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cell bio


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9+0 pattern no dynein nonmotile determine body right and left axis because leftward flow generated
basophilic because negative phosphate groups hemotoxylin blue have 40S and 60S subunits
defect nuclear lamins also muscular dystrophy
heliobacter pylori
also disrupts ZO barrier in epithelium lining of stomach
complex inserts proteins into inner mito membrane or proteins into matrix
due to defect in spectrin synthesis weak structure break easily
*zellweger syndrome
peroxisomal enzymes not transported into peroxisome defect import protein
*cystic fibrosis
chloride channels blocked Na increase and water flows out result thick mucous also if proteasome degrades CFTR transporter variant
core protein embedded in cell membrane ex fibroblast co receptor for growth factor
6 connexins units form nexus gap junction defect deafness neuropathy female infertitility and congenital cataracts
cancer development
mutate cadherin or integrin synthesize proteosomes and develop blood supply for metastasis
black brown pigment in neurons highly stained area substantia nigra neuroprotective function
elastic fibers black
**glycogen storage disease
liver and striated muscle cells skeletal and cardiac shown by PAS rx carb magenta
require ATP and Ca macropinocytosis clathrin mediated endocytosis non coated mediated endocytosis and phagocytosis
PML promyelocytic leukemia bodies
sites of protein complex assembly and modification for DNA repair and apoptosis
red yellow pigment red to blonde hair color
blue fingernails problem loading oxygenc arbon monoxide poisoning red color cyanide and CO block e- transport in mito
comb like extensions striated brush border with glycocalyx have actin and villin to terminal web myosin 1 stabilize and web contain myosin 2 allows movement
secondary lysosome
formed from fusion of autophagosomes and phagosomes with primary lysosome
use ethanol to remove water
*nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
both aquaporin 2 genes are inactivated by mutations normally expressed by renal collecting tubule cells for water reabsorption
adhesive glycoproteins
3 binding sites integrin collage and proteoglycans
in embryonic tissue
feulgen reaction
DNA reddish violet shows nuclear changes in cancer
increase uptake of cholesterol by liver increase B-oxidation of FA by mito and peroxisomes so increse in number
hemosiderin iron pigment brown due to increased absorption ex hemolytic anemia in macrophages of liver and spleen
pars fibrosa
newly transcribed rRNA with some proteins
translocator protein outer membrane permeable require SRP
Q Colchcine vs Cytochalsin
prevents MT polymerization use to arrest cells at metaphase bs inhibit polymerization of actin
chondronectin vs osteonectin
both glycoprotein cartilage vs bone
marfan syndrome
defect fibrillin 1 aortic aneurysm and myopia pectus excavatum
nondifferentiated nucleus
malignancy common well differentiated benign basophilic because phosphate groups on nucleic acids
cytoplasmic inclusions
stored food glycogen fat NOT protein and pigments exogenous and endogenous
early endosome vs late
cell periphery vs near golgi and nucleus lower PH where ligand dissociates
basement membrane
basal lamina +lamino fibrorecticularis
anti aoptotic effect on osteoblasts loss leads to decreased cell lifespan inactivate bad by phosphorylation
interchromatin granule clusters
speckles mature snRNPs present for pre-mRNA splicing
mallory triple
used to show fibrosis nuclei red muscle red to orange *collagen blue* hyaline cartilage blue
secretory vesicles lysosomes mitochondria and type 1 collagen stain pink bc acid
ribosomes blue
laminin and nidogen
found in basal lamina
Rosenthals fibers
glial fibillary acidic proteins astrocytes agrregates also astrocytomas form no cross links
lipid rafts
small areas where cholesterol concentrated thicker region proteins aggregate to area receptors for cell signaling signaling platform
gel-sol phases
dynamic sol fluid phase motile allows movement
tay sachs disease
sphingolipidosis accumulate lipids
drugs inhibit polymerization of MT
colchicine vinblastine and vincristine but taxol inhibits depolymerization
lamina fibroreticularis
secreted by fibroblasts fibronectin and collagen connected by anchoring filaments
*cancer and Akt
have greater concentration of cholesterol more lipid rafts used as cholesterol inhibitor induce apoptosis because less lipid rafts down regulated cell survival signaling molecule
type 1
most common dermis tendon bone and teeth defect ehlers danlos type 7 hypermobility of joints or osteogensisimperfecta spontaneous fractures
largest 13 protofilaments composed of tubulin dimers one longitudinal other perpendicular polymerize with GTP cell division and motility also transport
SNAREprotein allow vesicle to recognize target ex botulism enter nerve terminals and destroy SNARE proteins prevents docking of neurotransmitters result braking effect on motor neurons paralysis because no trasnmssion
microtubule associated protein stabilize MT defect alzheimers disease disrupt structure neurofibrillary tangles
direct antibody w/ tag indirect 2nd antibody w/ tag can use to detect tumor origin
synthesize 4 types of rRNA no membrane
lipid bilayer
3 types of lipids mostly phospholipids trilaminar appearance from polar and nonpolar regions
parkinson disease
substantia nigra dark region is pale or gone
transitional epithelium
urothelium specialized type of stratified can change shape full pressure squaumous empty cuboidal relaxed
linear chains of GAGs bound by protein core linked to hyaluronic acid proteoglycan aggregatea aggrecan syndecans and perlecan
type 4
basal lamina
synthesis of proteins and enzymes and phospholipids require flip flop via scrambelase cristernae lamina ex pancreatic acinar cells
zona occuldens
have claudins for tight junction defect renal cells excessive loss of mg in urine on cytoplasmic side
ehlers danlos type 6
defect collagen weak
parkinsons disease
defective ubiquination of proteins
use formalin glutaraldyhyde preservs tissue cross link proteins
toxin specific to ZO proteins loosens tight junctions increases permeability
signal apoptosis extrinsic death receptor and caspase 8 used or intrinsic pathways cyt c release signal and caspase 9 used
*cholera toxin
negative charge gylcolipids noncytosolic lipid monolayer recpetor enters cell by binding receptor increase synthesis of cyclic adenosine monophosphate move Na and waterto intestine diarrhea
*Duchennes muscular dystrophy
due to dystrophin defect normal linker protein for structural support
epithelial cells
avascular but exception stria vascularis in cochlea is vascular
nucleolar organizer DNA
sequence of bases that code template for transcription of rRNA
type 7
anchors lamina
heart failure cells
increase fluidin lungs breakdown tissue use hemosiderin brown color
Q cytokeratin
epithelial cells acidophilic *mallory bodies* alcoholic liver disease and epidermolysis bullosa defect not connected blisters common
decreased permeability of inner membrane have TIM 22 and 23
desmin vs vimentin
in striated muscle and smooth muscle vs mesodermal tissue
basal infolding of plasalemma palisades arrangement ion transporting cells
thickened basement membrane kidney
use xylene prepares tissue for embedding
acidophilic glycine every third aa many types defect keloid scar
*multidrug resistance MDR-1
cancer cells resistant to drugs because overexpression of protein which pump agents out of cell
lamina lucida
laminin entactin integrin and dystroglycans artifact doesn't exist lving cell
brown yellow pigment lipids metals and organic material accumulates in long lived cells ex neurons cardiac and skeletal cells shows stress level increase with age
terminal web
formed from actin microfilaments
lamina densa
type 4 collagen fibronectin and perlecan overexpress tumor promote angiogensis
kinesin vs dynein
toward periphery - to + vs toward nucleus + to -
classified two factors
cell layers and shape of cells also sometimes specializations
*creutzfeldt jacob disease
normal prion protein on outer surface of plasmalemma of neurons is converted to abnormal form which stiumlates other cells to change to abnormal infectious
*Dubin johnson syndrome
MDR-2 protein transports conjugated bilirubin defective in this genetic disorder
autophagic pathways
3 macroautophagy microautophagy and chaperone accumulated wase from lipofuscin
acidophilic because no ribosomes cristernae tubular steroid syntheis and phospholipids detoxification drugs storage and release ex intestinal cells of testes
found in basement membrane also proteoglycan proliferation development and growth factor
disassembly phosphorylated assembly dephosphorylated
in situ carinoma
hasn't penetrated basal lamina
motile require ATP 9+2 pattern use dynein
brain cancer
loss of claudin defect blood brain barrier broken
nuclear pore
8 subunits continuous with rER permeable to ions also receptormediated transport require energy
lewy bodies
halo around accumulation if neuropathy neural filaments have cross links for support
pompes disease
glycogenosis accumulate glycogen
thick filaments protein myosin defect
dye changes color ex blue to red or dark purple in prescence of structure ex mast cell
endogenous pigments
hemoglobin hemosiderin bilirubin melanin lipfuscin
glycosaminoglycans GAGs
linear polymer of disaccharides negative charge attract fluid resist compression
macula adherin
desmosome achor proteins contain cytokeratin intermediate filament and desmoglein and desmocollin part of cadherins
basophilic hemotoxylin heterochromatin silent euchromatin active
binds integrin collagen heparin heparan sulfate and hyaluronic acid in connective tissue
constitutive pathway change structure forms channel
downregulation vs upregulation
ex adipose tissue exposed to high concentration of insulin decrease number of insulin receptors vs increase number of receptors ex GnRH when hormone present
mediated by receptors dependent on actin not clathrin use phagosome fuse with lysosomes
brown black pigment protection from UV radiation in epidermis and retina supranuclear arrangement
thin smallest composed of actin strucuture support movement and cytokinesis and binidng protein myosin
fluorescent in situ hybridization shows expression level ex HER2
Acid vs Base staining
acid negative charge and base positive ex nucleus - and mito +
prussian blue
used to show excessive iron accumulation in hemochromatosis blue
*osmic acid
lipids black
*trypan blue
macrophages blue living observe what it digests
part of cell external to nucleus susupends orgnelles and inclusions
trilaminar appearance
heavy metal salt stains membrane high affinity for polar head and no atrraction to tails 2 electron dense regions and central lucent region
ex take up thyroglobulin by thyroid cells actin process and nonspecific ingestion
silver methods
intermediate filaments of nerve cells glial cells and reticular fibers black
GEMs gemini of cajal bodies
contain survival of motor neuron protein synthesis of snRNPs
acipophilic eosin stain pink elongated threadlike structures reproduce by fission
describe steps to process tissue for light microscopy
fixation dehydration clearing embedding sectioning mounting and staining
not microvili different elongated microvili nonmotile ex cells of ductus epididymis
RNA DNA ribosomes and rER stain blue bc basic
used for anterograde transport from ER to cis golgi vs retrograde transport from golgi return v-snareproteins and ER proteins
caveolae mediated endocytosis
shuttle vesicle to other side
breast cancer
estrogen receptors HER2/neu epidermal growth factor receptor family overexpressed stain brown with anticytokeratin immunoperoxidase
exogenous pigments
carotene yellow orange fat soluble carrots and tomatoes also inhaled dust carbon macrophages in lungs digest and appear dark
inhibits proteasome used against multiple myeloma works because decrease degradation of apoptotic facotrs promotes apoptosis of cancer cells
bulbous pemphigoid
autoantibodies against type 17 collagen hemidesmosome defect
type 2
elastic slender and branched fibers shown with resorcin fushsin and verhoeff stains contain proelastin microfibril and fibrillin
yellow brown pigment increased in liver disease ex jaundice skin and sclera yellow
cajal bodies
snRNA get final modifications
clathrin mediated endocytosis
coated pits dynamin GTPase needed to pinch off vesicle mediated by recpetor ex cholesterol uptake adaptin used then vesicle uncoated
COPs coat proteins
coordinate movement of intracellular vesicles 2 pathways constitutive and regulated both require Ca and ATP
type 3
reticular cells reticular fibers react with silver argyrophilic and PAS ehlers danlos syndrome type 4
ground substance
hydrated fills space provides structure and diffusion contains GAGs and proteoglycans
basal lamina
lamina lucida and lamina densa regions secreted by epithelial and muscles lucida artifact not in lving state
stain appear black depositsfroms water and oxygen from hydrogen peroxide
pemphigus vulgaris
antibodies againstdesmoglein disrupts connection to skin blistering skin
located in cytosolic lipid monolayer normal translocated to extracellular lipid monolayer marks cell for apoptosis
in situ hybridization
uses complementary nucleic acid probes to identify nuclei acid sequence ex virus hpv or specific genes ex BRCA also
pass checkpoint
with caffeine and hydroxyurea
lipid storage disease
osmic acid black or space when use lipid soluble agent in adipocytes and hepatocytes but reversible ex fatty liver
centrosome has 2 MT in 9 X 3 pattern replicate form basal bodies
Grave disease
increaed GAG ex hyaluronic acid and chondrotin sulfate in orbit excessive pressure protrude eyeball
mannose 6 phosphate
tag for lysosomal enzymes in golgi
actin and myosin used contract to divide cytoplasm
light collecting ability
severe accumulation of iron due to genetic defect excessive absorption
mutations in mto DNA
alzheimers parkinson lebers hereditary optic neuropathy blindness
enzymes for B-oxidation granules affinity for Ca and Mg storage
zonula adherins
contain cateins and actin attach also cadherins
iron hemotoxylin
nuclear elements chromosomes mito centrioles and muscle striation dark blue to black
defect moncilia
polycystic kidney disease vision and hearing loss
*alzheimers disesae
B-amyloid precursor protein defect accumulate long B-amyloid form plaques resistant to proteolysis important for neuronal migration affects memory and cell adhesion
also perform B-oxidation help out mito when cholesterol high also syntheis of plasmalogens found in myelin defect affects nerve cells
part of cytoplasm without organelles and inclusions usually 55% of volume and 20% proteins metabolic rx's occur here
*PAS reaction
carbohydrates magenta used in glycogen storage disease and alpha antitrypsin deficiency in liver cells
fill tissuewith paraffin to make it hard to allow sectioning
pars granulosa
maturing subunits of rRNA
no eumelanin because tyrosinase not functional but increased if addisons disease
**kartagener syndrome
immotile cilia because defect or no dynein male sterile and bronchiectasis also can't clear mucous infection common primary ciliary dyskinesia
appear pale in hematoxylin eosin staining because no ribosomes cis convex toward ER trans concave
defect when there is decrease in LDL receptors

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