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Religion in US midterm 1


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1) Shakers
a) Stemmed from Quakers, with founder Mother Ann Lee, successful (through recruitment), becomes sect b) No leader of service, mixed gender, communal, rural life, celibate c) Adventist  celibate because no need to breed, celibacy in Christ, Mary, Apos
10) Echo
a) Waterlilys eldest sister-in-law by her first husband
11) Sacred Horse
a) Waterlilys first husband
12) Blue Bird
a) Mother of Waterlily
13) Joseph Smith
a) Leader of Mormon church (Church of Latter Day Saints), cult of Joseph Smith, becomes sect after death b) Frustrated with denominational fighting  asked God: what is best church? c) Given Book of Mormon (published 1830), success d) Success  simil
14) Church/Denomination/Sect/Cult
a) Inverse of evolution of religion  cult/sect/denomination/church b) Church then devolves into many denominations and/or sects
15) Isaac Backus
a) Minister for Separate Baptist dissenters b) Supporter of idea of freedom of religion c) Refused to pay taxes to church he didnt attend  the kingdom of God is not here, so separate church and state
17) Transcendentalism
a) God is in nature, grass-roots religious campaign b) Epitomized by the failed Brook Farm by Ralph Waldo Emerson
18) Freedom of Religion
a) Persecution of Native Americans
19) Wovoka
a) Had vision that, if Native Americans returned to roots, they would inherit the world b) If NAs dance in Black Mountains, then flood would come and drown all white people and the buffalo would be brought back from the ground c) Led to Wounded Knee an
2) Oneida Colony
a) Founder Noyes b) Bourgeois colony/community where everyone is married to everyone else c) but controlled reproduction (Noyes decides), picks best males and females to create superior humankind
20) Separation of Church and State
a) Backus
21) Word of Wisdom
a) Term used to describe the Latter Day Saints traditional health code, as described by Joseph Smith after questioning God b) No alcohol, tobacco, nonprescription drugs, and hot caffeinated drinks
22) Peoples Temple
a) Jim Jones started in 1955, basing off Father Define (declares himself successor) b) Multi-racial Christian congregation, amenities for poor, racial integration and acceptance in community c) Practices apostolic socialism form community based on how
23) Seventh Day Adventist
23) Seventh Day Adventist a) Leader Ellen G. White (prophet) from Millerites, world is going to end soon, but cannot tell when b) Adventists that form a group within society c) Better medical care and education than normal society d) Celebrate Sabbath
24) Annie Moore
a) Member of Peoples Temple and Jonestown b) Joined because of racial integration, socialist ideals, and family (sister) c) Wrote letters chronicling events in early membership to Peoples Temple, as well as death note
25) Fast and Testimony Meeting
a) Occur on the first Sunday of each month b) Testimonies encouraged as the work of the Holy Ghost c) Reflect bond of trust within community d) Two meal fast, abstaining from all food and drink
26) The Way of the Shaman
a) Book relating Native American Shamanism to a New Age audience b) Shows current interest in Native American cultures, published in 1980
27) Syncretism
a) Fusion of two religions b) As in Christianity and Native American, as well as Santeria (west African + Catholicism) and Voodoo (Caribbean + Catholic) c) Versus Spiritual Conquest (Christianity), Pagan resistance (Native American), and Parallel (both
28) Female Shooting Life
a) A Navajo healing ceremony considered a part of everyday life, rather than a great extravagance
29) Native American Church- Peyote
a) Church, combines NA and Christian, that uses Peyote, a hallucinogen b) Peyote is integrated with the Eucharist and Bible c) Acknowledged and accepted religion d) By law, can only be practiced by Native Americans (1996)
3) Ghost Dance
a) Arguably a derivative of the Sun Dance b) Practiced at Wounded Knee  Americans thought preparations for war, attacked c) Meant to bring Native Americans back to old ways, congregation d) From Wovokas vision
30) Reciprocity
a) Similar to gift exchange, give items to other people, animals, etc; sacrifices, spirits in everything b) Maintain balance and equilibrium on the earth c) Example in Waterlily  giving dried corn to forest mice in exchange for beans
31) Calvinism
31) Calvinism a) Predestination  not well accepted b) Part of First Great Awakening c) Led to Presbyterianism
32) Predestination
a) God is in control of our lives (and deaths), Fate b) You are either meant to get into heaven or not, you cannot change your status, Calvinism c) Salvation only through the gospel
33) Stone-Campbell Tradition
a) Church / Disciples of Christ  non-denominational denomination (1830s) b) Bible was a straightforward plan of Christian beliefs, practices, and organization c) No man-made devices (creeds, denominations), just the Bible approached rationally
34) City on the Hill
a) Ideal of America as the lost Eden, religious freedom
36) Branch Davidians
a) Off-shoot of 7th Day Adventists b) Links with arms dealing  ATF tries to remove weapons, but Dividians were stockpiling for final battle c) Houteff, founder had revelation regarding the scroll and seventh seal, subsequently kicked out of 7th Day A
37) Genesis 1:28
a) Be fruitful and multiply b) led to taking of Indian lands (as well as communist) because they werent using it (they had no concept of land ownership or private property)
38) Gloku
a) Waterlilys step-grandmother
39) Jonathan Edwards
a) Desired more democratic Christianity, for the people by the people, to bring people back to religion  1740s in during first great awakening b) Great American leader of and preacher during First Great Awakening c) Calvinist and Enlightenment ideals,
4) Brook Farm
a) Communitarian, utopian colony founded by Ralph Waldo Emerson b) Failed social/intellectual experiment  farm work is hard, not for intelligent c) Unitarian (rejection of Trinity) and Transcendentalist(God in Nature)
40) Waterlily
a) Main character in Waterlily, daughter of Blue Bird, adopted daughter of Sacred horse, sister to Little Chief
41) Dawes Act
a) Divided communal reservation lands among individual Indians, with remainder going to whites (1887) b) Contributed to further decline in tribes populations, traditions, and general well-being
42) Exodus
a) Mormon move from Missouri across frozen river to Utah, saved from religious persecutors, similar to Moses and Red Sea
43) Indian Religious Crimes Code
a) Illegal to practice religion, even burial and other ceremonies (1883) b) Likely lead to congregation and eventual massacre at Wounded Knee c) For a country that, on paper, advocates freedom of religion, we were making it illegal for Indians to do so
44) Camp Meetings
a) Make-shift church gathering surrounded by nature, a kind of woodland Bible vacation b) Wooden tabernacles for daily worship services were created c) Eventually developed own rituals, practices, hymnody
45) Charles Finney
a) Need new measures to reach people, evangelize b) Immediate membership for converts, bench at front, outdoor camp meetings
46) William Miller
a) Leader of Millerites - Adventists and dispensationalists (bible is historical document) b) Millerites => seventh day adventists c) World ending in 1844 (uh, no)
47) John Wesley
a) With Whitefield, preaching in public to bring people back to religion (1740s) b) Founded Methodism c) Believed in Christian Perfectionism  work throughout life for instantaneous religious experience, also called second blessing, fleeting
48) Nephites/Lamanites
a) In Book of Mormon, descendents of the lost tribe of Lehi b) Nephites were killed off by Lamanites, when then became Native Americans c) Clearly integrates Bible and religious teaching to explain current life
5) Little Chief
a) Step-brother of Waterlily
6) Na Ih Es
a) A ceremony in the Apache tribe b) Marks a girls passage into womanhood and teaches her how to live within the culture in her new role c) Becomes deity Changing Woman and brings renewal to entire community and world, becoming a woman is a powerful
7) Dakota Sun Dance
a) Reciprocity/Votive Devotion  make a promise to God(s) that one must keep b) Featured fasting and purification rituals, tribal truce, gift exchange c) Outlawed with Indian Religious Crimes Code  perhaps led to Ghost dance (arguable derivative) and W
8) Adventism
a) The second coming is imminent, end of times b) 7th day adventists, Millerites, shakers, Oneida
9) Second Great Awakening
a) Led to Utopian Impulse of 1800-1870s b) When US became religiously diverse - religions created and old ones grew

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