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Pauline Epistles


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Purpose of Philippians
to speak of Epaphrodites in ministry
Provenance of Romans
Jerusalem, Rome and Spain
Defends Paul's apostleship
2 Corinthians
Cursed false prophets
Purpose of 2 Thessalonians
warn against idleness
Purpose of 1 Corinthians
Address divisions in community (hyper-spirituality)
Contributions of Philippians
Christ Hymn of humility
Founder of the Colossian church
Provenance of prison epistles
Rome, Caesarea, of Ephesus
Purpose of Romans
Raising money for Spain
Christianity and spirituality= ethics and conduct
1 Corinthians
Author of 2 Thessalonians
Paul, though change in tone from 1 Thessalonians
Contributions of Titus
Gospel is a "civilizer"
Warnings against speculative philosophy, worship of angels, ritual observance and extreme self-denial
Jewish/ Gentile relationship with church
Abraham the model of faith
2 Humanities
Adam: law, death, unrighteousness. Christ: Spirit, life and righteousness.
Faith and the Holy Spirit vs. Law
Timothy is where during 1 timothy
Nature of ressurection body
1 corinthians
Not expecting anything in return
Christ Hymn of humility
Audience of Ephesians
"circular" letter, meant to be shared with other churches
Justification by faith
Opposing boastfulness of "super-apostles"
2 Corinthians
Hagar and Sarah analogy
Character of Paul as a person, christian, pastor and apostle
1 Corinthians
Provenance of 1 Corinthians
Contributions of Colossians
Christ Hymn of Supremacy
Spirit chapter
romans 8
Face persecution with courage
2 Timothy
Treasure in jars of clay
2 Corinthians
Purpose of 2 Timothy
Urge Timothy to join him and guard the gospel in times of growing persecution
Purpose of Philemon
Plea on behalf of Onesimus
Armor of God
Christ Hymn of Supremacy
Purpose of Colossians
Address false teachers who mixed greek, judaism and paganism into christianity
Provenance of 1 Thessalonians
He does not work, he does not eat
2 Thessalonians
Contributions of 1 Thessalonians
the fate of dead believers and the return of the Lord
Contributions of 1 Timothy
How to run a ministry: Deacons and widows
Man of Lawlessness
2 Thessalonians
Spiritual Gifts to build up body
1 Corinthians
Audience of Titus
Titus who is in Crete
2 Corinthians
Written by Paul in Ephesus
Image of a solider
2 Timothy
Prison Epistles
Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon
The return of Christ as the basis of Christian hope and living
1 Thessalonians

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