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Virtue Ethics


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Kant believes we can or cannot rank moral laws?
practical wisdom
Two types of Virtue:
Intellectual and Moral
Actions are good in proportion (according to Utilitarianism)
in the amount of happiness they promote or bad in unhappiness
3 ways to identify a virtuous person:
intellecutal virute, behave in sake of doing right thing, take pleasure from right thing
Highest end; achieved by rational activity in virtue
Commutative Justice
contracts/ promises outside of public process, fairness of exchange
Categorical Imperative
ethical standard of Kantian ethics used to determind legitimate rules or moral laws that ought to guide actions
Keenan Self Care=
unique, relates to self
Strangers No Longer: Principle 2
Persons have the right to migrate to support themselves and their families: church recognizes that all goods of the earth belong to all people, if persons cant find work in own homeland have the right to move and ifnd work other places
Negative Right
oblight other people to refrain from doing something; free from interference from others
Strangers No Longer: Principle 5
The human dignity and human rights of undocumented migrants should be respected: should not be subject to punitive laws and harsh treatment
Kant believes moral laws are connected to
Ethical Justifications of Punishment:4
Rehabilitative: means to correct offender, therapeutic model
Natural Law (Aquinas)
ordinace of reason for the common good, made by who cares for the community and promulgates it
Distributive Justice
all persons have a share in goods that are between persons and public
Virtue has to do one live or specific actions?
How one lives
Kant on punishment
Not concerned with consequences, restibution only=equality
Ethical Justifications of Punishment:2
Deterrence: intended to fighten others from committing similar crime
irascible passion- desire concerning something to overcome
Singer: Immigration
Insiders and Outsiders: how do you choose who to allow into the shelter, singer says take all- we owe refuge to those who leave due to persecution, and should be no distinction between them and us
Catholic Social teaching is concerned with those who are...
marginalized and excluded from participation in society
Strangers No Longer: Principle 3
Sovereign Nations have the right to controlt their borders: can control their territories but not when it is for the purpose of acquiring wealth. More powerful nations haveobligation to accomodate migration flows
Keenan Fidelity=
specific, relates to specific others
Ethical Justifications of Punishment:1
Retribution: returning like for like
Economic Justice for all
economy can never be divorced from human dignity, our concern has to be for those below the minimum human dignity,all persons with the ability to contribute must do so, defends right to unionize
Aquinas virtue ethics foundation...
Cardinal Virtues
Forgiveness and Mercy: Moore
doesnt like utilitarianism, forgiveness is an attitude from injured to injurere, mercy is an action, judges cannot be merciful since part of institution
Eudamonia was supported by:
Common Good
Good of the individual is inseparable from the good of the community of which he is a part
Kant believe you should act towards others in a way that treats them as...
ends and not means
4 Cardinal Virtues:
Prudence, Justice, Temperance,Fortitude
Keenan Prudence=
practial wisdom, assigns proper means to achieve virtuous ends
4 type of Natural Law
divine- scripture and revelation
Aristotle believes virtue is
mean between excess vice and deficiency vice
Kant believes rules should be three things:
consistent, universalizable and morally equal
thinking, discover human interdependence and develop mutual relationships to transform society
Kant Ethics
Ethics primarily concerned with relationships, ideal relationship is one of care
conducible passions- desires lead us to right
Weiner: Immigration
no absolute justice in public policy; consequences not intentions-utilitarians,realm of morality is consequences, skeptical because many policies have good intentions but bad consequences
People must be treated as _____ and not____
ends, means
Substantive Justice
result has an end state, minimum must be achieved if people are below minimum, concern to raise all persons above minimum
Birch Ethics: 3 Elements of Ethical Caring
apprehending(empathy, reality), engrossment(present), motivational displacement (willing other's good), parents child relationship(natural caring and longing to connect to someone)
Intellectual Virtue comes from...
teaching, practical wisdom
Solidarity,Compassion,Hospitality traits:
attentive to suffering of others,suffering is morally relevant, related to justice
Hollenbach beleives one must _________ in society
participation in social/politcal arena is necessary to be happy and birtuous
3 type of Natural Law
human- man made legislation
Act and Rule Utilitarianism believes actions are good and bad according to...
the tendency they have to augment or diminish the pleasure or happiness fo the parties whose interest are in question
feeling,notice peoples suffering and learn to respond, directed at specific individuals
Utilitarians are concerned with______ of pleasure
Keenan Justice=
general, relates to everyone
Action, sharing more than giving
First Precept of Natural Law...
Do good and avoid evil
Strangers No Longer: Principle 1
Persons have the right to find opportunites in their homeland: equal economic,political,social opportunites and achieve life through God given gifts
For Utiliartians, happiness is the ultimate..
Strangers No Longer: Principle 4
Refugees and asylum speakers should be afforded protection: those who flee war and persection should be protected, and should claim refugee status without incarceration
Keenan's Cardinal Virtues
Justice, Fidelity, Self Care, Prudence
Vogt: Catholic Social Teaching
Given covenental aspect of our relationships, we must reflect on who we are- converned with the formating of virtues that give us justice and common good
artificially created and maintained by external power, can expier
Kant believes one should act from...
personal rules that you can will to be moral laws
Three Theological Virtues
To determine good/bad actions according to Utilitarianism....
1. identify consequences and seperate them as harms and benefits 2. durations must be considered 3. certainty of consequence 4. immediate harm is worse 5. will it produce future benefits? 6.# of ppl affected
Ethical Justifications of Punishment:3
Expressive: used to reinforce values of society
Ethical Justifications of Punishment:5
Incapacitation: incarcerations keeps offender from creating more crimes
How do we recieve Theological virtues?
by participating in faith, God bestows them upon us
Global Egalitarianism
3 levels of inclination of natural law
Common to substances(continue to exist), animals(procreat and care for young), humans(live in community, know God)
Positive Right
impose obligation on others to do somethings; oppurtunity to fulfills ones potential
Contributive Justice
institutionalize patterns of mutual action
2 type of Natural Law
natural- human participation of eternal law is specific to rational beings
Moral Virtue comes from...
to be virtuous one must work towards a goal that is set at the highest end
1 type of Natural Law
eternal- ordiance of divine reason, outside our realization
Procedural Justice
we must come together and not know where we stand in society, must be no end view
Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development
Pre Conventional, Conventional, Post Conventional
Catholic Social Teaching:Hollenbach believes humans are...
social/political animals
Two Fold Happiness
Something we can obtain, and only be obtain by grace of God
Principle of Subsidiarity says...
nothing should be done by larger and more complex organizations that can be done as well by smaller ones, all should be performed by decentralized entities
mutual recognition of common identity, cannot expire
Mill on punishment
social utility, desire for punishment is not moral, if punshiment doess not benefit society than is not moral

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