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WH midterm

Good luck w/ this guys its pretty hard but great practice. This quiz was written by an Immediata student. ALL QUESTION CAME FORM BOOK


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These monks STRICKLY followd Benedictine rule.
Methodius and Cryol
These twins went on missionary trips to the Slavs.
Council of Trint
Pope Paul III called clergymen here to respond to Luther and Calvin and clean up the Church
Maco Polo
I was a European whop was a member of Kublai Khan's cort.
Nicclo Machiavelli
I wrote The Prince
Pope Gelasius
I came up with "Theory of Two Swords".
Johan Tetzel
I was selling indulgences and made Martin Lutgher VERY mad.
Philip IV
I had a fight with the Pope and and the Estates Gereral.
John Wycliff
I preached Jesus is more importatn than the Pope.
Tang Taizong
I led many military campains from Manchuria to Vietnam during the Tang dynasty.
Geoffrey Chaucer
I wrote The Canterbury Tails.
How are you gonna do on the exam after taking this test?
A grant of land
Pope Urban II
I launched the first Crusade.
Niz alMulk
I was the vizier of Malik Shah..
I was famous for portraits in Northern Europe
Jan van Eyck
Genghis Khan's son
This style of churches was before Gothic.
This wepon ended the knights and was introduced in the 100 years war.
I was a leader of the Franks who converted my people to Christianity.
Poet-musicians in castles.
Khmer Empire
We build Ankor Wat and lived in Cambodia.
Lorenzo de'Medici
I was a dictator of florence and patronized the arts.
I forces Richard into a stalemait Jerusalem.
Code of Samurai.
These people invaded Europe the east and were great horseback riders and sold victoms to slavery.
Gutenberg Bible
This is the 1st thing printed on printing press by Johanas Gutenburg
Thomas More
I wrote Utopia
Magna Carta
This document signed by John gave the parliment more power.
Alexander Nevsky
I told fellow princes to NOT resist Mongol controll.
Girolamo Savonarola
I preached to get rid of wordly posession to Florence, I was later burned
Hagia Sophia
A Church created by Justinian in Constantinopal.
A class of powerful people in ancient China.
Duke of Saxtony
I saved Luther in the cort of Charles V
Prince Shotoku
I sent people to China to Study their culture and goverment
Charles V
Holy Roman Emporer and King of Spain, I had a headache between German Princes and Luther.
This was practiced in Spain to convert everyody to Catholism.
This city was founed by Rurik and is Russia's first important city.
Concordat of Worms
This stoped lay ivestiture.
I sent out teams out of Kiev to study all the major religions.
Founder of Jesuits

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