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Interaction skill
is your ability to communicate appropriately, effectively, and adaptively in a given situation
Reform of Society
good interpretive theory generates change.
Truth viewed in the Scientific Theory
Truth is singular
Symptoms of Groupthink
1) an illusion of invulnerability 2) A belief in its morality 3) Tendency to hold shared stereotypes: Us vs Them mentality 4) Argue away problems or failures using collective rationalizations 5) Individuals who doubt the group feel strong pressure toward self-censorship. 6) illusion of unanimity- a doubting group member will believe that everyone else agrees with the group. 7) there is a pressure on dissenters to conform. 8) leader & key members of group are protected from the outside by "mind guards."
reform of society
critical interpreter is a reformer who can have an impact on society. has the capacity to challenge the guiding assumptions of the culture, to raise fundamental questions regarding contemporary social life, to foster reconsideration of that which is "taken for granted," and thereby to generate fresh alternatives for social action.
Withdrawal; would rather not engage in discussion or argument & avoid it altogether
How does the Cybernetic Tradition characterize communication?
Information processing- whole of communication being greater than the sum of its parts.
Critical Tradition
Challenge the control of language to perpetuate imbalances. Role of mass media in dulling sensitivity to repression. Challenge the blind reliance on the scientific method & uncritical acceptance of empirical findings.
a discrepancy between a present state of affairs & desired state of affairs
Narrative Paradigm Assumptions
1) people are essentially storytellers 2) we can make decisions on the basis of good reason, which can vary depending on the communication situation, media, & genre (philosphical, technical, rhetorical, or artistic) 3) History, biography culture, & character determine what we consider good reasons. 4) Narrative rationality os determined by coherence & fidelity of our stories. 5) The world is a set of stories from which we choose, & thus constantly recreate our lives.
Narrative Fidelity
1) Does the story square with the hearer's experience? 2) Is the story congruent with our values? Do the values of the stories resonate with what we believe is an ideal basis for conduct?
Self Construal
The degree to which people concieve themselves as relatively autonomous vs connected to others
Appeals to commonplace beliefs
1) we should treat people as people and not things. 2) accept and respect difference. 3) learn from each other 4) seek common ground. 5) avoid polarization & stategic dishonesty in human relationships.
aesthetic appeal
art looks at old material in a new way. the form of communication theory can capture the reader just as much as the content does.
Passive Aggression
making someone feel guilty without speaking
Code of Rationality
Premise about the value of a particular type of communicative action. (ex rational).
Ethical proof- emphasizes credibility
verbal & nonverbal messages that help to maintain & restore face loss, to uphold & honor face gain
A comprehensive conceptual framework or worldview
a prescription for how to act under specified circumstances, which has some degree of force (for a particular social group)
What kinds of problems does the Semiotic Tradition adress?
primarily problems of representation & transmission of its meaning.
What does communication explain in the Phenomenological Tradition address?
communication explains the interplay of identity & difference in authentic human relationships.
Explanation of Data
brings clarity to an otherwise jumbled situation; it draws order out of chaos. A good theory synthesizes the data, focuses our attention on what's crucial, and help us ignore that which makes little difference.
what is, what can be, what exists
Purpose of the Interpretive Theory
Interpretation. tend to strive to interpret individual texts
Human nature viewed in the Interpretive Theory
Free-will proponents (himan nature is completely voluntary)
What does communication explain in the Socio-cultural Tradition address?
Explains how social order is created, realized, sustained and transformed in macro level interaction process.
Purpose of the Scientific Theory
1) prediction 2) universal laws 3) test theories
How does the Critical Tradition characterize communication?
characterizes communication as a reflective challenge or discourse(exchange of ideas)
generalized statement of belief or value
How does the Socio-cultural Tradition characterize communication?
Creation & enactment of social reality. PRODUCES AND REPRODUCES CULTURE.
Method in Interpretive Theory
Qualitative. textual analysis, ethnography, observation
emotional appeal- speaker uses delivery of the speech to convey a deired emotion from the audience
Engaging, focuses on both needs for self & others
Importance of Rhetoric for the Greeks and Romans
1) lack of printed pages 2) ban on lawyers 3) self representation in public affairs 4) right of passage for young boys into manhood.
How does the Phenomenological Tradition characterize communication?
communication is characterized as the experience of self and others through dialogue.
The discovery in each case of the available means of persuasion
Socio-psychological tradition
situations that call for effective manipulation of the causes of behavior in order to produce objectively defined & measured outcomes.
Symbolic Actions
words & ideas that have sequence and meaning for those who live, create, and interpet them
If a prediction is wrong there ought to be a way to demostrate the error.
A Community of Agreement
we can identify a good interpretive theory by the amount oof support is generates within a community.
considers praise & blame
What does communication explain in the Semiotic Tradition address?
explains the use of language(symbols) & other sign systems to mediate between different perspectives.
5 standards for the Scientific Theory
1) Explanation of Data 2) Prediction of the Future 3) Relative Simplicity 4) Hypothesis That Can Be Tested 5) Practical Utility
The intentional analysis of everyday life from the standpoint of the person who is living it.
shows a recognition that things are not always as they seem
What does Craig claim that unifies communication scholars?
Craig claims that practical discipline unifies communication scholars because he describes communication theory as "the systematic & thoughtful response of communication posed as humans interact with each other."
The speaker must present speech in a natural, varied, & appropriate manner
What kinds of problems does the Critical Tradition adress?
communication problems that arise from material & ideological forces that preclude or distort discursive reflection.
What kinds of problems does the Phenomenological Tradition adress?
communication as a way to enable & sustain authentic relationships
high concern for other person & low concern for self
What does communication explain in the Cybernetic Tradition address?
how complex systems- living or nonliving, macro or micro, are able to function & why they often malfunction.
What kinds of problems does the Ethical Tradition adress?
We strive to understand & respect other communicators before evaluating and responding to their messages.
Aesthetic Appeal
good interpretive theory doesn't just consider issues of artistry it embodies them
Hypotheses That Can Be Tested
a good theory is testable
Rational-world paradigm
1) people are essentially rational 2) we make decisions on the basis of arguments 3) the type of speaking situation (legal, scientific, legislative) determines the course of our argument. 4) Rationality is determined by how much we know & how well we argue. 5) the world is a set of logical puzzles that we can solve through rational analysis.
Practical Utility
a good theory is useful
What does Socio-physcological Tradition address?
Addresses Cause & Effect Relationships
Clarification of Values
brings people's values into the open
Truth viewed in the Interpretive Theory
Truth is largely subjective
A mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action.
Emotional expression
expressing how you feel with less concern for other person
Higest value of Scientific Theory
Highest value is Objectivity
What kinds of problems does the Socio-cultural Tradition adress?
problems that arise form technical change, breakdown of social order. Urbanization, cultural fragmentation, & globalization.
want to win, prevail. High concern for self low concern for others
What kinds of problems does the Cybernetic Tradition adress?
Information flow/noise/communication breakdowns.
Goal Setting (Criteria Selection)
a group establishes criteria for judging proposed solutions. be able to evaluate effectiveness of the solution. doesn't worsen existing problems or create new ones. do-able, feasible, "normal"
uses deductive logic- moving from global principle to a specific truth
A coherent whole characterized as a collection, sequence, or progression of values or elements varying by degrees.
speakers image as a good & honest person
What does communication explain in the Ethical Tradition address?
explains how we accept responsibility for short- and long term consequences of our own communication & expect the same for others.
3rd party help
seeking an intermediary
Narrative Fidelity
does the story ring true & humane
What does communication explain in the Rhetoric Tradition address?
Explains why our participation in public discourse is important & how it occurs.
6 propositions of speech codes theory
Proposition 1- Wherever there is a distinctive culture there is to be found a distinctive speech code. Proposition 2- In any given community, multiple speech codes are deployed. Proposition 3- A speech code involves a culturally distinct pyschology, sociology, & rhetoric. Proposition 4- The significane of speaking depends on the speech codes used by the speakers and listeners to create & interpret their communication. Proposition 5- The terms and premises of a speech are inextricably woven into speaking itself. Proposition 6- The artful use of a shared speech code is a sufficient condition for predicting, explaining, & controlling the form of discourse about the intelligibility, prudence and morality of communication conduct.
New Understanding of People
seek to gain a new understanding by analyzing the activity that ehy regard as uniquely human symbolic interaction. helpsthe critic understand the text.
Identification of alternatives (solution generation)
brainstorming- generating as many ideas as possible
Maintenance goal
creating a positive social climate
disruptive decision making
interaction that detracts from the groups ability to follow the 4 functions
unconditional positive regard
is an attitude of unconditional acceptance
Narrative Coherence
1) how probable does the story seem? 2) compared with other stories- is this the most coherent? 3) Ultimate test of narrative coherence is whether characters act in a reliable manner?
mutual face
An equal concern for both parties image as well as the public image of their relationship
theory of linguistic relativity
structure of a cultures language shapes what people think & do and what people do with language shapes a culture.
empathic understanding
the caring skill of entering into another's world without prejudice.
A story
the projected image of one's self in a relational situtation
the most important dimension of facework competence
Relative Simplicity
a good theory is as simple as possible
Forensic Speaking
considers guilt or innocence
Ethnography of communication
If we truly understand a group's communications on its own terms, we may also gain insight into its cultural way of being
Highest value of Interpretive Theory
Highest value is Emancipation
Problems addressed in the Critical tradition
how justice can potentially be restored through communication practices that enable critical reflection or consciousness- raising in order to unmark distortions and enable political action to liberate participants from them.
specific cases to a general/final conclusion
How does the Ethical Tradition characterize communication?
communication as people of character interacting in just and beneficial ways
face giving
facework strategy used to defend & support another's need for inclusion
The speaker selects & arranges the wording of the message carefully
face restoration
The facework strategy used to stake out a unique place in life, preserve autonomy, & defend against loss of personal freedom
culturally important words that carry specific meanings for communities
Communication Theory
Umbrella term for all careful systematic, self-conscious discussion & analysis of communication phenomena.
What kinds of problems does the Rhetoric Tradition adress?
Social exigencies that can be resolved through artful discourse to persuade an audience.
speech code
A historically transmitted, socially constructed system of terms & meanings, premised & rules pertaining to communicative conduct.
A well substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; An organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena.
Code of Spirituality
Rule about the kind of communication that should occur when discussing the Vietnam War, way of speaking that includes the morality of war.
Narrative Paradigm
Fisher thinks that human communication reveals something more basic than rationality, curiosity, or even symbol capacity. He is convinced that we are narrative beings who experience and comprehend life as a series of ongoing narrative, as conflicts, characters, beginnings, middles, and ends. believes that there is no communication of ideas that is purely descriptive or didactic.
Explanation of Data
explains an event or human behavior
communication that's off-track or off focus must get back on track
give & take, settling for less than you want
What does communication explain in the Critical Tradition address?
communication explains how social injustice is perpetuated by ideological distortions.
How does the Socio-physcological Tradition characterize communication?
Process by which individuals influence each other.
positive judgement of the speaker's intention toward the audience
Code of Rationality
Rule about the kind of communication that should occur during decision making (i.e. debate) & the way in which that communication should occur (by force if neccessary)
promotive decision making
any interaction which calls attention to any of the 4 motives
practical wisdom & shared values
A collection of individuals who as a result of interacting with one another over time, become interdependent, developing shared patterns of behavior, & colletive identity.
Code of Spirituality
Premise about the value of a particular type of talk about the Vietnam War (ex: moral)
How does the Semiotic Tradition characterize communication?
communication is the process of sharing meanings through signs.
Problem Analysis
defines problem. exploring the problem- nature, extent, causes
good or bad
The speaker arranges ideas for maximum impact
community of agreement
acceptance of rejection is an accepted fact that helps verify or validate a theorists ideas. a good interpretive theory must become the subject of widespread analysis.
New Understanding of People
offers fresh insight into the human condition
Ways to avoid bad group process
1) Recognize symptoms of illness. 2) diagnose the cause of the ailment. 3) establish criteria for wellness. 4) consider possible remedies. 5) test to determine which solutions will work. 6) Implement or prescribe the best solution.
The speaker has to keep the speech in his/her mind; then shifts to keep the speech in the audience's mind
Study of the nature of knowledge.
Evaluation of Positive & Negative Characteristics
some groups have a positive bias & some have more negative bias. What are the positive and negative characteristics for each solution? How does each solution measure up?
Deliberative Speaking
considers future policy
How to avoid groupthink
1) Assign a member to play the role of critic or devil's advocate. 2) Take criticisms & warnings seriously 3) Once a decision is made plan a 2nd chance meeting to review it & find its flaws. 4) monitor behavior as the group develops.
Prediction of the Future
predicts what will happen
Narrative Coherence
does the story hang together
The speaker decides in the subject matter
Issues that rhetorical theories address
1 Verbal & nonverbal communication. 2) Neutral tool that could accomplish noble or fradulent ends. 3) Speaker, the speech, audience/occasion. 4) Civic Affairs
Method in Scientific Theory
quantitative. prefer quantitative experiments & surveys
Practical Utility
should offer practical help. suggests that if a theory is not helpful is not good.
Rule of parsimony
States that given 2 plausible explanations for the same event, we should accept the simpler one.
match between an individuals inner feelings & outer display.
Clarification of Values
acknowledges his or her own ethical stance and actively seeks to unmask the ideology behind the message under scrutiny. value equality as highly as they do freedom.
Logical proof, comes from the line of argument in the speech
Socio-psychological tradition
process of expression, interaction, and influence. Communication is mediated by pyschological predisposition as modified by emergent effects of social interaction.
How does the Rhetoric Tradition characterize communication?
Communication is characterized as a practical art of discourse
5 standards for Interpretive Theory?
1) New Understanding of People 2) Clarification of Values 3) Aesthetic Appeal 4) A community of Agreement 5) Reform of Society
Task goal
what the group is suppose to accomplish
Human nature of Scientific Theory
determinists(our way of being is out of our control)

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