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To kill a mockingbird


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What was the children's goal in reference to Boo Radley?
They wanted to get him out of the house.
What causes Atticus' eyes to fill with tears?
The day after the trial all kind of people were bringing food to his house.
How did this punishment help Mrs. Dubose?
It helped to ween her off of her pain medicine.
What did Scout and Jem find in the knothole of the Radley tree?
gum, 2 soap dolls that looked like them, a watch and chain, and an old spelling medal.
Why didn't Scout like school?
Because the teacher told her she could no longer read with Atticus or write with Calpurnia
3 instances of killing a mockingbird
1. When the children got their air rifles Atticus told them it was a sin to kill a mockingbird because all they did was sing 2. When Tom Robinson was killed Mr.Underwood writes an editorial that said it was a sin to kill Tom because he was cripple and that was like killing a mockingbird 3. When Scout was talking to Atticus he agrees with Heck Tate that saying that Boo killed Bob was like killing a mockingbird because Boo would be forced into the spotlight and he it very shy
What was Jem's punishment?
He had to read to her for a month.
Why did Mr.Radley shoot his gun one night?
He thought a black was in his collard patch.
When Jem suggest that they do away with juries, what does Atticus suggest instead?
That the judge set the sentence in a capital case.
What does Bob Ewell do to Atticus'?
He spits in his face.
How would blaming Boo Radley be like killing a mockingbird?
Boo never did any harm to anyone he would just sit in his house and mind his own business.
How was Scout responsible for stopping a potentially dangerous situation?
She talked to Mr. Cunningham about his son and about the court case and makes him an individual instead of part of a mob.
Who attacked Jem and Scout on the way back home from the Halloween pagent?
Bob Ewell
What did Walter Cunningham do at the dinner table that was so unusual?
He poured syrup all over his food.
Why did Scout get into a fight at school?
Cecil Jacobs called her daddy a black-lover
What had Boo done to his father that caused Boo to be locked in the courthouse basement?
He stabbed his Father.
What did Mr.Radley do to the tree?
He filled the knothole with cement.
What did Jem have to leave behind on the fence? What was unusual about this time when Jem got them back?
He had to leave his pants and when he came back to get them they were folded neatly and hanging over the fence.
What were Scout, Dill, and Jem doing with a fishing pole one night?
They were trying to get a note into Boo's room.
What had Mr. Underwood been doing during the incident at the jail?
Sitting in his window with his shotgun protecting Atticus
Why was Dill's arrival that summer unusual?
He was supposed to stay with his dad but ran away and showed up under Jem's bed
When the jury returns, what does Scout observe about them?
They don't look at Tom Robinson.
How did he really die?
Boo stabbed him with a kitchen knife.
What historical figure does Miss Gates, the teacher, condemn? Why does this confuse Scout?
She condemns Hitler for persecuting the Jews but the one day Scout heard her saying it was time the Blacks were put into their place.
How did Tom Robinson's Story differ from Mayella's?
Whom did Jem's finished snowman resemble?
Mr. Avery
What had happened in Boo Radley's past to make his father keep him inside the house?
He got involved with the wrong people and locked the sheriff in the outhouse and the choice was either to keep him in the house or put him in a special school.
What will happen to Tom if he loses his appeal?
He will be put to death.
How does Sheriff Tate say that he died?
Says Bob fell on his knife.
What was Atticus' definition of courage?
a person that starts something that he knows he will lose but does it anyway because he knows it is the right thing to do
Who is telling the story?
Jean louise/Scout
What effect did this disability have on the testimony?
In order for him to hit her on the side she was bruised on he would have had to use his paralyzed arm
What happened to change Jem's mind about Atticus?
He saw Atticus shoot and kill the crazy dog in one shot.
How did Miss Maudie react to her house burning down?
She saw it as a blessing because she wanted a smaller house anyway so she could have a bigger garden.
Why did Dill begin to cry during the trial?
Mr.Gilmur was cross examining Tom and was being mean to him
What did Jem do to Mrs. Dubose when she angered him?
He messed up all her Camelias
Describe Cal's reaction o the children having been at the trial all day.
She was upset because she didn't think it was appropriate for the children to hear
Name one of several observations that Scout and Jem made when they went to church with Calpurnia? In other words, what did they observe that was different to them?
They didn't have hymnals or pews.
Atticus' definition of courage ad who showed it
A man who stands up for what he believes in even if he knows it will lose and Atticus shows this
Who does Atticus think killed Bob Ewell?
What physical disability did Tom Robinson have?
His left arm was paralyzed
What did the children learn about Dolphus Raymond when Scout took Dill out of the courthouse?
He didn't really drink alcohol like everyone thought, he just drank coke
Who saved them?
Boo Radley
Why was Atticus angry at the children's game?
He didn't want them making fun of Boo especially where he could see and it was non of their business.
Describe briefly Scout's relationship with aunt Alexandra?
Aunt Alexandra did not approve of the way that Atticus was raising Scout. She wanted her to be a lady and Scout resented her for this
Who is Miss Maudie?
One of Atticus' neighbors that befriends the children and treats them with kindness.
Where does the story take place?
Maycomb County, Alabama
Why was Jem disappointed with Atticus?
Because he was older than the other dads and he could not play football with the other dads at the church.
Who is sitting on the porch when they return from church with Calpurnia?
Aunt Alexandra
Why was Atticus sitting out in front of the jail one night?
He was talking to Tom Robinson
What three odd events happened in the fall of the last year of the novel?
1. Bob Ewell lost his job the first day he got it 2. Mrs. Taylor found her husband with a shotgun across his lap when she returned from church because someone had tried to break in to the house 3. Helen was followed by Bob Ewell everyday to work

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