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Bio 1B Quiz 2


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Cretaceous extinction
asteroid hypothesis and/or climate change
Intact fossils
preserved fossils containing original materials
pertaining to a grouping of species derived from two or more different ancestral forms
Sun forms
5 billion years ago
Restriction mapping
a process which involved cutting up DNA by using restriction enzymes; used for designing and identifying recombinant DNA
Precambrian era
(~4.6billion - 542 million years ago) much happened, prokaryotes, eukaryotes
multicellular diploid organisms that have chromosomes,membrane-bound nuclei and organelles
similar structure or molecular sequence that has evolved independently in two species
Kin selection
selection that favors altruistic behavior by enhancing reproductive success of relatives
DNA-DNA hybridization
test for differences between species by gluing two strands of DNA together and melting them apart
southern subsupercontinent
are not perfect
behavior of organisms in which they do things that benefit other organisms without benefiting themselves
Phyletic gradualism
transformation of an unbranched lineage to a different state (species)
pertaining to a grouping of species consisting of an ancestral species and all its descendants; a clade.
an ancestral character
evidence of photosynthetic prokaryotes
Conditions for life on Earth
3.9 billion years ago
Non-Darwinian evolution
neutral evolution
structures that evolved in one context becomes co-opted for another function
retention of ancestral juvenile structures in a sexually mature adult
systematic study of the biological basis of all social behavior based on evolutionary theory
Hox gene
provides positional information in an animal embryo
Molecular clock
rate of substitution of neutral alleles is relatively constant when not under control of natural selection
pertaining to a grouping of species that consists of an ancestral species and some, but not all, of its descendants.
Cenozoic era
(65 mya - present) paleogene, neogene
similarity between two species that is due to convergent evolution rather than to descent from a common ancestor with the same trait
Herbert Spencer
coined the term "survival of the fittest"
alteration in the placement of different body parts
Mesozoic era
(251 - 65 mya) triassic, jurassic, cretaceous
any entity of which copies are made (ex. DNA)
Origin of the universe
~15 billion years ago
similarity in characteristics resulting in shared ancestry
Compressed fossils
very thin fossils still containing original materials
Alfred Wegener
came up with the theory of continental drift
an observable heritable feature
Earth forms
4.5 billion years ago
a derived character
Steno's law of superposition
states that older fossils are on the bottom and younger ones are on the top
Neutral evolution
evolution by genetic drift in which proportions of neutral alleles change by random chance
a principle that states that the simplest explanation that explains the greatest number of observations is preferred to more complex explanations
Evolutionary medicine
the application of principles of evolutionary theory to the practice and research of medicine
evolutionary changes in the timing or rate of development
organisms that lack membrane bound nucleus and organelles
Index fossils
used to recognize strata
Permian extinction
extreme volcanism and formation of Pangaea
a taxon designated as the least related to the other taxa being compared
Sedimentary rock
the only place where fossils are found
Permineralized fossils
casts which still contain some of the original materials
adult morphology of the descendant is produced by a prolongation of the growth trajectory of its ancestor
Punctuated equilibria
long periods of stasis punctuated with "sudden" episodes of speciation
Inclusive fitness
sum of an individual's fitness quantified as the reproductive success of an individual and its relatives
branching of new species from a parent species
fossils formed by minerals substituting the place of a decomposing organism
Allometric growth
slight changes in relative growth rates can have substantial changes in adults
Earth's earliest fossils formed by prokaryotes
Paleozoic era
(542 - 251 mya) cambrian, ordovician, silurian, devonian, carboniferous, permian
northern subsupercontinent

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