
- supreme
- avarice
- greed, voracity, avidity
- reprove
- blame, admonish
- foible
- peculiarity, quirk, oddity
- tentative
- experimental, provisional
- laconic
- sparing of words
- wastrel
- prodigal, extravagant
- paucity
- lack, an inadequate supply
- nadir
- lowest point
- ignominy
- disgrace
- erode
- wear away
- covetous
- grasping, craving, avaricious
- sinister
- evil
- opprobrium
- disgrace
- consecrate
- make holy
- sinuous
- winding, s-shaped
- palpable
- obvious, manifest
- mores
- customs
- affinity
- liking, preference
- sully
- dirty
- inordinate
- excessive, extra
- proclivity
- inclination
- onerous
- burdensome
- debacle
- collapse
- rotund
- round
- retrogress
- return to a former condition
- engender
- cause, instill
- derelict
- abandoned vessel, social outcast, negligent
- provocative
- stimulating
- concatenation
- series, linking
- interdict
- forbid, outlaw
- vigilant
- keenly watchful to detect danger; wary
- tirade
- a long speech of abuse
- proboscis
- nose
- specious
- outwardly reasonalbe, plausible, seeming
- relegate
- assign to an inferior position, demote
- fecund
- highly productive
- inhibit
- impede, frustrate
- paraphrase
- rephrase
- brusque
- abrupt
- curtail
- shorten, abbreviate
- stoic
- indifferent to pain or pleasure
- pernicious
- destructive
- wheedle
- entice, beguile, lure
- demure
- affectedly modest
- longevity
- long life
- idiosyncrasy
- whim, quirk
- cliche
- a commonplace phrase, trite, hackneyed
- intrinsic
- basic, essential
- pertinacity
- persistency
- laissez-faire
- non-interference
- cabal
- intrigue, a group plotting secretly
- superannuated
- very old
- lavish
- extrvagant
- axiomatic
- self-evident
- morass
- bog, swamp
- apathy
- indifference, lassitude, dispassion
- ephemeral
- short-lived, temporary
- inimical
- hostile
- disparate
- completely different
- licentious
- highly immmodest, lustful
- indigenous
- native
- inert
- motionless
- fracas
- a noisy argument
- abate
- lessen, wane, alleviate, mitigate
- viscous
- sticky
- subterfuge
- deceitful an act or instance of escaping, avoiding, or shirking somethig
- hilarious
- boisterously merry
- latent
- hidden, not apparent
- largess
- generous gift
- remonstrate
- reason earnestly with, plead
- callow
- immature, untested, untried
- clemency
- mercy, leniency
- egregious
- outstanding, flagrant
- suppress
- repress
- concomitant
- accompanying
- sacrilegious
- blasphemous
- enjoin
- ban
- aesthetic
- pertaining to the beautiful
- moot
- debatable, academic
- detergent
- cleansing agent
- descry
- recognize, distinguish mentally
- quay
- pier
- numismatics
- coin collecting
- luminary
- shining light
- patent
- clear, obvious, manifest
- espouse
- wed, advocate
- anathema
- curse, abomination, malediction
- grimace
- facial expression, usually of disgust
- abet
- encourage,assist, connive, to cabal, kindle, whet, instigate
- dolorous
- sad, mournful
- garrulous
- talkative, verbose
- wrangle
- quarrel, altercation
- flamboyant
- showy, ornate
- verbose
- wordy
- eclogue
- a poem about the country
- acerb
- acid, sour
- urban
- pertaining to the city
- quixotic
- impractical, fanciful
- simulate
- pretend
- ejaculate
- exclaim
- concur
- agree
- futile
- useless
- impunity
- without punishment
- conducive
- contributing to a result
- desuetude
- discontinuance of use or practice
- calumny
- false, malicious accusation
- procrastinate
- put off, stall
- dulcet
- sweet-sounding
- malevolent
- spiteful, vindictive
- aggregate
- total, to form into a mass or a whole
- artless
- frank
- potent
- powerful
- quell
- to overpower by superior force; overcome
- aroma
- scent, smell
- stigmatize
- brand, characterize badly
- contiguity
- closeness
- tangible
- actual, touchable
- immuable
- unchangeable, permanent
- fetter
- chain, shackle
- ambivalent
- mixed feelings
- antithesis
- contrast
- malediction
- curse
- chauvinist
- extreme nationalist
- apposite
- appropriate, relevant, germane
- satiate
- satisfy fully
- histrionic
- theatrical
- permeate
- spead throughout
- loquacious
- talkative
- sagacity
- wisdom
- mettle
- courage, intrepidity
- didactic
- instructive
- cadaverous
- haggard, ghastly pale, pallid
- defunct
- dead
- blatant
- noisy
- usury
- charging excessive interest
- saturnine
- habitualy solemn, morose, somber
- felicitous
- appropriately expressed, proper
- lugubrious
- sad, mournful
- taciturn
- habitually silent
- levity
- lightness,fun
- grandiose
- grand, imposing
- vindictive
- revengeful, remorseless
- incorrigible
- unable to be reformed
- mercenary
- motivated solely by money
- renegade
- traitor, recreant
- surfeit
- fill to excess, glut
- naive
- unsophisticated, simple
- cadence
- rhythm
- connoisseur
- expert
- stentorian
- loud voice tone
- predilection
- strong inclination
- ostentatious
- showing off, ornate
- extinct
- no longer existing
- trite
- stale, commonplace, banal
- garner
- gather, amass
- piebald
- of varoius colors, motly
- precedence
- going before, predecessor
- quash
- suppress, nullify
- equanimity
- calmness
- dichotomy
- division into two parts
- temporal
- pertaining to earthly matters
- ingenious
- skillful
- parricide
- murder of a father or mother
- copious
- plenteous, a plethora
- parstoral
- pertaining to the country, rustic
- beget
- produce offspring, cause
- suave
- polished in manner, sophisticated
- inarticulate
- unable to be expressed in words
- plausible
- seemingly trustworthy or reasonable
- prolix
- wordy, verbose
- drastic
- extreme in effect
- disseminate
- disperse, diffuse
- presentiment
- feeling of something to come
- transcend
- surpass, exceed
- magnanimous
- benevolent
- quientessence
- the most perfect state of an essence
- nefarious
- wicked, evil person or deed
- blithe
- cheerful, blissful
- assuage
- soften, alleviate
- bibliphobe
- hater of books
- lucid
- clear, transparent
- placid
- peaceful
- visage
- calm facial expression; composure
- requite
- pay back
- mendicant
- begging
- timorous
- fearful
- conclave
- a secret conference
- rill
- a small brook
- morbid
- unwholesome
- buttress
- support or prop up
- hybrid
- of mixed breed
- vagary
- whim
- condiment
- spice
- antipathy
- strong dislike
- oscillate
- waver
- culinary
- pertaining to the kitchen
- culpable
- guilty
- incarcerate
- imprision
- vapid
- tasteless, insipid
- prodigal
- extravagant, lavish
- gainsay
- deny, refute
- effigy
- dummy
- vicarious
- sharing another's experiences
- vassal
- slave
- contumacious
- scornfully insubordinate, arrogant
- reticent
- secretive, hesitant to speak
- assiduous
- attentive, diligent
- proselyte
- a convert
- diffident
- shy, unpretentious
- officious
- bossy, interfering
- coterie
- clique, circle of people
- garland
- wreath
- aloof
- stand-offish, distant
- averse
- reluctant, disinclined
- epicure
- lover of luxurious living
- sinecure
- a position not requiring much work
- epithet
- characterization, nick-name
- imane
- silly, banal
- ascribe
- attribute
- virtuoso
- expert
- emolument
- payment, tip, salary
- consummate
- make perfect, complete
- recumbent
- lying down
- lachrymose
- mournful
- decrepit
- dilapidated
- relevant
- on the subject
- bumptious
- boldly conceited, arrogant
- ponderous
- weighty, cumbersome
- intangible
- vague, incapable of being touched
- coruscate
- sparkle
- sanguine
- cheerful, hopeful, optimisitc
- ebullition
- bubbling over, outburst of spirit
- argot
- slang, cant, vernacular, jargon
- stultify
- render foolish
- testy
- easily angered
- anomalous
- abnormal, irregular
- subvert
- overthrow, undermine, suppress
- surreptitious
- stealthy, secret, covert
- inference
- logical conclsion or deduction
- pallid
- pale, wan
- demagogue
- king or other ruler with unlimited power, tyrant
- inebriety
- drunkenness
- emanate
- arise from
- complaisant
- complying, courteous, acquiescent
- regimen
- rule, strick discipline
- aberration
- departure from normal, anomaly
- supple
- flexible in body, mind
- meticulous
- fastidious, scrupulous
- raze
- level to the ground
- versatile
- able to do many things
- terrestrial
- earthly, mundane
- recreant
- cowardly
- adventuous
- happening by change, fortuitous
- disparage
- belittle, be derogatory
- retribution
- compensation, pay back
- prowess
- outstanding bravery or skill
- autonomous
- self-governing
- harlequin
- clown
- ostracize
- banish disgracefully
- execration
- curse, blasphemy
- wary
- cautious, circumspect
- dissolute
- indulging in or characterized by excessive devotion to pleasure, wastefully or recklessly extravagant
- plebiscite
- vote by the people
- omniscient
- all-knowing
- lucrative
- profitable
- travesty
- ludicrous or burlesque treatment of a subject
- senile
- aged
- misnomer
- wrong name, alias
- amiable
- friendly, loving
- prosaic
- dull, banal
- dilettante
- amateur, dabbler
- terse
- to the point
- gossamer
- flimsy material, gauzy
- jaunty
- showy
- knell
- a bell ring, signalizing death
- impediment
- obstruction
- ethnology
- science of cultures and racial origins
- founder
- stink
- modicum
- a small quantity or measure
- hedonist
- lover of pleasure
- secular
- not belonging to a relgious order
- lascivious
- indecent, lustful
- covert
- hidden, clandestine
- transgress
- break a rule, violate
- perfidy
- treachery
- euphony
- pleasing sound of words
- addable
- sociable, gregarious
- demur
- hesitate
- expunge
- erase
- stigma
- blemish
- trenchant
- sharply caustic or sarcastic
- rostrum
- public platform
- exculpate
- free of guilt
- rebut
- disprove
- indigent
- poor
- bizarre
- strange, fantastic
- bogus
- not genuine
- alluvial
- pertaining to mud left by running water
- feign
- pretend, fake
- protract
- prolong, extend
- bucolic
- pertaining to the country, pastoral, rustic
- filch
- steal, pilfer
- munificent
- generous, philanthropic
- cupidity
- greed
- sanguinary
- bloody, gory
- parsimonious
- stingy, niggardly
- bellicose
- warlike, pugnacious
- celibate
- one who is not married
- opulent
- affluent
- somnolent
- sleepy
- factious
- given to causing disagreement
- condolence
- sympathy, compassion
- homogeneous
- uniform, similar
- jostle
- push against, collide
- cleavage
- division
- circumlocutory
- wordy, prolix
- culmination
- highest point, acme, zenith
- lenient
- merciful, mild
- panegyric
- praise, adulation
- premise
- a statement from which a conclusion is drawn, hypothesis
- nominal
- in name only
- encomium
- praise, complement
- feud
- noisome
- con
- read carefully, scrutinize
- scintillate
- sparkle, radiate
- lethargy
- sluggishness
- precarious
- dangerously uncertain
- feasible
- workable, possible
- invective
- harsh accusation, ridicule
- laudable
- praiseworthy
- clandestine
- secret, covert, furtive
- bounty
- generosity
- mephitic
- smelly
- nocurnal
- pertaining to the night
- haughty
- scornfully proud
- august
- stately, somber
- denizen
- inhabitant
- duplicity
- deception, guile, deceit
- voluble
- talkative
- inveterate
- deeply rooted, habitual
- dirge
- funeral song
- imponderable
- incapable of being weighed
- dearth
- scarcity
- analogy
- similarity
- duress
- imprisonment
- divulge
- disclose
- prelude
- introduction to
- placate
- appease, mitigate
- salacious
- highly indecent, ribald, vulgar
- therapeutic
- curative
- excoriate
- scold severely
- upbraid
- condemn severely
- exigency
- pressing need, urgency
- arbiter
- judge
- redolent
- balmy, awakening memories of something similar
- acme
- highest point, zenith
- itinerant
- wandering, nomadic
- mandatory
- imperative
- ethereal
- heavenly, airy
- atrophy
- waste away
- credulous
- inclined to believe anything, gullible
- nomadic
- wandering, meandering
- wan
- pale
- sever
- disunite, disconnect
- inclement
- stormy, merciless
- immaculate
- spotless, impeccable
- propitious
- favorable
- chaos
- confusion
- ascetic
- self-denying, abstemious
- implacable
- not easily pacified
- cognizant
- aware
- transmute
- change form
- unconscionable
- unreasonable, uninfluenced by conscience
- amendable
- responsive, cooperative, pliant
- academic
- moot
- invalidate
- render void, nullify
- mollify
- soften, appease, assuage
- sycophant
- servile flatterer
- equable
- even-tempered, serene
- pseudo
- false
- sartorial
- pertaining to clothes and styling
- empirical
- experimental, research results
- extenuate
- excuse, modify the severity of
- necromancy
- magic
- dubious
- doubtful, obscure, equivocal
- synchronize
- agree in time
- insipid
- flat, tasteless, banal
- momentous
- highly important
- presentment
- presentation
- cache
- hiding place
- preemptory
- final, decisive
- deride
- ridicule, disdain
- fractious
- irritable
- retort
- sharp reply
- delectable
- pleasant
- wistful
- longing
- austere
- severe, strict, harsh
- quandary
- predicament, dilemma
- banal
- commonplace, insipid
- winnow
- sift
- remiss
- neglectful
- mitigate
- moderate,lessen, assuage
- propensity
- inclination, preference
- derogatory
- belittling
- redress
- remedy
- presently
- soon
- scintilla
- trace
- irrevocable
- unable to be withdrawn
- etymology
- science of word origins
- trepidation
- agitation from fear
- rococo
- extravagantly ornamented
- caper
- skip, dance
- dogmatic
- strongly asserting an opinion, authoritarian
- sententious
- meaningful
- dexterous
- skillful, adroit, adept
- piquant
- seasoned, lively, racy
- rampant
- unchecked, wild, uncontrolled
- qualm
- misgiving, conscience pang
- cogitate
- ponder or consider deeply, think
- scion
- heir, offspring
- vociferous
- clamorous
- pragmatic
- practical
- fallacy
- mistake in logic
- expatriate
- exile
- utopian
- visionary, ideal
- wont
- custom, habit
- waylay
- lie in wait for
- ambiance
- atmosphere
- refractory
- stubborn, adamant
- awry
- turned to one side
- chastise
- punish, castigate, admonish
- inadvertent
- thoughtless, accidental
- heinous
- evil, nefarious
- overt
- open, manifest, obvious
- preclude
- render ineffectual or impossible
- distraught
- bewildered, perplexed
- savor
- relish, taste, enjoy
- decorum
- propriety, proper conduct
- collaborate
- work together
- compendium
- summary, book
- augment
- increase, enhance
- pilfer
- steal
- bland
- mild, affable
- fluctuate
- waver, vacillate
- vulnerable
- conquerable
- benison
- blessing
- vernacular
- common speech, slang
- obeisance
- submission, obedience
- inscrutable
- incomprehensible
- tractable
- amendable
- impious
- disrespectful, sacrilegious
- lassitude
- sluggishness
- irrefutable
- unable to be disproved
- dilatory
- delaying
- hackneyed
- worn out by use, commonplace
- prolific
- highly productive or inventive
- bowdlerize
- remove offensive portions in a book, censor
- profuse
- lavishly overabundant
- paroxysm
- outburst of emotion
- sedulous
- attentive, diligent, scrupulous
- deference
- submission to another's will or opinion
- interminable
- endless
- alacrity
- eagerness, briskness
- soporific
- causing sleep
- chide
- scold, reprimand
- cite
- name, mention
- innovative
- creative
- regale
- entertain, charm, beguile
- serried
- packed close
- effrontery
- boldness
- deplete
- empty
- myopic
- nearsighted
- sanction
- approval
- diurnal
- daily
- irascible
- irritable
- deprecate
- protest strongly, disparage
- patriarch
- head of a tribe or family
- promiscuous
- undiscriminating
- saw
- a saying, cliche
- auspicious
- of favorable prospect
- glib
- fluent, suave
- redundant
- superfluous, extraneous
- eschew
- avoid, forego
- craven
- cowardly
- niggardly
- stingy
- credence
- belief
- exacerbate
- aggravate, intensify
- altercation
- quarrel, a wrangle
- cavil
- find petty fault
- unwonted
- unaccustomed
- synthesis
- combination of parts into a whole
- inveigle
- persuade by flattery, beguile
- hyperbole
- excessive exaggeration
- edify
- enlighten, inspire
- unremitting
- without stopping, incessant
- callous
- insensitive
- accrue
- amass
- germane
- relevant, topical
- palliate
- lessen the severity
- apt
- likely, fit, skillful
- philistine
- barbarian
- halcyon
- peaceful days in one's life
- ogle
- flirt with the eyes
- manacle
- handcuff, shackle (noun or verb)
- neophyte
- beginner
- tart
- sharp of taste
- chimerical
- fantastic, strange
- incumbent
- obligatory, an office-holder
- emulate
- try to excel or equal
- fatuous
- silly, inane
- turgid
- inflated, overblown, or pompous; bombastic
- paragon
- model, example
- clarion
- trumpet, sound of trumpets
- missile
- projectile weapon
- discomfiture
- disappointment, embarrassment
- temerity
- rashness, audacious
- surmise
- guess
- sedate
- dignified, serious
- affluent
- prosperous, opulent
- hauteur
- scornful pride
- deplore
- lament, regret