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Bio Unit 3 test


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each enzyme has an ____ which actively engages other compunds to cause a reaction
An unsaturated fatty acid has a double bond in between the H carbon chain
what is the difference between an unsaturated and saturated fatty acid
amylase; maltose
____ is the enzyme released by the salivary glands that converts starch to ______
small molecules
in the small intestine enzymes break down foods into _______ that can be absorbed by the small intestine and used by the body
hemoglobin in blood (RBCs) ___ oxygen throughout the body
proteases are _____ hydrolyzing enzymes
enzymes can also ____ compounds together to form new compounds
(3) Carbon
what type of compound is glycerol?
carboxyl group
acidic part of the molecule, polar and will dissolve in water
when large molecules are broken down
what will always dissolve in water?
the compund is ______
metabolic pathways
a series of linked reactions in the cell
R group
amino acids differ according to their ____
long polymers of monosaccharides joined together by condensation synthesis
nitrogenous base
nitrogen-containing base; base because it raises pH of a solution
altering the configuration/ "shape" of the proteins
Enzymes are giant natural _____
Are sucrose and maltose isomers?
attached to one of the 5 carbon sugars
what is the empiracal formula for dissacharrides
activation energy
all chemical rection require ______ to boot reactants over the energy barrier
unsaturated fatty acid
contain one or more double bond between the carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain
similar to fats except that one or sometimes two of the fatty acids are replaced by a phosphate group which is usually linked to a nitrogen containing group
directs the building of proteins based on instructions encoded in DNA
carbohydrases are ______ hydrolyzing enzymes
a type of structural lipid; consist of a long fatty acid chain bonded to a long alcohol chain; highly waterproof
compunds that speed up reactions that occur in the cell
5 carbon sugar
reactant; product
metabollic pathways begin with a particular ____ and terminate with a particular _____
Amino acids; peptide bonds
Enzymes are composed of long chains of ______ linked together by _____
as _____ increases, enzyme activity increases up to a point when denaturation occurs
proteins are formed through _____ reactions between long strings of amino acids
_____is the term for any molecule the enzyme targets
carbon skeletons consisting of four fused rings; insoluble in water; foundation of many important biological molecules like hormones
short term energy storage molecules
non polar, organic compounds, hydrophobic; large structurally diverse groups of compounds
Primary Structure
the simplest; unique sequencing of amino acids
enzymes; changed
_____ have the ability to change other compounds without being _____ itself
____ significantly lower activation energy
ATP (adensine triphosphate)
energy molecule that the cell can use
enzymes are biological ______
liquid at room temperature because of molecular structures; made from unsaturated fatty acids
empiracal formula
a simple way of representing a molecule
trans fatty acids are the same as unsaturated fatty acids, just altered a bit
what is a trans fatty acid?
amino group; carboxyl group
all amino acids have a(n) _______ at one end and a(n) _____ at the other end.
enzyme co-factors
many enzymes require an organic ion to function properly (vitamins and supplements)
the ____ does not change after the reaction
molecules; bonding
the substrate is broken down into new _____ by the enzyme, with different shapes that now escape the _____
fibrous ____ of body parts
in yeast
enzyme means _______
substrate concentration
as ____ ____ increases, so does the rate of the reaction until all sites on an enzyme are filled because enzyme concentration is constant
condensation synthesis
to form a triglyceride
enzymes have very _____ structures
enzymes typically have an optical ____
H bonds, covalent bonds, and ionic bonds
what are three types of bonds that contribute to the tertiary (3rd) structure
3 carbon compound with 3 hydroxyl groups
enzyme concentration
as ____ ____ increases, so does the rate of reaction until the substrate is used up
what is the empiracal formula for monosaccharides
_____ help enzymes if they are needed
when the enzyme finds its _____ compound they fit together and a reaction takes place
amylase; starch
saliva contains ____ which breaks down _____
enzymes are specific to only ____ other compound (substrate)
12 non-essential amino acids
you still NEED these, but your body can produce them
_____ in plants could not occur without enzymes
a carbon atom bonded to a H and 3 additional groups
a structure of an amino acid always includes...
sucrase; glucose and fructose
_____ helps convert sucrose into _____ and _____
mono=one; saccharide= sugar
what does monosaccharide stand for?
sometimes a _____ is necessary to catalyze a reaction
polymers of monomers (amino acids)
fatty acid
simplest lipid
are glucose and fructose isomers?
long term energy storage molecules formed during condensation synthesis between 3 fatty acids and one molecule of glycerol
chemicals that are essential to the chemical reactions of metabolism
substrate to undergo a chemical reaction
when the enzyme recognizes its substrate it holds its companion in the correct orientation allowing the _________________
third (tertiary) structure
3D shapes the molecules assume as a result of twisting, bending, and folding caused by various types of bonding between R groups
reactants in an enzyme reaction
solid at room temperature becasue of molecular structures; mad from saturated fatty acids
glycogen, starch, cellulose, and chitin
What are the four most common polysaccharides?
What is the ratio from hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms in glucose and fructose?
two monosaccharides joined together by condensation synthesis
Secondary structure
occurs when segments of a polypeptic coil or fold in a particular way
enzyme inhibitors
prevents an enzyme from combining with its substrate
high-quality/ complete
proteins that contain the 8 essential amino acids
pentose sugar
5 cabon sugar
reusable and particular to one substrate
20; amino
___ different ____ acids in living things
when large molecules are synthesized
starch and glycogen
two important polysaccharides
molecule that stores genetic information regarding its own replication and the order in which amino acids are to be joined in the synthesis of proteins
lipids; lipase
______ helps break down lipids into _____
8 essential amino acids
your body can't produce them, so you have to consume them
4; 4
there are ___ types of nucleotides in DNA and ___ types of RNA
maltase; glucose
in the small intestine ____ released from the pancreas splits maltose into _____
muscle cell components
actin and myocen
alpha helix and beta sheet
2 types of the secondary structure which are often a result of hydrogen bonds
composed of one or more polypeptides
simple sugar
pepsin; protein
gastric juice contains ____ which breaks down ____
amino acids
an enzymes shape is determined by the sequence of ______ in the protein chain
sucrase; substrate
enzymes such as _____ are named after the _____ they operate on and are generally given the suffx "ase"
_____ are globular (tertiary) proteins
virtually all chemical reactions in the body are catalyzed by _____
sum of chemical reactions in a cell during growth and repair
enzyme; substrate
it is the specific shape of the _____ that enables it to recognize its specific and complimentary _______
R group
Each amino acid is distinguished by the particular ______ section of the molecule
_____ = complimentary substrate

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