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Level 5 history - 3rd block


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April 19, 1775
The date the War for Independence began.
The first meeting of the group of representatives from the the colonies.
Continental Congress
Groups started for the purpose of keeping contact between colonies.
Committees of Correspondence
The British general who surrendered at Yorktown on October 19, 1781.
Lord Cornwallis
Members of a religious group who believed people should be free to worship as they pleased.
July 4, 1776
The date the Declaration of Independence was passed by Congress.
Intolerable Acts
Punishment inflicted upon the people of Boston in response to the Boston Tea Party.
The Commander in Chief of the Continental army.
George Washington
Roger Williams
Puritan minister who was persecuted for holding different beliefs than most Puritans.
A large farm on which one main crop is grown.
Rhode Island
The colony started by Roger Williams where people had religious freedom.
religious song
A plant from which blue dye is made.
The chief city of the Massachussetts Bay Colony
The document stating the reasons the American colonies wanted to be free of British control
Declaration of Independence
The first of the 13 colonies to be settled.
Middle Colonies
New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware.
Colony taken from the Dutch by the king of England's brother.
New York
Founded by James Ogelthorpe and debtors for the purpose of protecting the Northern colonies from Spain. Named in honor of King George.
Massachussetts Bay Colony
The colony started by the Puritans. Its chief cith wad Boston.
naval stores
Supplies made from pine trees and sent to England to be used by the English Navy.
The colony founded by Cecilius Calvert as a refuge for Catholics.
organized military force
Rule or government by the people.
Was purchased from the Duke of York by William Penn and eventually became a separate colony from Pennsylvania.
Those who supported the fight for independence from Britian.
Student of a master craftworker for the purpose of learning that trade.
Connecticut & New Hampshire
Founded by people from the Masachussetts bay Colony where fishing, shipping, and farming were important ways to make a living.
These two colonies began as one colony and were named in honor of King Charles II.
North & South Carolina
The introduction to the Declaration of Independence telling what rights people should have.
town meeting
A meeting of the inhabitants of a town to discuss or vote on town affairs.
The British lawmaking body.
Something that is owed, usually money.
The last of the original 13 colonies to be settled.
Colony founded by William Penn and other Quakers. Philadelphia is its largest city.

Freedom from great Britian's rule
The 7 year war in which the colonies ans Britian fought against the French and the Indians.
The French and Indian War
The term for farmers and other citizens who were ready to fight "with a minute's warning."
The 5 southern colonies
Maryland,Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
The large area of land given to George Carteret and John Berkeley by the Duke of York.
New Jersey
The protest against British taxes which resulted in 300 chests of tea being thrown into the Boston Harbor.
Boston Tea Party
A killing of many people who cannot defend themselves very well.
A member of a religious group who did not want to leave the Church of England, but to purify it.
Jamestown was founded in this colony.
Located at the center of most New England towns and owned by all the people. Animals were put to graze here.
Sent out of Massachussetts Bay Colony for her religious beliefs.
Anne Hutchinson
Middle Passage
The trip from Africa to America on a slave ship.
Changes one type of government or way of thinking and replaces it with another.
People who lived in the colonies, but supported Britian and King George III
German soldiers hired to fight for the British
Privately owned ships given permission by Congress to attack the British in the name of the United States government

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