WH vocab
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- geocentric theory
- earth centered universe
- scientific revolution
- scholars begin challenging old ideas *
- heliocentric theory
- sun centered universe
- galileo galilei
- "starry messenger" discovered that the sun has dark spots, and that jupiter has 4 moons
- scientific method
- new approach to science, logical procedure
- isaac newton
- theory of motion - law of universal gravitation
- enlightenment
- intellectual movement that stressed the power of the individual
- social contract
- people give their rights to an absolute monarch because its the only way to keep order
- john locke
- people are born free and equal inalienable rights: life liberty and property which is the foundation of democracy
- philosphe
- a group of social thinkers in france during the enlightenment
- Voltaire
- pen name for Francois Marie Arouet writer that attacked clergy, aristocracy and goverment "i dont agree with a word you say but i will defent to death your right to say it"
- Rousseau
- committed to individual freedom "man is born free and everywhere he is in chains" direct democracy abolish titles of nobility
- Montesquieu
- french writer, devoted to the study of political liberty "on the spirit of laws"-checks and balances
- Mary Wollstonecraft
- women's education was NOT secondary to men's encouraged woment to enter male dominated fields
- Salon
- social gatherings where intellectuals discussed ideas
- Baroque
- grand ornate style 1600s - early 1700s
- Neoclassical
- "new" classical barrowed from greeks and romans
- Enlightened Despot
- rulers who embraced the concepts of enlightenment
- Catherine the great
- russia 1762-1796 wanted reform but changed her mind after the uprise of surfs took the black sea from the ottomans and expanded into poland
- Declaration of Independence
- reasons for the split from britain based on the ideas of john locke and the enlightenment
- Thomas Jefferson
- political leader of the colonists and author of the declaration of indp.
- federal system
- government system where power is divided between a central authority and states
- Philip II
- SPAIN seized portugal defended catholicism spanish armada- lost against protestant england
- edict on nantes
- 1598 declaration - french king, henry IV PROTESTANTS could live in france peacefully
- Cardinal richelieu
- made up for louis XIII's weakness moved against huguenots/protestants sought to weaken nobles's power
- Louis XIV
- most powerful ruler in french history 4 years old when he began his reign
- Intendant
- strengthened by Louis XIV government agents who collected taxes and administered justice
- Jean baptiste colbert
- Louis XIV's minister believed in mercantilism wanted france to be self sufficient supported colonization
- war of spanish succession
- French bourbon dynasty strengthened prevent the union of the french and spanish thrones
- Thirty years war
- conflict over religion and territory and for power among ruling families lasting from 1618 to 1648
- maria theresa
- Austrian queen main enemy:prussia sought to decrease power of nobility
- Fredrick the great
- King of Prussia believed that a ruler should be like a father to his people
- Seven years war
- prussia and austria switched allies russia was involved in european affairs for first time fredrick attacked saxony(austrian ally)
- Ivan the terrible
- Russian king 1533 at age 3 first ruler to name himself czar "caesar"
- Boyar
- russia's landowning nobles
- Peter the great
- one of russia's greatest reformers increased czars power pushed for WESTERNIZATION
- Westernization
- adopting the ways and ideas of western civilization- europe
- Charles I
- always needed money because he was at war with spain and france agreed to the petition of right, then ignored it dissolved parliment
- English civil war
- kings loyalist= royalists/cavaliers Vs. puritan supporters of parliament/round heads
- Oliver Cromwell
- Puritan general brought charles to trial for treason PUBLIC EXECUTION later became a military dictator
- Restoration
- reign of Charles II restored monarchy got rid of military dictatorship
- Hapbeas corpus
- "to have the body" monarchs could not put someone in jail simply for opposing the ruler prisoners could not be held without trial
- Glorious revolution
- overthrow of king james by mary and william Catholic to protestant
- constitutional monarchy
- laws limit the rulers power
- cabinet
- group of advisers chosen by the head of a country to help make decisions