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- Ethnic group
- a clan of people who share the same values and beliefs
- ethnocentrism
- sociology; a tendency to view alien groups or cultures from the perspective of one's own.
- extended family
- one's aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, and sometimes close friends and collegues.
- folkways
- a practice, custom, or belief shared by the members of a group as part of their common culture.
- gender roles
- the public image of being male or female that a person presents to others
- laws
- a legal system; a body of rules and principles enforced by a political athority
- material culture
- all objects that have been "worked" or made
- monotheism
- the doctorine or belief that there is only one god.
- mores
- moral attitudes
- non-material culture
- the things we can only think, speak, see or hear
- norm
- a standard, model, or pattern
- polygamy
- the practice of having more than one spouse at a time
- polytheism
- the doctorine or belief in more than one god
- race
- a group of persons related by common descent or heredity
- religion
- something one believes in and followes devotedly
- socialization
- a continuing process in which one aquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills for their social position
- subculture
- a culture (as of bacteria) derived from another culture
- technology
- the science of the application of knowledge to practical purposes
- value
- a principle, stanard, or quality considered worthwhile or desirable