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Japans 82


undefined, object
copy deck
fukudoku suru (服毒する)
to take poison
kono fukin ni (この付近に)
near here, in this neighbourhood
fukitaosu (吹き倒す)
to blow down
fukiyamu (吹き止む)
to blow over, to cease to blow, to go down
fuku (葺く)
to tile, to thatch
fukubiki (福引)
a lottery
fukkatsu suru (復活する)
to revive, to be restored
fukisōji o suru (拭き掃除をする)
to clean, to scrub
fukisokuni (不規則に)
fukkoku suru (復刻する)
to reproduce, to make a facsimile
fukinukeru (吹き抜ける)
to blow through
fukin (付近)
the neighbourhood
fukkyū suru (復旧する)
to be restored, to repair
fukkochō no (復古調の)
of a revival mood
fukin no (付近の)
nearby, neighbouring
fukiso ni naru (不起訴になる)
to be acquitted
fukinuke (吹抜け)
a stairwell, a well, a well-hole
fukitsuna (不吉な)
unlucky, ominous
fukiso ni suru (不起訴にする)
to drop a case
fukushachō (副社長)
a vice-president [-> ~会長、~大統領]
fukusōjūshi (副操縦士)
a co-pilot
dōshita kaze no fukimawashi ka (どうした風の吹き回しか)
though I don't know why, though I don't know how it happened
fukōnimo (不幸にも)
unhappily, unfortunately, unluckily
fukitobasu (吹き飛ばす)
to blow off/away, to scatter
fukoku suru (布告する)
to proclaim, to announce
fukkura shita (ふっくらした)
soft, plump
fukkoku (復刻)
facsimile, reproduction
fukkō (復興)
revival, reconstruction
fukisōji (拭き掃除)
cleaning, scrubbing
fuku (福)
good fortune, good luck
fukō (不幸)
unhappiness, a misfortune, a disaster; death, bereavement
fukubun (複文)
[Gram.] a complex sentence
fukisokuna (不規則な)
fukkō suru (復興する)
to revive, to be reconstructed
fukokoroena (不心得な)
fukuryōji (副領事)
a vice-consul
fukueki suru (服役する)
to serve in the army/navy; to serve one's term
fukkakeru (吹っ掛ける)
[息を] to breathe on [a mirror]; [喧嘩を] to pick a quarrel; [高値を] to ask an unreasonable price, to charge high
fukōna (不幸な)
unhappy, unfortunate, unlucky
fuku (服)
clothes, a dress, a suit, a uniform
fuku wa uchi oni wa soto (福は内鬼は外)
In with fortune out with the devil
fukken (復権)
rehabilitation, reinstatement
fukōhei (不公平)
fukkin (腹筋)
the abdominal muscles
fukkyūkōji (復旧工事)
repair work
fukubiki de ateru (福引で当てる)
to get [a thing] in a lottery
fukugichō (副議長)
a vice-chairman
fukitoru (拭き取る)
to wipe off/out
fukukaichō (副会長)
a vice-president [-> ~社長、~大統領]
fukōheizeisei (不公平税制)
the unfair tax system
fukuekikikan (服役期間)
a prison term, a term of service
fukkokuban (復刻版)
a facsimile (edition)
fukkatsu (復活)
revival, restoration, the Resurrection (of Christ)
fukkan suru (復刊する)
to reissue
fukkatsusai (復活祭)
fukitsukeru (吹き付ける)
to blow (hard) against, to spray
fukudaitōryō (副大統領)
a vice-president [-> ~社長、~会長]
fukōheini (不公平に)
unfairly, partially, unjustly
fukuen suru (復縁する)
to be reinstated as a person's wife/husband
fuku (拭く)
to wipe, to mop
fukokoroe o suru (不心得をする)
to act indiscreetly/imprudently, to misbehave
fukinkōna (不均衡な)
unbalanced, disproportionate
fukin ni (付近に)
near, nearby, in the neighbourhood
fukkin'undō (腹筋運動)
fukkan (副官)
an adjutant, an aide-de-camp
fukiyoseru (吹き寄せる)
to drift
fukoku o dasu (布告を出す)
to issue a proclamation, to make an announcement
fukkochō (復古調)
a revival mood
fukisarashi no (吹き曝しの)
weather-beaten, exposed (to the wind), uncovered
fukkatsu saseru (復活させる)
to revive, to restore
fukōheina (不公平な)
unfair, partial, unjust
fukubukushii (福々しい)
chubby, plump
fukin (布巾)
a duster, a dishcloth
fukisoku (不規則)
fukokoroe (不心得)
an indiscretion, an imprudence, misconduct
fukken suru (復権する)
to be rehabilitated, to be reinstated
fukuchiji (副知事)
a deputy governor
fukinshinna (不謹慎な)
indiscreet, imprudent
fuku (副)
vice-, deputy
fukubu (腹部)
the abdomen
dōro wa fukkyū shita (道路は復旧した)
The road has been reopened
fuku (吹く)
[風が] to blow; to play, to sound, to blow; to boast, [Slang] to talk big
fukudokuhon (副読本)
a supplementary reader
fukki (復帰)
a return, a comeback
fukisusabu (吹き荒ぶ)
to rage, to blow hard
fukudai (副題)
a sub-title
fukko (復古)
fukki suru (復帰する)
to return, to make one's comeback
fukubiki o hiku (福引を引く)
to draw a lot
fukkyū (復旧)
restoration, reconstruction, repair
fukushihainin (副支配人)
an assistant manager
fukinagashi (吹流し)
a streamer
fuku no kami (福の神)
the god of wealth

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