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Mass Comm final


undefined, object
copy deck
The spread of innovations
Examines the social functions media fulfill.
The rental or licensing of media products.
Federal Communication Commission - regulate communication.
Entry costs
Pose barriers to entry to new competitors. (not enough money, for example)
Marginal costs
The incremental costs of each additional copy.
Vertical Integration
Concentrating ownership by acquiring companies that are in related businesses.
Pitch letters
Designed to interest editors and reporters in covering a topic from a given perspective or "angle."
Feminist Studies
The concern that too few women appear in the media and are limited to a few stereotypical roles.
Direct Marketing
A form of advertising that requests an immediate consumer response.
Intentional influence of attitudes and opinions.
Media Distribution Services
A major public relations printing, mailing, fax and e-mail service (w/ a database of 250,000 editors and reporters at more than 40,000 media stations)
A real-time event broadcast over the Internet.
Federal Trade Commission
Works for consumer protection and a competitive marketplace.
Brand Loyalty
The consumer's propensity to make repeat purchases of a specific brand of product.
Statistical measure of association between two variables.
Content Analysis
A quantitative description of the content of the media.
Technological Determinism
The idea that technology drives social change and that information technologies dominate culture.
Media drive culture
A view of culture that emphasizes media content over technology.
Efficiency system based on the principle of de-skilling
Protects the identity of news sources.
Small files that web sites leave on their visitors' computers.
Control over media by those in authority.
Moral rules of conduct that guide one's actions.
Scarcity argument
Maintains that regulation is necessary to allocate limited frequencies.
Gives an inventor the exclusive right to make, use or sell an invention for 17 years.
Cultural Proximity
The desire for cultural products as similar as possible to one's own language, culture, history, and values.
Online Data Bases
Put valuable research and information at the practioner's fingertips in seconds; used by P.R. groups.
Convert digital data to analog signals.
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
The companies that provide connections to the Internet.
Packet Switching
Breaks up digital information into individually addressed chunks, or packets.
Underlying consensus of ideology that serves the dominant groups in society.
Economies of Scale
When unit costs go down as production quantities increase.
Electronic Commerce
Completes online purchases and financial transactions on the Web
Video News Release (VNR)
The equivalent of press releases except that they are viewed and heard, not just read.
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
Personal device that fills the functions of a notepad, personal computer and telephone.
Readability Studies
Analyzing a publication's effectiveness.
Media Relations
Focuses on establishing and maintaining good relations with the media.
Press Release
Summarizes news and information in a form and style that is preferred by the media.
Bullet Theory
(also known as hypodermic)
Posits powerful, direct effects of the mass media.
Person who writes advertising or publicity text(copy)
Cost Per Thousand
How much a commercial costs in relation to the number of viewers that see it, in thousands.
Knowledge Gap Hypothesis
Gap in between the information "haves" and the information "have-nots;" Dissemination of information benefits both but benefits the "haves" more.
Limited effects
Holds that the effects of the mass media on individuals are slight.
Digital Divide
The gap in internet usage between rich and poor, anglos and minorities.
Social Learning Theory
Explains media effects in terms of imitating behavior seen in the media.
The making of generalizations about groups of people on the basis of limited information.
Cultural Determinism
The theory that culture dominates the development of technology.
Situation Ethics
States that moral principles are not absolute but relative to the situation at hand.
Marketplace of Ideas
Means that the best ideas will win out in competition.
Indecent Speech
Graphic language that pertains to sexual or excretory functions.
A legal privilege to use, sell or license creative works & to control intellectual property.
Intellectual Property
A work of art, writing, film or software.
Means writing a message in secret code.
Satellite Media Tour; the primary application of satellite technology for PR professionals who need to work with the media long distance.
Fiber Optic
Systems use light instead of electricity to communicate.
Telecommmunications Act of 1996
Deregulated the communications media & opened the U.S. telecommunications industry to competition.
Limitation of views or interests (as defined by a parish).
Taxes imposed by governments on goods imported from other countries.
Systems transmit information between relay towers on highly focused beams of radio waves.
Transborder data flow
The communication of data across political borders.
Cultural Imperialism
Occurs when some countries dominate others through the media.
Satellite Footprint
The surface area covered by the satellite's signal.
Aristotle's Golden Mean
States that moral virtue is the appropriate location between two extremes.
Practices that unfairly use market power to damage potential competitors.
The Fifth Estate
The Mass Media

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