Homeopathic Remedies Set 7
undefined, object
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* Respiratory
* Hard dry cough
* Lesions in apex of lungs
* Cough with chill and red face
* Rattling of mucus without expectoration -
TB Bovum
TB Koch -
* Headache
* Intense pain
* Like a hoop or band
* From over right eye backward toward right occiput. -
TB Bovum
TB Koch -
* GI
* Early morning, sudden diarrhea
â–¡ Podophylum
â–¡ sulphur
â–¡ Nat sulph
â–¡ aloe
* Constipation with
* Large hard stool followed by diarrhea -
TB Bovum
TB Koch -
* Rheumatologic
* Wandering pains
â–¡ Pulsitilla
â–¡ Kali bichrom
* Stiff when begging to move
* Better from motion
¨ Rhus tox
* Worse standing
¨ Sulphur -
TB Bovum
TB Koch -
* Changeable symptoms
§ Pulsitilla
* Chilly but desires open air
§ Pulsitilla
§ Lachesis
§ Sulphur
* Remedies fail to last long -
TB Bovum
TB Koch -
* Sensitive to (becomes ill from)
* Change in weather
* Cold damp weather
* Draft
* Neurasthenia
§ Chronic fatigue syndrome
â–¡ Phos
â–¡ Phos ac -
TB Bovum
TB Koch -
* Cachexia
* Food and Drink
* Desires
* Fat
¨ Sulphur
¨ Nat ac
¨ Nux
* Meat: especially smoked meat
¨ Calc phos
* Cold milk
¨ Arsenicum
¨ Rhus tox
* Aversion
* Me -
TB Bovum
TB Koch -
* Worse
* Stuffy room
* Damp cold
* Change of weather
* Draft
* Better
* Open air
* Motion -
TB Bovum
TB Koch -
* Desire to travel
* Discontented
§ Calc phos
* Fear of animals, especially dogs
§ Stromonium
§ Belladonna
* Irritability on waking
* Temper tantrums in children
* Cursing
* Changeable mood -
TB Bovum
TB Koch -
* Dermatology
* Dirty looking skin even after washing
* Itching worse warmth, and of bed
* Oily skin
□ Nat mur…on forehead
* Cracked bleeding fissures
â–¡ Graphities, silicum -
Scabies Nosode -
* Respiratory
* Asthma better lying, and with arms abducted.
* Worse standing or sitting
* Worse open air
* Blows nose constantly
* Without discharge in begging of coryza
* Thick yellow discharge later stage -
Scabies Nosode -
* H/A
* Very well before H/A
* Hungry
* Before H/A
* H/A from missing a meal
* During H/A
* Gets up at night to eat
â—Š Phos
â—Š Lycopodium
* From cold draft/ suppression of catarrh
â–¡ Decon -
Scabies Nosode -
* Frequent recurring infections
* Lack of reaction
* Well selected remedy acts poorly
* Foul odors
* Like rotten eggs
* Sulphur
* Arnica
* Cold
* Wears a hat or coat in the summer
* Wants to put a ha -
Scabies Nosode -
* Worse
* Cold air
* Winter
* Better
* Profuse sweat
* Eating
* Warm room -
Scabies Nosode -
* Anxiety
* Fear of
* Poverty
* Failure in business
* Misfortune
* The future
* Disaster
* Fire
* Being alone
* Stroke
* Cancer
* Depression
* Overwhelming sadness
* Despair < -
Scabies Nosode -
* Pains increase and decrease gradually
§ Rapidly-belladonna
* Bone pains
* Violent, as if sawed
* Worse at night
* Lead to despair
* Copious salivation especially at night
§ Mercury -
Syphilis nosode
Luesinum -
* Asthma
* At night, after lying down; during a thunderstorm; with intense sleeplessness
* H/A
* Violent pains; from 4pm until midnight then gradually abates until daylight when it ceases
* Linear H/A
* Insomnia
* Abs -
Syphilis nosode
Luesinum -
* Foods
* Aversion
* Meat
* Desire
* Alcohol
* Weakness
* Chronic ulceration and abscess -
Syphilis nosode
Luesinum -
* Worse
* Night
* Extreme heat and cold
* Better
* Continued or slow motion
* Daytime
* Applied heat
* Mountains -
Syphilis nosode
Luesinum -
* Violent pains
* Sawing pains
* Severe itching -
Syphilis nosode
Luesinum -
* Loss of memory
* Names
* Faces
* Events
* Places
* (Remembers before illness)
* Hopeless; Despair of recovery -
Syphilis nosode
Luesinum -
* Apathetic
* Fears
* Night
* To go to sleep
* Insanity
* Impending disease
* Contagion
* Aversion to company
* Obsessive hand washing -
Syphilis nosode
Luesinum -
* GU
* Menses
* Painful, offensive, dark, stains.
* Breasts/ Nipples sensitive to cold and touch
* Discharges, fish brine odor
â–¡ Cresotoum
* Respiratory
* Asthma better lying on abdomen with tongue out -
Gonorrhea nosode -
* Pediatric
* Dwarfed and stunted growth
* Dullness
* Needs questions repeated
* Bites nails
â–¡ May even bite toenails
* Sleeps genupectoral
* Fiery rash in diaper area -
Gonorrhea nosode -
* Extremities
* Arthritis
* Similar sx of stiffness to Rhus tox
¨ Tuberculinum
* Burning hands and feet; desires to uncover
â–¡ Sulfur
â–¡ Aloe
* Restless legs; cannot keep them still
* Soles tender, can -
Gonorrhea nosode -
* History of GC
* Food cravings
* Sour/ Sour fruit
â–¡ Sepia
â–¡ Veratrum
* Ice
* Oranges
* Sensitive to cold yet desire to be fanned
§ Carbo veg -
Gonorrhea nosode -
* Worse
* Daytime
* Damp cold
* 3-4 am
* Better
* Nighttime
* Seaside
* Genupectoral position
* Rubbing
* Short sleep -
Gonorrhea nosode -
* Mental Dullness
* Weak memory; looses track of conversation
* Forgets: names, words, errands
* Cannot speak without weeping
§ Nat mur
§ Pulsitilla
* Time passes too slowly
* Always in a great hurry
* T -
Gonorrhea nosode -
* Fears
* Anticipation
* Someone over their shoulder in the dark
* The dark
* Imaginary things
* Something will happen
* Misfortune
* Wild feeling in head
* Exhilaration at night
* Melancholy and sui -
Gonorrhea nosode -
* GU
* Uterine fibroids
* Chronic Infections
* Vaginitis
* GYN malignancies
* Chronic prostatitis
* Condylomata
â–¡ Thuja
* Dysmenorrhea
* Pediatric
* Failure to thriv -
Gonorrhea nosode -
* Hx of
* Mononucleosis
* Pertusis
* Family;
* CA
* TB
* Pernicious anemia
* Diabetes
* Sleeps genupectoral -
Cancer nosode -
* Warm blooded
* Precocious children
* Foods
* Desire or averse to
* Fats
* Smoked foods
* Chocolate
* Sweets
* Salt
* Milk
* Eggs -
Cancer nosode -
* Worse
* Consolation
* Better
* Sea air -
Cancer nosode -
* Love of:
* Dancing
* Animals
* Beauty
* Travel
â–¡ TB
â–¡ Calc phos
* Thunderstorms
â–¡ Phos fears
â–¡ sepia
* Conscientious of trifles
* Overly responsible -
Cancer nosode -
* Sensitive to reprimand
§ Calcarea
* Bites nails
* Weeps telling symptoms
§ A lot like nat mur
* Sympathetic
* Sensitive to music -
Cancer nosode -
* Fastidious
* Perfectionist
* Romantic
* Sensitive
* Delusion of martyrdom -
Cancer nosode -
* Children can have
* Destructive outbursts
* Disobedience
* Excess independence
* From excessive parental control
* Strong sense of duty/ Industriousness -
Cancer nosode -
* Cough
* Hollow, hoarse, barking, like a trumpet
â–¡ Drosera
* With
* Hoarseness
* Deep voice -
Verbascum thapsis
Mullein -
* Neuralgia
* Like pincers
* Left sided
* Temples
* Malar bone
* Extends to jaw
* With numbness
* Worse change of temperature -
Verbascum thapsis
Mullein -
* Worse
* Drafts
* Change of temperature
* Talking
* Sneezing
* Touch -
Verbascum thapsis
Mullein -
IV. Sensations
* Like pincers
* Cramping
* Crushing
* Paralyzing -
Verbascum thapsis
Mullein -
* Neurologic
* Extreme sensitivity to:
* Pain
* Noise
* Odors
* Touch
* Insomnia
* Racing thoughts
* Toothache
* Better cold water
* H/A
* Like a nail driven into head
* As -
Coffea cruda
Raw Coffea -
* Gyn
* Fear of death during labor
* Extreme sensitivity of genitals during menses
â–¡ Platinum
* Menses long lasting and early
* Dysmenorrhea with large clots of black blood
* Fever
* Dry heat and redness of fa -
Coffea cruda
Raw Coffea -
* Sensitive all senses
* Ailments from
* Joy
* Shocks/ sudden emotions
* Wine -
Coffea cruda
Raw Coffea -
* Easy comprehension
* Excitement
* Euphoria
* Theorizing
§ Sulphur
§ Lachesis
§ Cannabis
* Hurried and quick
* Eating
* Movements
* Planning for future
* Sensitive to voices
Coffea cruda
Raw Coffea -
* GI
* Aphthae: on tongue, in mouth, inside of cheeks
* With heat and tenderness
* Child cries while nursing
* Mucus stool
* Albuminous leucorrhea
* Pain in non-nursing breast -
Sodium diborate -
* Sensitive to
* Downward or Upward motion
* Rocking
* Swinging -
Sodium diborate -
* Worse
* Cold
* Better
* 11PM -
Sodium diborate -
* Anxiety
* From Downward motion
* Also upward
* Vertigo on Downward motion
* Fidgety
* Startles easily from
* Noise
* Unexpected news
* Music
* Excitement -
Sodium diborate -
* Fear of
* Infection
* Thunderstorms
* Riding downhill
* Riding in eleveator
* Night
* Being carried (children)
* Infants cry and scream
* When being put down
* When nursing
* Before passing s -
Sodium diborate -
* (Like Pulsatilla)
* Yellow green discharge
* Evening aggravation
* Worse in warm room, warm air
* Better cool air
* Loose cough with rattling mucus -
Kali sulphuricum
Postassium sulfide -
* Wandering pains
* After Pulsatilla
* Complementary -
Kali sulphuricum
Postassium sulfide -
* Worse
* Warmth
* Room
* Air
* Evening
* Better
* Cold air
* Fasting -
Kali sulphuricum
Postassium sulfide -
* Hurried
* Irritable
* Obstinate
* Irritability in warm room
* Restlessness in evening -
Kali sulphuricum
Postassium sulfide -
* Ovarian pains shoot upward or down anterior thigh
* Pain from hip to hip
* Menstrual pains worse with flow
* Electric shock like pains (Agaricus) -
Cimicfuga racemosa
Actea Racemosa
Black Cohosh -
* Neuromuscular
* Bruised sore feeling in body of muscles
* After violent exercise -
Cimicfuga racemosa
Actea Racemosa
Black Cohosh -
* Ailments from
* Fright
* Disappointed love
â–¡ Ignatia
â–¡ Nat mur
* Overexertion
* Business failure
â–¡ Aurum
* Childbirth
* Anxiety
* Chilly
* Cold -
Cimicfuga racemosa
Actea Racemosa
Black Cohosh -
* Worse
* During menses
â–¡ Lachesis is better once it flows
* Change of weather
* Alcohol
* Better
* Warm wraps -
Cimicfuga racemosa
Actea Racemosa
Black Cohosh -
* As if a heavy black cloud
* Gloomy, sad, sleepless
* Fear of insanity
* Irritable; least thing which goes wrong makes her crazy
§ Calcarea
* Talks incessantly with constant change of subjects
§ Lachesis -
Cimicfuga racemosa
Actea Racemosa
Black Cohosh -
* Self injury
* Fear of rats
* Nervous, fidgety, excitable
* Gloomy forebodings
* Insanity
* Death
* Impending evil
* Delusion encaged in wires -
Cimicfuga racemosa
Actea Racemosa
Black Cohosh -
* Extreme nausea and vomiting
* Salivation
§ Tobaccum
* Profuse sweat after vomiting
§ Arsenicum
* Nausea with vertigo
* Rattling respiration
* Without expectoration
â–¡ Ant tart -
Lobelia inflata
Indian tobacco -
* Migraine H/A
* Gastritis
* Asthma
§ Only for case that is on the way to the hospital-911.
* Hyperemesis gravidarum -
Lobelia inflata
Indian tobacco -
* Desire for coffea
* Aversion to tobacco smoke
* Even in smokers -
Lobelia inflata
Indian tobacco -
* Worse
* Cold bathing
* Cold
* Better
* Warmth
* Eating
* Towards evening -
Lobelia inflata
Indian tobacco -
* Respiratory
* Fullness at root of nose
* Constant need to blow nose
* Without a discharge
* Painful dryness of nasal mucosa
* Dry hacking cough
* Towards evening
* When tired
* Prevents sleep
Sticta pulmonaria
Lungwort -
* Worse
* Night
* Lying down
* Motion
* Change of temperature
* Better
* Open air -
Sticta pulmonaria
Lungwort -
IV. Sensations
* Painful dryness
V. M/E he has never seen these
* Sensation of floating
* Loquacity -
Sticta pulmonaria
Lungwort -
* Ailments from fright
§ Phos
§ Aconite
* Great sleepiness
§ From fright or stress
* Painlessness
* Anesthesia -
Papaver somniferum
Opium poppy
Opium -
* Torpor
§ Heavy lethargy
* Lack of reaction to remedies
* Hot, sweaty, drowsy
* Painlessness -
Papaver somniferum
Opium poppy
Opium -
* Apathy
* Denies he is sick
â–¡ Arnica
* Wants nothing
* Pleasant fancies
* Indifference to pleasure or suffering
* Sonambulism
â–¡ Sleep walking -
Papaver somniferum
Opium poppy
Opium -
* Agitation
* Insomnia from slight noise
* Frightful fancies
* Mice, scorpions, etc
* Talkative
* Delusion has committed a crime
* Fright remains after fright
â–¡ PTSD -
Papaver somniferum
Opium poppy
Opium -
* Antisocial/ Conduct disorder
* Lack of moral conscience
* Rash, bold, fearless
* Lying
* Desire to kill
* Rage -
Papaver somniferum
Opium poppy
Opium - Psora-chronic dz, epidemic, sporadic, caused by stress (is not an acute dz), flare up of underlying chronic condition-factitious acute dz, recurring similar acute illness,
- Organon 73
- Worst of all dz-those that have been tx'd w/allopathy, suppressed, ruined the body, vital force---very difficult to tx, even w/homeopathy.
- Organon 74-75-76
- The first sign of improvement is indicated by a greater sense of ease, composure, naturalness, 'I feel more like myself'. Pts may want to tell you how good they feel-may not be better though.
- Organon 253-256