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Unit 9: Ch. 26, 27, 28


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Military Industrial Complex
Eisenhower feared the US military was too powerful.
GI Bill
1944 14.5 bil to veterans for college, training, homes, and to start businesses.
Bretton Woods Agreement
created: International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT- solidified US internat'l trade).
Barry Goldwater
CONSERVATISM: launched modern conservative movement in politics. Transformed Repubs from East to South and West
Dynamic Conservatism
Eisenhower: bi-partisan: reduce taxes, reduce gov't, raise wages, entend welfare programs.
George Kennan
wrote "long telegram": US must contain Soviet expansionism/block Soviet aggression.
Truman Doctrine
US must support free people everywhere. 400 mil to Turkey and Greece to resist communism.
Peace Corps
JFK's group of volunteers who helped third world nations.
Voting Rights Act
1965: invalidated use of any device/test to deny the vote for blacks.
New Frontier
JFK's social/economic program
1948 Stalin blockaded all routes through here
John Foster Dulles
Sec. of State under Eisenhower. "Instant massive retaliation" against Soviets. "brinkmanship".
Michael Harrington
wrote The Other America: Poverty in the United States
Domino Theory
Eisenhower's theory. If Vietnam fell to communism, other Asian countries would fall too.
Chiang Kai-Shek
Nationalist government supported by US in China. Fell to communism.
secret report called for US military buildup
Betty Friedan
wrote The Feminine Mystique: women encouraged to work outside of home.
Southern Manifesto
denounced Brown decision as an abuse of judicial power.
Divided Korea at which parallel after Japan's defeat in WWII.
Republican congress fought with Truman and defeated bills to raise the min. wage.
80th Congress
Taft Hartley Bill
"slave labor bill" outlawed boycots, union officials to sign loyalty oaths. WEAKENED UNIONS
noncomformist writers against mid-class society. Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac.
To Secure These Rights
Truman's Pres. Committee on Civil Rights created this report. Dramatized the inequities of life in Jim Crow America. Called for fed laws against lynching, the poll tax etc.
Vietnam divided at this parallel after France's defeat Dienbienphu.
States' Rights Democratic Party. Wanted to deny Truman reelection/preserve SEGREGATION.
Caesar Chavez
Latino leader. boycotts for farmers. Combined religion, labor militancy, and Mexican heritage.
Dr. Benjamin Spock
Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care. Less scolding, more coddling.

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