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Ross5 Ch 5 The New England Colonies


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The Puritans left England because
they wanted to change some religious practices to purify the Church of England.
Who brought the second group of Puritans to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630 and served as their governor several times over 20 years?
John Winthrop
A town meeting was where Puritans
conducted all town business.
Chapter 5
The English Colonists
People who lived in Massachusetts Bay Colony towns had to
follow Puritan beliefs.
Roger Williams left the Massachusetts Bay Colony because
he thought people should be able to follow their own religious beliefs.
Anne Hutchinson was expelled from the Puritan Church because
she questioned authorityand the teachings of Puritan ministers.
The Fundamental Orders allowed landowning male colonists in Connecticut to
elect their government leaders.
An important whaling town in New Enland was
New Bedford, Massachusetts
The triangular trade routes connected
England, the English colonies in North America, and the west coast of Africa.
England tried to control colonial trading by
allowing the colonies to export goods only to England and other English colonies and to import goods only from England.
__________ led the first group of Puritans to New England.
John Endecott
__________ organized a confederation of New England settlers.
John Winthrop
__________ was a minister in Salem, Massachusetts, before he founded Providence, Rhode Island.
Roger Williams
__________ founded Hartford, Connecticut, with his followers.
Thomas Hooker
__________ founded Strawberry Banke, which later became Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
David Thomson
Cause and Effect or Sequence?
1. Anne Hutchinson holds her own religious meetings at home 2. A Puritan court expels her from Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Cause and Effect
The Puritans expelled Anne Hutchinson because she taught beliefs different from their own.
Cause and Effect or Sequence?
1. The Puritans established a commons in each town. 2. The Puritans build schools.
These two events were part of the Puritans' attempt to create ideal towns.
Cause and Effect or Sequence?
1. Whalers hunt whales close to shore. 2. The number of whales in coastal waters declines to the point that whalers have to go on long trips to find them.
Cause and Effect
Whaling close to shore decreased the whale population.
Cause and Effect or Sequence?
1. Roger Williams disagrees with the leaders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony 2. Puritan leaders vote to expel him from the Massachusetts Bay Colony
Cause and Effect
The Puritans expelled Roger Williams because his religious beliefs were different from theirs.

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