undefined, object
copy deck
- cansado
- tired
- querer
- to want
- change shape, dissolve, change state
- examples of physical changes
- solar eclipse
- occurs when the Moon passes directly between the Sun and Earth and casts a shadow over part of Earth
- invitar
- to invite
- introvert
- a pesron whose thoughts and interests are directed inward
- el espectador
- spectator (masculine and feminine)
- con leche
- with milk
- transient
- passing quickly; a person or thing having a short stay
- new moon
- moon phase that occurs when the Moon is between Earth and the Sun, at which point the Moon cannot be seen because its lighted half is facing the Sun and its dark side faces Earth
- leer
- to read
- condone
- to forgive, to disregard an offense
- What was Jesus's custom?
- to go to church every Sunday on the Sabbath
- holy spirit and fire
- what does god baptise with? (2 things)
- cumplir... anos
- to be ... years old(squiggle over n in 2nd word)
- solary system
- system of nine planets, including Earth, and other objects that revolve around the Sun
- Who were Copernicus and Galilo?
- the 1st people to give the idea that the sun is the center of the earth
- hacer
- to do
- el pícher, el lanzador
- pitcher
- el desayuno
- breakfast
- Jesus led by Spirit in the ________
- desert
- los plátanos
- bananas
- avert
- to turn away (one's eyes); to prevent
- Mr. Pluto (Henry Skinner)
- Round/Dynamic. Secret and sneaky. Clever and old.
- una hamburguesa
- hamburger
- un bocadillo
- sandwich
- nimbostratus
- low clouds that bring long, steady rain
- el cumpleaños
- birthday
- el equipo
- team
- exposition
- a precise statement or explanation; a public exhibit or show
- los refrescos
- refreshments/drinks
- incur
- to meet with; to run into; to bring upon oneself
- el postre
- dessert
- liquid
- matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape
- evaporation
- vaporization that takes place AT THE SURFACE of the liquid
- invitar
- to invite
- Venus
- second planet from the Sun; similar to Earth in mass and size; has a thick atmosphere and a surface with craters, faultlike cracks, and volcanoes
- el perro
- dog
- el equipo
- team
- O
- oxygen
- crystalline solid
- solids in which the particles are arranged in a repeating, 3-D pattern, has a specific melting point
- vender
- to sell
- meter
- to make
- pasar
- to pass
- singles
- singles
- radio telescope
- collects and records radio waves traveling through space; can be used day ro night under most weather conditions
- accrue
- to come as a natural increase or advantage
- What did he eat while in the desert?
- nothing
- solid
- matter with a definite shape and volume
- Static Universe
- a universe that never changes- doesn't have a beginning or an end
- water, salt
- compound
- volver
- to return
- subservient
- excessively willing to yield; submissive
- el anorak
- the anorak
- plasma examples
- stars, lightning, and neon lights
- la mujer
- wife
- John preaches
- the Savior is coming and baptizes
- el garaje
- garage
- toser
- to cough
- el pescado
- fish
- las naranjas
- oranges
- retort
- to reply quickly and sharply, often as in reply to an accusation
- commiserate
- to feel or express sorrow or pity (used w/ with)
- Project Apollo
- final stage in the U.S. program to reach the Moon, in which Neil Armstrong was the first human to step onto the Moon's surface
- leprosy
- a terrible blood disease that had no cure, deadly, highly contageous, in bible times, they sent you out of the city
- scalene
- triangle with no congruent sides
- medium
- a substance or element through which something is transmitted; a person thought to have communication with spirits of the dead
- Nieva
- Snows
- la abuela
- grandma
- los refrescos
- refreshments/drinks
- introvert
- a person whose thoughts and interests are directed inward (shy)
- la cocina
- kitchen
- solar eclipse
- occurs when the Moon passes directly between the Sun and Earth and casts a shadow over part of Earth
- hace buen tiempo
- it is good weather
- la calle
- street
- el balón
- ball
- La taquilla
- box office
- total
- thermal energy is a _____
- perdió
- he missed
- el supermercado
- supermarket
- escribir
- to write
- Navity story in Luke
- angel appears to mary
- Day 4- bible
- sun, moon, stars
- ¿algo más?
- anything else?
- pasar
- to pass
- la guagua
- bus
- Thomas Small
- Round/Dynamic. Young, innocent, and curious.
- jugar
- to play
- el aeropuerto
- the airport
- dar una representación
- to put on a performace
- A cuanto esta?
- how much is/are ...?(accents over a in 2nd word and a in 3rd word)*can be plural
- la planta baja
- ground floor
- el/la artista
- artist
- dēleō
- destroy
- Point of View
- The perspective from which the story is told
- la orden
- order
- jupiter
- atmosphere of hydrogen and helium
- el hermano
- brother
- el jonrón
- home run
- el jonrón
- home run
- Personification
- Giving a nonliving thing human or living traits and/or abilities
- colder
- viscosity increases as a liquid becomes ______
- el jardinero
- outfielder
- coherent
- showing an orderly relation of parts
- el campo
- field
- medium
- a substance or element through which something is transmitted; a person thought to have communication with spirits of the dead
- exult
- to rejoice greatly
- Theory of Relativity
- What is the theory that time is relative to speed and mass
- Convene
- To assemble, especially for a meeting.
- external conflict
- when the main character faces a struggle with/from an outside force
- non sequitur
- a statement that does not follow logically from evidence (random)
- precipitate
- a solid that separates out of a solution during a chemical change
- las manzanas
- apples
- chemical change
- substances are changed into different substances.
- mends Jem's pants
- Boo Radley
- una hamburguesa
- hamburger
- despues de
- after (accent over e in 1st word)
- la pelota
- the ball
- Jesus chooses ____ disciples
- 12
- photosphere
- lowest layer of the Sun's atmosphere; gives off light and has temperatures of about 6,000K
- toser
- to cough
- el brazo
- arm
- 24kg = __g
- 24000g
- una limonada
- lemonade
- sublimation
- change from the solid state to a gas state
- amorphous examples
- rubber, plastic, and glass
- esquiar en el agua
- to ski in the water
- tener
- to have
- la cancha
- court
- aptitude
- a natural talent or ability; quickness in learning
- el guante
- glove
- doesn't
- in the physical change, the composition ______ change
- rising action
- The action leading to the climax that may use examples of foreshadowing to warn the reader of the climax.
- translucent
- permitting light to pass through, but not transparent
- El guante
- The glove (baseball)
- salir del teatro
- to leave stage
- condensation
- change from the gas state to a liquid state
- venus
- extremely dense atmosphere, hottest planet
- pentagon
- polygon with 5 sides
- Un balón
- A large ball (soccer ball or basketball)
- Llueve
- Rains
- la actriz
- actress
- el postre
- dessert
- un café solo
- black coffee; expresso
- la estatua
- statue
- la entrada
- inning
- preaching at _________-
- Lake of Gennesaret, (Sea of Galilee)
- mass number
- the number of protons plus the number of neutrons it contains
- how did God forrm man?
- dust and breath
- los refrescos
- refreshments/drinks
- 2nd Temptation
- Satan will give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if He worships him
- Centi
- (c) 0.01 (hundredth)
- el cine
- movie theater
- la raqueta
- the racquet
- solid
- matter with a definite shape and volume
- contort
- to twist or bend out of shape
- prose
- ordinary speech or writing WITHOUT rhyme or meter; referring to speech or writing other than verse
- la cuenta
- check
- El cuarto de baño
- The bathroom
- legiones
- (f pl) legions N
- los tomates
- tomatoes
- beneficence
- doing good; a kindly action
- dilatory
- tending to delay or to postpone
- el menú
- menu
- la temperatura
- the temperature
- atrapar
- to catch
- la butaca
- seat
- lionize
- to regard or treat a person as a celebrity
- la ventanilla
- the window
- nosotros(as)
- fuimos
- Mars
- fourth planet from the Sun; has polar ice caps, a thin atmosphere, and a reddish appearance caused by iron oxide in weathered rocks and soil
- colloquial
- characteristic of ordinary conversation rather than formal speech or writing
- jupiter
- largest planet
- el abuelo
- grandpa
- ayudar
- to help
- el cumpleaños
- birthday
- el periódico
- newspaper
- recibir
- to receive
- el pícher, el lanzador
- pitcher
- el cielo
- the sky
- Dynamic Universe
- a universe that does change
- next to her
- where is adam when eve was tempted
- waxing
- describes phases that occur after a new moon, as more of the Moon's lighted side becomes visible
- obtuse
- angle measuring greater than 90 degrees
- Sequor, Sequi, Secutum
- to follow
- un pan dulce
- sweet roll
- meter
- to make
- la cola
- line
- los refrescos
- refreshments/drinks
- beber
- to drink
- excerpt
- a passage selected from a book, play, piece of music etc.
- commiserate
- to feel or express sorrow or pity
- el jamón
- ham
- alrededor de
- around
- ¿algo más?
- anything else?
- liquid to gas
- vaporization
- Impervious
- 1. Not penetrable by light rays, moisture, ect. 2. Incapable of being influenced or affected
- humble
- what type of beginning did jesus come from?
- la loción bronceadora
- the lotion
- el cuadro
- painting
- adversity
- hardship; misfortune
- Rn
- Radon
- Scout's Real Name
- Jean Luise Finch
- la pierna
- leg
- celerity
- swiftness, quickness of speed
- el garaje
- garage
- Venus
- second planet from the Sun; similar to Earth in mass and size; has a thick atmosphere and a surface with craters, faultlike cracks, and volcanoes
- tos
- a cough
- do not ____ one another
- judge
- toser
- to cough
- context
- the circumstances surrounding an event or situation
- la madre
- mother
- Si
- Silicon
- Milli
- (m) 0.001 (thousandth)
- la portería
- goal
- Al
- Aluminum
- estar
- to be
- ganar
- to win
- internal conflict
- struggle between what is expected and what happens
- Miss Maudie Atkinsin
- House Burns Down
- el garaje
- garage
- impose
- to set up or to force something (or oneself) on others; to take unfair advantage of someone
- isobars
- On a station model, lines drawn to show areas of equal barometric pressure are called _____.
- pertinacious
- holding firmly, even stubbornly, to a belief
- air mass
- A broad area of air with about the same temperature and humididty throughout is an _____.
- Au
- Gold
- more
- As the temperture of air goes up, the air can hold ____ water vapor.
- recibir
- to receive
- does
- in the chemical change, the composition ______ change
- acute triangle
- triangle with 3 acute angles
- Hace mal.
- It's bad weather.
- el/la escultor(a)
- sculptor
- vertical
- formed by intersecting lines that are opposite each other
- driblar
- to dribble
- el mural
- mural
- Day 2- science
- milky way
- viejo/anciano
- old (masculine and feminine adj.)
- los anteojos
- the eyeglasses
- built the synagogue, loved nation
- Why did the man deserve to have Jesus come (according to the elders)?
- Caiaphas and Annas
- high prests (2 people)
- contra
- against
- el periodico
- newspaper (accent over 1st o)
- el experto
- the expert
- tomar el sol
- To take the sun?
- leer
- to read
- el tanto
- point
- exposition
- a preceise statement or explanation; a public exhibit or show
- contrite
- thoroughly remorseful and repentant of one's sin
- el hijo
- son
- context
- the circumstances surrounding an event or situation
- comet
- space object made of dust and rock particles mixed with frozen water, methane, and ammonia that forms a bright coma as it approaches the Sun
- una gaseosa/ una soda
- soda
- la estación de esquí
- the ski resort
- subsequent
- coming after or later
- Satans 2nd temptation
- i will give you all the kingdoms of the world if you will bow down to me(skip the suffering)
- con leche
- with milk
- empezar/comenzar
- to begin
- jugar
- to play
- el arroz
- rice
- un yogur
- yogurt
- el telesquí
- the tow lift
- sinigouge
- where did Jesus preach
- impervious
- not penetrable by light rays, moisture, etc.
- amorphous
- large particles that are not arranged in a repeating pattern
- tomar el sol
- To take the sun?
- Dynamic
- our univers is changing (not static) therefore it is ________
- What book does Jesus quote from at church?
- Isaiah
- La sala
- The living room
- la celebración
- celebration (accent over o)
- wavelength
- The distance between 2 correspondening parts in a wave
- stringent
- pertaining to scarcity of money
- el cuarto
- room, bedroom
- el pie
- foot
- la mano
- hand
- luego
- later
- el piso
- floor
- la exposición
- exibition
- dormir
- to sleep
- prophetess
- Who is anna?
- Satans 3rd temptation
- throw yourself down from the temple and the angels will catch you- satan quotes from scipture
- perder
- to miss (to lose)
- tendo, tendere, tetendi, tensum
- to stretch
- 7.9cm = __m
- .079m
- lavō
- wash
- freezing
- the change from the liquid state to the solid state
- vender
- to sell
- saturn
- 31 moons - titan
- el camión
- bus
- particles in matter
- atoms, molecules, or ions
- viscosity
- a liquids resistance to flow
- asteroid
- a piece of rock or metal made up of material similar to that which formed the planets; mostly found in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
- la sobrina
- niece
- el supermercado
- supermarket
- lunar eclipse
- occurs when Earth's shadow falls on the Moon
- examples of physical properties
- looks, smells, sounds, and tastes
- Anna
- a prophetess
- Standard system of measurement
- What was the Metric system created for?
- Jesus healed man of_____
- leprosy
- heat
- the movement of thermal energy from a substance at a higher temperature to one at a lower temperature
- la entrada
- inning
- los tomates
- tomatoes
- Tree of knowledge of good and evil
- what were adam and eve commanded not to eat from?
- viscosity
- a liquid's resistance to flow
- (cX1.8)+32
- formula for fahrenheit
- una diversión cultural
- culture amusement
- por encima de
- over of
- la mesa
- table
- law of conservation of mass
- particles within matter rearrange to form different substances but they are not destroyed and new particles aren't created. the total mass of the matter is the same before and after a physical or chemical change
- Pharisees
- legalists that make people follow Moses's law, so concerned w/ letter of law, forget meaning
- Desert
- Where Did John grow up?
- escribir
- to write
- Third Person
- Point of view in which the narrator is outside of the story - an observer
- el grado
- the degree
- mars
- has the solar system's largest volcano - olympus mons
- jugar tenis
- to play tennis
- liquid
- matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape
- las papas
- potatoes
- Static
- A character who does not change throughout the story
- What happened when jesus was baptized
- sky was open and a voice from heaven said you are my son whom I love, with you I am well pleased
- el cuarto de baño
- bathroom
- stringent
- severe, constricted, tight; pertaining to scarcity of money
- el perro
- dog
- what were the two trees in the middle of the garden
- the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
- el tiempo
- half
- dea
- (f) goddess N
- Philip
- Iturea and Traconitis
- Hace frío
- it Is cold
- Zealot was once called ______
- Simon
- aprender
- to learn
- Jesus went to...... after healing people
- a solitary place to pray- preach the good news to people
- la seccion de no fumar
- the no smoking section
- el café
- café
- el/la mesero(a)
- waiter/waitress
- el portero
- goalie (masculine and feminine)
- devolver
- to return
- What is Zechariahs response to the angel
- how can I be sure of this?
- la sobrina
- niece
- physical properties
- state, appearance, size, solubility, densiy, melting/boiling point, magnetic properties
- correr
- to run
- la sesión
- show
- italian dressing
- mixture example
- tortuous
- having many twists and turns; deceitfully roundabout; tricky
- vender
- to sell
- Cu
- Copper
- el periódico
- newspaper
- meter
- to make
- la sobrina
- niece
- el telon
- curtain
- mediate
- to act as a negotiator between opposing sides in a dispute
- aprender
- to learn
- earth
- 70 percent of this planet is water
- internal conflict
- struggle between what is expected and what happens
- el/la camarero(a)
- waiter/waitress
- melting
- the change from the solid state to the liquid state
- Rising Action
- Smalls learn about Darrows. House is vandalized. The Smalls go to church.
- Tone
- The author's attitude toward the subject or audience, either stated or implied
- la revista
- magazine
- la pelota
- the ball
- Sub
- under
- la celebración
- celebration (accent over o)
- catarro
- cold
- el huevo
- egg
- hace buen tiempo
- it is good weather
- Jesus' miracle for the fisherman and Simon
- gave them fish to feed others
- un helado de vainilla
- vanilla icecream
- la cancha de tenis
- the tennis court
- refracting telescope
- optical telescope that uses a double convex lens to bend light and form an image at the focal point
- la cabeza
- head
- leer
- to read
- la cena
- dinner
- solid
- matter with a definite shape and volume
- la pierna
- leg
- el guante
- glove
- la pista
- the trail
- extra
- on the outside
- la sala
- living room
- el primo
- cousin (boy)
- earth
- Only planet to have life-atmosphere protects life with ozone layer
- nadar
- to swim
- theme
- The main idea of the story
- tú
- fuiste
- la fila
- line, row of seats
- el portero
- goalie (masculine and feminine)
- chemical property
- a characteristic that cannot be observed without altering the substance
- heat
- the movement of thermal energy from a substance at a higher temperature to one at a lower temperature
- el cuarto de baño
- bathroom
- la madre
- mother
- perennial
- lasting for a long time; conitnuing regularly; living longer than two years (plants)
- un sandwich
- sandwich (accent over a)
- Satans 1st temptation
- turn the stone to bread IF YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD
- el pollo
- chicken
- retort
- to reply quickly and sharpyly, often as if in reply to an accusation; a quick, witty, sometimes biting reply
- joven
- young person
- circumvent
- to avoid; to evade by cleverness
- chemical change
- fireworks
- ver
- to see; to watch
- la cocina
- kitchen
- la portería
- goal
- physical change
- the one change in which the form or appearance of matter changes but not the composition
- el carro
- car
- juncture
- a serious state of affairs
- sub
- under
- correr
- to run
- prope
- near PRE
- el primo
- cousin (boy)
- (f-32)/1.8
- formula for celsuis
- exonerate
- **to free from blame; to relieve of a task**
- Jesus starts ministry
- 30 years old
- el cereal
- cereal
- retort
- a quick, witty, sometiems biting reply
- tú
- hablaste
- Pb
- Lead
- lanzar
- to throw
- papas fritas
- french fries
- el guante
- glove
- pasar el fin de semana
- to pass
- en version original
- original version
- adjunct
- an added part not essential to the whole
- empezar/comenzar
- to begin
- Tom Robinson
- Black man accused of rape against Mayella Ewell
- el fútbol
- soccer
- la sala
- living room
- el guante
- glove
- Extraneous (1)
- Coming from outside; foreign.
- to hold, to keep
- teneo tenere, tenui, tentum
- Compound (Noun)
- A combination of elements, parts, or substances.
- chemical change
- substances are changed into different substances/ the composition of the substance changes
- ganar
- to win
- el fútbol
- soccer
- 1st space probe to go through asteriod belt
- Pioneer 10
- radio telescope
- collects and records radio waves traveling through space; can be used day ro night under most weather conditions
- snow
- depositon example
- Saturn
- second-largest and sixth planet from the Sun; has a complex ring system, at least 31 moons, and a thick atmosphere made mostly of hydrogen and helium
- el catcher, el receptor
- catcher (accent over a in 1st word)
- quis?
- who Q
- aplaudir
- to applaude
- Un bate
- The bat
- subsequent
- **coming after or later**
- el jugador
- player (masculine and feminine)
- la tía
- aunt
- distort
- to change something to make it false; to twist (something) out of its natural shape
- theophilus
- name meant God-love, was from Rome, he was a Gentile, he was a doctor
- la hija
- daughter
- el teatro
- theater
- amount energy energy
- thermal energy depends on ______ of ____ and the amount of _____ each particle has
- sequester
- **to go into hiding, to seek solitude; to isolate**
- el hermano
- brother
- pluto
- dwarf planet
- released
- energy is ______ during freezing
- difficilis
- difficult
- to twist, to bend, to turn around
- torqueo, toquere, torsi, tortum
- Sn
- Tin
- why is understanding Luke so critical to understanding sin?
- Luke is a solution to the problem of sin
- jugar tenis
- to play tennis
- kool aid, lemonade
- homogeneous example
- bloquear/parar
- to block, to stop
- el tablero indicador
- scoreboard
- metals, metalloids, and nonmetals
- list the 3 element categories
- distort
- to change something to make it false
- opening paragraph
- introduce your topic, gain readers attention, identify thesis
- Simile
- Compares two things using "Like" or "as"
- el ascensor
- elevator
- la pelota
- ball (small like: tennis ball, baseball, etc.)
- el café
- café
- con subtítulos
- with subtitles
- el esquiador
- the skier
- la pierna
- leg
- el garaje
- garage
- surface tension
- uneven forces acting on the surface of a liquid
- signs of chemical changes
- color change, energy released or gained, odor change, gas or solid formation
- el pollo
- chicken
- la linea aerea
- the airline
- to organize the elements by their properties
- Why was the periodic table constructed?
- la bota
- the boot
- tos
- a cough
- impertinent
- impudent; rude
- la cuenta
- check
- foreshadowing
- hints that suggest what might occur later in the story
- tener
- to have
- h2o
- water
- venus
- similar to earth in size and mass
- el museo
- museum
- O
- Oxygen
- el comedor
- dining room
- 112
- How many elements are on the periodic table?
- transgress
- to go beyond or over the set limits, to break a rule
- dar
- to give
- el almuerzo
- lunch
- el arroz
- rice
- vivir
- to live
- el/la mesero(a)
- waiter/waitress
- el tanto
- point
- preferir
- to prefer
- 3
- How many categories do elements fall into?
- tomar un vuelo
- to take a flight
- perverse
- stubbornly doing something other than what is reasonable or required
- la nieve
- the snow
- el receptor
- catcher
- el balón
- ball
- Liters
- A measure of capacity - one quart equals 0.9L.
- el/la comandante
- the pilot
- subjugate
- to conquer; to dominate completely
- specific heat
- amount of heat required to increase the temperature of water
- Mrs. Dubose
- Has Jem read to this person and dies
- What did John preach to peoplle
- repentence
- el bate
- bat
- pono, ponere, posui, positum
- to place; to put
- meteor
- a meteoroid that burns up in Earth's atmosphere
- el postre
- dessert
- lanzar
- to throw
- 90
- How many elements on the periodic table occur naturally on Earth?
- verso, versare, versavi, versatum
- to turn, to turn around
- how did Satan tempt Eve?
- he said that she will be equal to God if she ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
- meteor
- a meteoroid that burns up in Earth's atmosphere
- la celebracion
- celebration (accent over o)
- una bolsa
- bag
- Un tablero indicador
- The scoreboard
- Sequester (2)
- To isolate.
- Life could not have occured by accident
- because God had to create everything perfectly or it would have turned out differently
- imperator
- (m) emperor N
- melting
- change from the solid state to a liquid state
- pluto
- thin atmosphere - icy surface
- aplaudir
- appluse
- batear
- to hit
- Zechariah
- priest, John's dad, couldn't talk, Elizabeth's husband
- strait
- a narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies of water; a difficulty or bad position
- el padre
- father
- to draw together tightly, to tie
- stringo, stringere, strinxi, strictum
- Resilient
- 1. Capable of returning to the original shape after being bent or stretched. 2. Buoyant; recovering quickly from illness, change, or misfortune.
- gas
- matter that does no thave a definite shape or volume
- Simeon
- righteous, devout: wouldn't die without seeing the messiah
- el picher, el lanzador
- pitcher (accent over i in 1st word)
- las manzanas
- apples
- vosotros
- comisteis
- el platillo/la base
- base
- subvert
- to upset, to overthrow, to ruin
- un kilo
- kilogram
- la familia
- family
- doblada
- dubbed
- Exodus
- 1. Mass departure or emigration. 2. (Capitalized) The departure of the Israelites from Egypt with their leader Moses.
- el apartamento/ el departamento
- apartment
- Serpentine
- 1. Resembling a serpent in form or movement: sinuous; winding. 2. Having qualities of a serpent: subtle, sly, sometimes even evil.
- Exult
- To rejoice greatly; ;to be triumphant
- el telón
- curtains
- vaporization
- change from the liquid state to a gas state
- la lechuga
- lettuce
- refracting
- convex
- Do the demons know who Jesus is?
- yes, but Jesus doesn't want them to because they will twist his words just like satan does
- la obra teatral
- theatrical work
- meter
- to make
- Day 3 - science
- earth cooled, liquid water appears, first life, bacteria , photosyntheic algae
- Pono, Ponere, Posui, Positum
- to place, to put
- Satin
- Who does eve blame?
- Man vs. Self
- A character with an internal conflict
- runs away from home
- Dill
- la calle
- street
- Where was John the baptist when he questioned who jesus was?
- coherent
- showing an orderly relation of parts
- estornudar
- to sneeze
- Scout's first find in the knot-hole
- Gum
- trapezoid
- quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides
- el portero
- goalie (masculine and feminine)
- sesión
- movie showing
- ocupado(a)
- occupied
- la ventanilla
- the window
- persevere
- to hold fast to a task or purpose despite handicaps or obstaces
- ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
- What is the weather like today?
- right
- an angle that has a measurement of 90 degrees
- Hace calor
- it Is hot
- la hija
- daughter
- exonerate
- to free from blame; to relieve of a task
- falling action
- follows the climax and usually calms the reader down or tells what happens after the climax; the aftermath
- el joven
- youth, young
- un té helado
- iced tea
- la porteria
- goal (accent over i)
- Celerity
- Swiftness; quickness; speed
- founded Finch's Landing
- Simon Finch
- el tanto
- point
- protangonist
- The hero or good guy in the story
- una tortilla
- tortilla
- una sopa
- soup
- delante de
- in front of
- Deca
- (da) 10 (ten
- 8.42mg = __g
- .0084g
- Dynamic
- A character who grows and learns
- el estadio
- stadium
- pertinacious
- holding firmly, even stubbornly, to a belief
- sub
- under PRE
- temple
- Where did anna live?
- el jardinero
- outfielder
- orbit
- curved path followed by a satellite as it revolves around an object
- la nieve
- the snow
- la familia
- family
- Boo Radley
- Kills Bob Ewell
- troposphere
- The layer of the atmosphere nearest to Earth's surface.
- el experto
- the expert
- Hg
- Mercury
- impact basin
- a hollow left on the surface of the Moon caused by and object striking its surface
- centi-
- .01
- Trough
- bottom of the wave
- Neptune
- usually the eighth planet from the Sun; is large and gaseous, has rings that vary in thickness, and is bluish-green in color
- el numero del vuelo
- the flight number
- faction
- a group or clique within a larger group, party, or government
- empezar/comenzar
- to begin
- physical property
- characterist that you can observe without changing to trying to change the composition of the substance
- N
- Nitrogen
- corresponding angles
- lie on the same side of the transversal in coresponding positions. When a transversal intersects 2 parallel lines, the corresponding angles become congruent.
- enseguida
- immediately/right away
- el público
- public
- rēx: rēgem
- king
- dēlēvī
- destroyed
- estudiar
- to study
- el jardinero
- outfielder
- el bastón
- the cane
- el cereal
- cereal
- boiling
- inside liquid and on the surface
- exorbitant
- **excessive**
- strait
- a narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies of water
- el cafe
- cafe (accent over e)
- el control de pasaportes
- the passport inspection
- la escalera
- stairs
- first person
- When the writer tells story from his or her perspective
- el destino
- the destination
- commodious
- spacious, roomy, as in a house
- cirrocumulus
- high, puffy cloud that looks like cauliflower
- liquid to solid
- freezing
- Levi
- tax collector, follower of Jesus
- la mano
- hand
- meter un gol
- make a goal
- Incur
- To meet with; to run into; to bring upon oneself.
- intent
- purpose; concentrating on or dedicated to an idea or action
- pasar por el control de seguridad
- to pass through the security
- asteroid
- a piece of rock or metal made up of material similar to that which formed the planets; mostly found in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
- impose
- to set up, or to force something (or oneself) on others; to take unfair advantage of someone
- impertinent
- irrelevant
- la hermana
- sister
- earth
- Only planet to have life-atmosphere protects life with ozone layer
- salir del teatro
- to leave stage
- gustar
- to like, to be pleasing
- enfermo
- sickness
- la exposición
- exibition
- mollify
- to calm; to make gentler or softer in feeling
- Day 7-bible
- God rested
- que
- and
- subir
- to go up
- liquid particles motion
- move freely, but not far apart
- siempre
- always
- el bate
- bat
- la lechuga
- lettuce
- el brazo
- arm
- privado/particular
- private (masculine or feminine for 1st word)
- las judias verde
- green beans (accent over i in 2nd word)
- El sol brilla
- The sun shines
- Project Mercury
- first step in the U.S. program to reach the Moon; orbited a piloted spacecraft around Earth and broght it back safely
- metals
- have a shiny or metallic luster, good conductors of heat and electricity
- fiebre
- fever
- vosotros(as)
- fuisteis
- centurion
- high ranking roman official in charge of 100 men
- frequency
- number of complete waves that pass a given point in a certain amount of time
- La taquilla
- box office
- el campo
- field
- solstice
- twice-yearly point at which the Sun reaches its greatest distance north or south of the equator
- intent
- purpose
- Sun, Moon, Stars
- Day 4 (creation)
- marcar un tanto
- mark a point
- la planta baja
- ground floor
- preferir
- to prefer
- la escalera
- stairs
- con subtítulos
- with subtitles
- vivir
- to live
- el abuelo
- grandpa
- Length
- Measured in meters
- la loción bronceadora
- the lotion
- bajo cero
- below zero
- commodious
- spacious, roomy, as in a house
- tener
- to have
- conjugate
- to give forms of verbs in a fixed order
- excerpt
- a passage selected from a book, play, piece of music, etc; to take a passage from a book, etc.; to quote
- Who was Luke writing to?
- theophilus
- el buceo
- The dive
- la abuela
- grandma
- el autobús
- bus
- ganar
- to win
- los plátanos
- bananas
- las comidas
- meals
- law of conservation of mass
- total mass of the matter is the same before and after a physical or chemical change; Antoine Lavoisier
- mixture
- 2 or more elements or compounds physically together, not pure, seperated in PHYSICAL REACTIONS
- Who was Charles Darwin?
- had the idea of origins of life- evolution
- matter
- anything that has mass and takes up space
- el receptor
- catcher
- meter un gol
- make a goal
- la nube
- the cloud
- waning
- describes phases that occur after a full moon, as the visible lighted side of the Moon grows smaller
- Abraham
- Who does John say can't get you to heven? (old testament man)
- la calle
- street
- freezing
- change from the liquid state to a solid state
- Transient
- 1. Passing quickly; transitory. 2. Staying only a short time. N. A person or thing having a short stay.
- el estadio
- stadium
- e-away
- from PRE
- saturn
- atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, amnonia, methane, water vapor
- el hermano
- brother
- degree
- the unit of measurement for an angle
- el menu
- menu (accent over u)
- saturn
- complex ring system
- mars
- has the solar system's largest volcano - olympus mons
- tos
- a cough
- troposphere
- The layer of the atmosphere nearest to Earth's surface.
- Exhilarate
- To cheer; to stimulate; to enliven.
- solid to liquid
- melting
- exodus
- mass departure or immigration
- las frutas
- fruits
- las judías verde
- green beans
- el apartamento/ el departamento
- apartment
- photosphere
- lowest layer of the Sun's atmosphere; gives off light and has temperatures of about 6,000K
- saber
- to know how or a fact
- una hamburguesa
- hamburger
- el artista
- artist
- Water and first life
- Day 3 (creation)
- el estadio
- stadium
- jupiter
- has 61 moons - most famous are io, europa, granymede, callisto
- ver
- to see
- deca-
- 10
- Zn
- Zinc
- B
- Boron
- lanzar
- to throw
- el piso
- floor
- Man vs. Wild
- A character in conflict with part of the environment
- Son of God
- Jesus was presented as who or what? (3 words)
- Charles Baker Harris
- Dill's Actual Name
- la hija
- daughter
- la pelota
- ball (small like: tennis ball, baseball, etc.)
- el museo
- museum
- perennial
- lasting for an indefinitely long time; continuing regularly; living longer than 2 years, said especially of plants
- la tarjeta de embarque
- the boarding pass
- liquid
- matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape
- solute
- substance dissolved
- abstain
- to refrain from something by one's choice
- tomar el telesilla
- to take the chairlift
- La cocina
- The kitchen
- el jamón
- ham
- mars
- iron oxide in rocks makes this planet a redish color
- Pioneer 10
- 1972 Jupiter
- ex
- from, out of
- aluminum, gold
- element example
- Miss Caroline
- Scout's School Teacher
- escribir una carta
- to write a letter
- Co
- Cobalt
- ambience
- environment; the surrounding atmosphere
- constantly
- particles are ________ moving
- necesse
- necessary
- Extraneous (2)
- Not essential or vital.
- Tone
- The author's attitude toward the subject or audience, either stated or implied
- circumvent
- to avoid; to evade by cleverness
- batear
- to hit
- Na
- sodium
- dobles
- doubles
- la cola
- line
- through
- comprender
- to understand
- tenacity
- hangin on to something persistently
- el cesto, la canasta
- basket
- gustar
- to like, to be pleasing
- Ag
- Silver
- Mrs. Small
- Flat/Static. Innocent
- mercury
- no atmosphere or moons
- air mass
- A broad area of air with about the same temperature and humididty throughout is an _____.
- John the Baptist
- baptist, grew up in a desert, Jesus's cousin, prepared the way for Jesus
- Transgress
- To go beyond or over set limits; to break a rule.
- el balon
- ball (accent over the o)
- Lavoisier
- Who created it?
- P
- Phosphorus
- la entrada
- inning
- el traje de baño
- the bathing suit
- discourse
- conversation
- el jugador
- player (masculine and feminine)
- el basquetbol/ baloncesto
- basketball
- el hijo
- son
- comer
- to eat
- Cesar Augustaus
- Who is in charge of the roman world whil Jesus is being born?
- el mercado
- market
- parallel
- two lines that lie in the same plane and do not intersect
- If you don't under stand the problem you won't understand the answer
- Why is understanding sin critical to understanding Luke?
- meters
- unit for length
- editor of the local newspaper
- Mr. Raymond
- los guisantes
- peas
- Pontius Pilate
- governor of Judea
- el queso
- cheese
- el actor
- actor (male)
- non sequitur
- a statement that does not follow logiacally from evidence
- tener
- to have
- Gabriel
- What is the angel that appears during the birth stories name?
- driblar
- to dribble
- Plot
- A series of events which make up the story
- extrovert
- a person chiefly interested in things outside the self, directing thoughts outward rather inward
- Boyle's Law
- inverely proportional relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of the gas if the temperature is constant in a closed container
- el escenario
- background
- rectangle
- quadrilateral with four right angles and opposite sides congruent and parallel
- pure
- elements and compounds are considered __________ substances
- malleable
- can be bent and pounded into various shapes
- el supermercado
- supermarket
- Devil tempted Jesus_____times
- 3
- dobles
- doubles
- neutron star
- collapsed core fo a supernova that can shrink to about 20 km in diameter and contains only neutrons in the dense core
- Está tempestuoso.
- It's stormy.
- una gaseosa/ una soda
- soda
- stringent
- pertaining to scarcity of money
- las zanahorias
- carrots
- exult
- to rejoice greatly
- heterogeneous mixture
- least mixed, does not appear to be same throughout, particles easy to see
- un café solo
- black coffee; expresso
- juntos(as)
- together
- elation
- excited feelings of pride, triumph, or happiness
- nebula
- large cloud of gas and dust that contracts under gravitational force and breaks apart into smaller pieces, each of which might collapse to form a star
- ¿algo más?
- anything else?
- la cola
- line
- nonagon
- polygon with 9 sides
- el bastón
- the cane
- physical change
- one in which the form or appearance of matter changes, but not its composition
- atrapar
- to catch
- compound
- to mix together, to combine two or more parts or elements
- enseguida
- immediately/right away
- la bota
- the boot
- mars
- atmosphere of carbon dioxide
- las comidas
- meals
- una gaseosa/ una soda
- soda
- ver la television
- to watch television(accent over o in 3rd word)
- rising action
- The action leading to the climax that may use examples of foreshadowing to warn the reader of the climax.
- entrar en escena
- to come on stage
- Uncle Jack reprimands Scout on Christmas Eve for
- cursing
- impact basin
- a hollow left on the surface of the Moon caused by and object striking its surface
- la prima
- cousin (girl)
- Boyle's Law
- describes the inversely proportional relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of a gas, if the temperature is kept constant within a closed container
- perder
- to lose
- astringent
- harsh, severe; a substance that tightens tissues
- un helado de vainilla
- vanilla icecream
- melting
- change from solid to liquid
- Exposition
- The Smalls move to Ohio. Mr. Pluto gives the Small family warnings (triangles, furniture arrangement). Thomas discovers tunnels.
- obsequious
- excessively willing to yield to others
- el mural
- mural
- un sándwich
- sandwich
- la cancha de tenis
- the tennis court
- un bote
- can
- jugar
- to play
- empezar
- to begin, to start
- el padre
- father
- Aberration
- Straying from what is normal or accepted.
- meter
- Metron meaning _______ in greek
- Jesus and John
- Who is Zecharia's song about? (2 people)
- estar
- to be
- ocupado(a)
- occupied
- pluto
- dwarf planet
- uranus
- horizontal rotation but follows elliptical orbit
- chemical change
- vinegar on baking soda
- illustration
- writing w/ thesis statement, and follows w/ reasons, examples, and facts
- Hay niebla.
- It's foggy.
- ellos, ellas, Uds.
- fueron
- 2
- How many types of mixtures are there?
- sublimation
- solid to a gas
- driblar
- to dribble
- dust and breth
- what are the 2 thing man is created from?
- Familia
- Family
- people told to love their __________
- enemies
- aptitude
- a natural talent or ability; quickness in learning
- tells the rich to ______ for their disobedience
- worry
- Un balón
- A large ball (soccer ball or basketball)
- rebuked him
- why did herod put john in jail?
- mollify
- to calm; to make gentler or softer in feeling
- la exposición
- (art) show (exposision)
- papas fritas
- french fries
- recibir
- to receive
- formula for density
- density=mass/volume
- What did the angel do since Zechariah doubted God?
- made him unable to speak until John is born
- luego
- later
- enseguida
- immediately/right away
- Gentile
- outsider, not part of the jewish faith
- estar nublado
- to be cloudy
- neptune
- blue-green atmosphere, 8th planet
- expound
- **to set forth an explanation or view of something in detail**
- viejo/anciano
- old (masculine and feminine adj.)
- bucear
- to dive
- bucear
- to dive
- el platillo/la base
- base
- black hole
- final stage in the evolution of a very massive star, where the core's mass collapses to a point that its gravity is so strong that not even light can escape
- la pelota
- ball (small like: tennis ball, baseball, etc.)
- ver
- to see; to watch
- el/la pasajero(a)
- the passenger
- being the messiah
- in Nazareth people thought that Jesus was lying about what?
- charon
- Pluto's only moon
- la hija
- daughter
- el cesto, la canasta
- basket
- He
- Helium
- Hace muy caliente.
- It's very hot.
- octagon
- polygon with 8 sides
- las manzanas
- apples
- el balón
- ball
- liquid
- matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape
- el campo
- field
- escuhar
- to listen
- compound
- to mix together; to combine two or more parts or elements; having two or more parts or elements; a combination of elements parts or substances
- el hermano
- brother
- inept
- without skill; inappropriate or out of place, foolish or absurd
- rotation
- spinning of Earth on its imaginary axis, which takes about 24 hours to complete and causes day and night to occur
- Zechariah
- priest, John's dad, burned incense in church (went to holy of holies), saw an angel(Gabriel
- What did God do in the garden
- he asked them three questions: where are you, who have you been listening to, what have you done?- he was calling them to him
- el pícher, el lanzador
- pitcher
- why was Jesus tempted by Satan
- because he was a 100% human a 100% God
- la maleta
- the suitcase
- downcasted
- Satin will be ______ because he tempted eve?
- la actriz
- actress
- gripe
- flu
- Acts
- What other book did luke write?
- las comidas
- meals
- el cuarto
- room, bedroom
- la raqueta
- the racquet
- aburrir
- to bore
- how does Mary become pregnant?
- by the holy spirit
- preach to all people
- Why was Jesus sent?
- serpentine
- resembling a serpent in form or movement; sinuous, winding
- Al
- Aluminum
- to draw together tightly, to tie
- stringo, stringere, strinxi, strictum
- la cabeza
- head
- yo
- hablé
- la planta baja
- ground floor
- neptune
- active storms rapidly change the atmosphere
- irregular polygon
- has no congruent angles or sides
- Man vs. Man
- Two characters in conflict
- el sobrino
- nephew
- el pasaporte
- the passport
- coherent
- sticking together
- Meniscus
- Curve of the liquid (read the bottom of the curve)
- dolor
- pain
- stratus
- forms below 2000 meters, flat, layered
- el gato
- cat
- el museo
- museum
- comprender
- to understand
- el supermercado
- supermarket
- space station
- large facility with living quarters, work and exercise areas, and equipment and support systems for humans to live and work in space and conduct research
- supplementary
- sum of angles that equals 180 degrees
- una hamburguesa
- hamburger
- physical change
- form or appearance of the matter changes, but not its composition
- volume, mass, weight
- size-dependent physical properties
- convene
- to assemble, especially for a meeting
- same
- every atom of the same element has the ______ number of protons
- la obra teatral
- play
- average
- temperature is an _____
- dōnum
- gift
- los vegetales
- vegetables
- sunspots
- areas on the Sun's surface that are cooler and less bright than surrounding areas, are caused by the Sun's magnetic field, and occur in cycles
- el numero del asiento
- the seat number
- adjunct
- an added part not essential to the whole
- el principiante
- the novice
- ser
- to be
- Pt
- Platinum
- la ola
- the wave
- ¿Qué desean ustedes?
- what do y'all desire?
- el padre
- father
- Herod
- galilee
- what Dill found in Dolphus Raymond's bottle
- Coca-Cola
- to place, to put
- pono, ponere, posui, positum
- axis
- imaginary vertical line that cuts throught the center of Earth and around which Earth spins
- this person's actions lead Mr. Cunningham to disperse the lynch mob
- Scout
- very end
- How far along is Mary in her pregnatcy?
- invitar
- to invite
- papas fritas
- french fries
- hexagon
- polygon with 6 sides
- el jardin
- garden (accent over i)
- deci-
- .1
- Li
- Lithium
- saturn
- atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, amnonia, methane, water vapor
- enseguida
- immediately/right away
- la fila
- line
- ________ and teachers of the law question Jesus
- pharisees
- la sesión
- show
- Proponent
- One who argues in support of something.
- non sequitur
- a statement that does not follow logically from evidence
- el público
- audience
- los refrescos
- refreshments/drinks
- devolver
- to give back
- el tío
- uncle
- ver
- to see; to watch
- la actriz
- actress (female)
- exorbitant
- excessessive
- what did God plant in the east?
- The Garden of Eden
- bajar
- to descend
- los plátanos
- bananas
- batear
- to hit
- jugar
- to play(game,sports)
- moon phase
- change in appearance of the Moon as viewed from the Earth, due to the relative positions of the Moon, Earth, and Sun
- El cine
- movie theater
- contort
- to twist or bend out of shape
- ver
- to see; to watch
- super
- on top of PRE
- Jesus heals a _______ man
- crippled
- aburrir
- to bore
- True or False: the church arrested Copernicus and Galileo for their crazy idea
- true!
- el primo
- cousin (boy)
- abstain
- to refrain from somethin by one's choice
- tax collector
- greedy, sinners, Jewish, mean, steal from collection
- comer
- to eat
- Huygens
- 1997 Titan
- un café solo
- black coffee; expresso
- ver
- to see; to watch
- caprice
- a sudden impulse, whim, or unmotivated change of mind
- adversity
- hardship; misfortune
- gas
- matter that does not have a definite shape or volume
- SI units
- International system of untis
- el/la camarero(a)
- waiter/waitress
- solid
- ALL metalloids are ______ at room temperature
- Hace calor.
- It's hot.
- el bate
- bat
- la representación
- representation
- Point of View
- The perspective from which the story is told
- la madre
- mother
- el postre
- dessert
- el abuelo
- grandpa
- adjacent
- 2 angles that share a vertex and a side but does not have any points in their interiors.
- ellipse
- elongated, closed curve that describes Earth's yearlong orbit around the Sun
- el partido
- game
- meter un gol
- make a goal
- H
- hydrogen
- neptune
- active storms rapidly change the atmosphere
- cencus was taken
- Why is there no room in the inn
- Great Red Spot
- giant, high-pressure storm in Jupiter's atmosphere
- el/la joven
- young people
- una ensalada
- salad
- Aunt Alexandra
- The Aunt that wants Scout to be more feminine
- Jupiter
- largest and fifth planet from the Sun; contains more mass than all the other planets combined, has continuous storms of high-pressure gas, and an atmosphere mostly of hydrogen and helium
- La pelota
- A small ball (baseball, tennis ball, golf ball, etc.)
- la mesa
- table
- hail
- Ice pellets called ____ add layers of ice as they are carried up and down in a cumulonimbus cloud.
- Bovine
- Having the quality of a cow or ox: sluggish, dull.
- practicar el surfing
- to practice surfing
- la sala
- living room
- Hace frío.
- It's cold.
- Imposter
- One who deceives by using a false identity.
- Mediocrity
- The condition of being commonplace or ordinary, somewhere in the middle between high and low; a very ordinary person.
- jupiter
- has 61 moons - most famous are io, europa, granymede, callisto
- la casa
- house
- el jardín
- garden
- el/la copiloto
- the copilot
- el hijo
- son
- Judas Iscariot
- predicts he will become traiter
- bajar
- to descend
- con leche
- with milk
- Lake of Gennesaret
- Where JEsus was when he did the miracle of allo the fish
- el televisión
- television
- el picher, el lanzador
- pitcher (accent over i in 1st word)
- giant
- late stage in the life of comparatively low-mass main sequence star in which hydrogen in the core is deleted, the core contracts and temperatures inside the star increase, causing its outer layers to expand and cool
- Tiberius
- Caesar
- dolor
- pain
- la pelota
- ball (small like: tennis ball, baseball, etc.)
- extra
- on the outside
- el platillo/la base
- base
- prose
- ordinary speech or writing without rhyme or meter (that is, without verse); referring to speech or writing other than verse
- Pluto
- considered to be the ninth planet from the Sun; has a solid icy-rock surface and a single moon, Charon
- pasar
- to pass
- ir
- to go
- el guante
- the glove
- la portería
- goal
- un pan dulce
- sweet roll
- el pollo
- chicken
- las naranjas
- oranges
- Light
- Day 1 (creation)
- valor
- herioc courage; bravely
- escribir
- to write
- vaporization
- liquid to gas
- el grado
- the degree
- what was the curse for Satan?
- he will be downcasted
- supero
- I win V
- arma
- (n pl) weapons N
- strait
- a narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies of water
- la bascula
- the scale
- el televisión
- television
- holy spirit
- how does mary become pregnat?
- el carro/ un coche
- car
- num
- surely not
- impertinent
- irrelevant
- thermal energy
- the total kinetic and potential energy of all the particles in a sample of matter
- surface tension
- the uneven forces acting on the particles on the surface of a liquid; as if a thin film was stretch across the surface
- el bateador
- batter (masculine and feminine)
- el jardín
- garden
- Charles Law
- the physical law that the volume of a fixed mass of gas held at a constant pressure varies directly with the absolute temperature
- prose
- ordinary speech or wirtin without rhyme or meter
- saturn
- 31 moons - titan
- Elizibeth
- What is John's Mom's name?
- el platillo/la base
- base
- un helado de chocolate
- choclate icecream
- mediocrity
- the condition of being commonplace or ordinary, somewhere in the middle between high and low, a very ordinary person
- Nazarath
- where was Mary from?
- domina
- mistress
- bellum
- (n) war N
- abberation
- straying from what is normal or accepted
- astringent
- harsh; severe
- la mesa
- table
- Why was there no room in the inn
- because of the census
- El Balneario
- The Spa
- Ba
- Barium
- length
- distance between 2 objects
- el apartamento/ el departamento
- apartment
- order of electromagnetic spectrum
- Radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, x rays, gamma rays
- climax
- the main event in the story in which a problem arises or is solved.
- Beneficence
- Doing good or causing good to be done; kindly action.
- el film
- movie
- informal english
- personal tone, shorter sentences, relaxed
- Fe
- Iron
- el pan tostado
- toast
- Jesus heals a mans _____ on the Sabbath
- hand
- Climax
- Smalls find out about Mayhew pretending to be Mr. Pluto. Smalls find out about treasure in tunnels. Smalls learn about Dies Drear.
- la butaca
- seat
- cena
- (f) dinner N
- inept
- without skill
- congruent
- angles with the same measurement
- Medius
- middle
- Hace frío
- it Is cold
- golpear la pelota
- to strike the ball
- el receptor
- catcher
- la entrada
- admission ticket
- el traje de baño
- the bathing suit
- sublimation
- change from the solid state to the gase state w/out becoming a liquid
- sunspots
- areas on the Sun's surface that are cooler and less bright than surrounding areas, are caused by the Sun's magnetic field, and occur in cycles
- isotherm
- An ______ connects points of equal temperature with a line.
- Mayhew Skinner
- Round/Dynamic. Son of Mr. Pluto and a discrete personality.
- estar nublado
- to be cloudy
- earth
- 70 percent of this planet is water
- El cine
- movie theater
- tú
- comiste
- developing middle
- explain, narrate, define, and compare
- el café
- café
- mediocrity
- the condition of being commonplace or ordinary, somewhere in the middle between high and low; a very ordinary person
- to fasten, to attach
- apo, apere, epi, aptum
- los padres
- parents
- audite!
- listen! COM
- el libro
- book
- cumulonimbus
- huge, towering clouds with thunderstorms
- pluto
- thin atmosphere - icy surface
- tener
- to have
- mercury
- this planet has craters and high cliffs like earth's moon
- atomic number
- the number of protons in the nucleus of each atom of that element, the top number
- el telón
- curtain
- melting point
- the temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid
- subservient
- excessively willing to yield, submissive
- el tanto
- point
- vivir
- to live
- Impose (intransitive verb)
- To take unfair advantage of someone.
- vender
- to sell
- Esta incluido el servicio?
- is the tip included? (accent over a in first word)
- Metaphor
- Comparing two things WITHOUT using "like" or "as"
- mars
- 2 moons - phobos and deimos
- theory of relativity
- einsteins theory that time is different depending on how fast you travel or how massive of object that you are on
- el dormitorio/ la recámara
- bedroom
- el huevo
- egg
- el espectador
- spectator (masculine and feminine)
- Baptismal of Repentence
- what did John the Baptist preach?
- el pollo
- chicken
- coherent
- sticking together
- Simon later renamed.....
- Peter
- el jugador
- player (masculine and feminine)
- empatado
- tied (masculine and feminine)
- comprender
- to understand
- Dill
- Visits Every Summer
- el cuarto de baño
- bathroom
- rotation
- spinning of Earth on its imaginary axis, which takes about 24 hours to complete and causes day and night to occur
- la tia
- aunt (accent over i in 2nd word)
- exhilarate
- to cheer; to stimulate; to enliven
- charon
- Pluto's only moon
- Man vs. Self
- A character with an internal conflict
- el garaje
- garage
- el pais
- the country
- el arroz
- rice
- Simile
- Compares two things using "Like" or "as"
- earth
- 150 million km, or 93 milllion miles, which is 1 AU (distance from sun)
- alternate exterior
- located outside 2 lines (that are parallel most of the time) and are located on opposite sides of the transversal. When a transversal intersects 2 lines that are parallel, the alternate exterior angles become congruent.
- el tenis
- tennis
- entre
- between
- sphere
- a round, three-dimensional object whose surface is thesame distance from its center at all points; Earth is a sphere that bulges somewhat at the equator and is slightly flattened at the poles
- una tortilla
- tortilla
- el desayuno
- breakfast
- extraneous
- coming from the outside, foreign; not essential or vital-- (neither of us)
- por encima de
- over of
- After being tempted Jesus went where?
- Galilee
- fero, ferre, tuli, latum
- to bring, bear, or carry
- la red
- the network
- el bate
- bat
- 1st Temptation
- make the stones become bread
- exposition
- The beginning of the story
- el escultor
- sculpture
- la pantalla de salidas u llegadas
- the arrival and departure screen
- mediocrity
- the condition of being commonplace or ordinary, somewhere in the middle between high and low; a very ordinary person
- transgress
- to go beyond or over the set limits, to break a rule
- juncture
- the condition or point of bein joined
- Trough
- bottom of the wave
- el comedor
- dining room
- el tiempo
- half
- el mar
- the sea
- la pantalla
- screen
- C
- carbon
- conocer
- to know a person or place
- Mary
- mother of Jesus, from Nazareth, Joseph's wife
- la puerta de salida
- the departure gate
- mare
- (n) sea N
- escalofrios
- chills
- escribir
- to write
- obituary
- notice of death with biographical information
- physical property
- characteristic that you can observe without changing or trying to change to composition of the substance
- el arroz
- rice
- nunc
- now Adv
- Obituary
- Notice of a death with biographical information.
- chemical property
- characteristic that cannot be observed without altering the substance
- impertinent
- impudent, rude; irrelevant
- ¿A cuánto está?
- how much is/are ...? *can be plural
- nosotros
- comimos
- God Lover
- Theophilus means what?
- atomic mass
- the weighted average mass of isotopes of an element, found below the element symbol
- vosotoros(as)
- hablasteis
- stringent
- severe; constricted; tight
- ¿algo más?
- anything else?
- empezar/comenzar
- to begin
- Round
- The audience is well informed about this character's traits, background, etc.
- la pelota
- ball (small like: tennis ball, baseball, etc.)
- El sol brilla
- The sun shines
- compound
- 2 or more kinds of atoms CHEMICALLY bonded, pure, seperated in CHEMICAL REACTIONS
- comer
- to eat
- la película
- movie
- el partido
- game
- la pierna
- leg
- un té helado
- iced tea
- la mesa
- table
- la actriz
- actress
- solvent
- substance solute is dissolved in
- extraneous
- coming from outside;foreign;not essential or vital
- el postre
- dessert
- ocupado(a)
- occupied
- Que desean ustedes?
- what do y'all desire (accent over e in first word)
- preferir
- to prefer
- Project Gemini
- second stage in the U.S. program to reach the Moon, in which an astronaut team connected with another spacecraft in orbit
- la estación de metro
- metro station
- under
- sub
- heptagon
- polygon with 7 sides
- fidēlis
- faithful
- contend
- to engage in a quarrel, a struggle or rivalry; to assert; to put forward in an arguement
- viejo/anciano
- old (masculine and feminine adj.)
- adding, deleting, reordering, and reworking
- 4 ways to improve writing
- la tía
- aunt
- ¿Qué desean ustedes?
- what do y'all desire?
- el mercado
- market
- jupiter
- atmosphere of hydrogen and helium
- delante
- in front of
- ¿A cuánto está?
- how much is/are ...? *can be plural
- el abuelo
- grandpa
- la escena
- scene
- el perro
- dog
- earth
- only planet (so far) to have water in solid, liquid, and gas forms
- introvert
- a person whose thoughts and interests are directed inward
- commodious
- spacious, roomy, as in a house
- Uranus
- seventh planet from the Sun; is large and gaseous, has a distinct bluish-green color, and rotates on an axis nearly parallel to the plane of its orbit
- el esposo
- spouse (male)
- mediate
- to act as negotiator between opposing sides in a dispute
- con subtitulos
- with subtitles
- element
- made up of one kind of atom, pure, on the periodic table, and seperated in NUCLEAR REACTIONS
- un paquete
- package
- luego
- later
- Caprice
- A sudden impulse, whim, or unmotivated change of mind.
- la mano
- hand
- meter un gol
- make a goal
- semper
- always Adv
- preferir
- to prefer
- una tortilla
- tortilla
- el piso
- floor
- una sopa
- soup
- Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to the______? (where)
- desert
- white dwarf
- late stage in the life cycle of a comparatively low-mass main sequence star; formed when its core depletes its helium and its outer layers escape into space, leaving behind a hot, dense core
- la piscina
- the pool
- deposition
- gas to a solid
- perder
- to lose
- line segment
- a part of a line that has exactly two endpoints
- driblar
- to dribble
- Mercury
- 2nd smallest planet, closest to the Sun; does not have a true atmosphere; has a surface with many craters and high cliffs
- el béisbol
- baseball
- el almuerzo
- lunch
- triangle
- polygon with 3 sides and the sum of the angles is 180
- first person
- When the writer tells story from his or her perspective
- valor
- herioc courage; bravely
- el libro
- book
- el billete, el boleto
- the ticket
- comer
- to eat
- vertex
- common endpoint
- cansado
- tired
- Familia
- Family
- polygon
- A closed plane figure with at least 3 sides
- el béisbol
- baseball
- doblado(a)
- dubbed
- el tablero indicador
- scoreboard
- cotīdiē
- every day
- apud
- amoung, at the house of
- kilo-
- 1000
- ganar
- to win
- volver
- to return
- Eden
- what is the garden called?
- dialatory
- tending to delay or to postpone
- reflecting
- concave
- la celebración
- celebration (accent over o)
- avert
- to prevent
- lionize
- to regard or treat a person as a celebrity
- plasma
- _______ is at extremely high temperatures
- pertinacious
- holding firmly, evn stubbornly to a belief
- con leche
- with milk
- revolution
- Earth's yearlong elliptical orbit around the Sun
- resilient
- buoyant; recovering quickly from illness, change, or misfortune
- Flat
- The audience is given little or no information about this character
- Desultory
- 1. Jumping from one thing to another; rambling. 2. Haphazard or random
- ellos, ellas, Uds.
- comieron
- la cancha
- court
- supergiant
- late stage in the life cycle of a massive star in which the core heats up, heavy elements form by fusion, and the star expands; can eventually explode to form a supernova
- un café solo
- black coffee; expresso
- un cafe solo
- black coffee (accent over e in second word)
- doblado
- dubbed
- milli-
- .001
- subvert
- to upset; to overthrow; to ruin
- el autobús
- autobus
- la entrada
- inning
- Hace calor
- it Is hot
- Grams
- Metric unit of weight equal to one thousandth of a kilogram
- meniscus
- curve in water line
- la escalera
- stairs
- el tenista
- the tennis player
- el jardín
- garden
- Caecar Augustus
- The ruler of Rome while the cencus was taken
- la mano
- hand
- facile
- acting, working, or proceeding with ease; fluent
- los vegetales
- vegetables
- uranus
- horizontal rotation but follows elliptical orbit
- Deci
- (d) 0.1 (tenth)
- avert
- to turn away (one's eyes); to prevent
- marcar un tanto
- mark a point
- quamquam
- although
- el esquiador
- the skier
- transient
- passing quickly; a person or thing having a short stay
- el cuarto
- room, bedroom
- Ex
- From, out of
- la piscina
- the pool
- viscosity
- a liquid's resistance to flow
- angle
- two rays that have a common endpoint
- aedifico
- I build V
- las manzanas
- apples
- medius
- middle
- 4 states of matter
- solid, liquid, gas and plasma
- la fila
- line
- _______ and _______ try to accuse Jesus
- pharisees, teachers of the law
- la estatua
- statue
- Llueve.
- It is raining.
- el/la mesero(a)
- waiter/waitress
- dar
- to give
- la escalera
- stairs
- el ticket
- the ticket
- extraterrestrial
- outside or originating outside the limits of the earth's atmosphere
- la cuenta
- check
- obsequious
- excessively willing to yield to others
- juncture
- a serious state of affairs
- el padre
- father
- be _____ to their faith
- true
- recibir
- to receive
- el jardinero
- outfielder
- iste
- that
- defer
- to postpone; to delay; to yield respectfully to the opinion or will of another
- esquiar en el agua
- to ski in the water
- formal english
- serious tone, long sentences, and worded carefully
- Sequester (1)
- To go into hiding; to seek solitude.
- abordar
- to aboard
- catarro
- cold
- aprender
- to learn
- El cine
- movie theater
- poner
- to put
- la cena
- dinner
- derecho
- right (masculine and feminine)
- K
- Potassium
- empezar/comenzar
- to begin
- Subsequent
- Coming after or later.
- ocupado(a)
- occupied
- facile
- acting, working, or proceeding with ease; fluent
- atrapar
- to catch
- 12 apostles
- Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, Judus son of james, judas iscariot
- complementary
- sum of angles that equals 90 degrees
- Personification
- Giving a nonliving thing human or living traits and/or abilities
- Hace buen.
- It's fine.
- bajo cero
- below zero
- Hace sol.
- It'a sunny.
- bloquear/parar
- to block, to stop
- sphere
- a round, three-dimensional object whose surface is thesame distance from its center at all points; Earth is a sphere that bulges somewhat at the equator and is slightly flattened at the poles
- Day 1- bible
- the creation of the universe,light separates from the dark
- condensation
- gas condenses to a liquid
- jupiter
- The great red spot, a giant hurricane like storm, is on this planet
- la playa
- the beach
- el teatro
- theatre
- la porteria
- goal (accent over i)
- la madre
- mother
- proponent
- one who argues in support of something
- el huevo
- egg
- infer
- to use available evidence to form a conclusion; to guess
- 18.2cm = __mm
- 182mm
- la casa
- house
- ¿Está incluido el servicio?
- is the tip included?
- homogeneous mixture
- well mixed, same throughout, cannot see particles
- el regalo
- gift
- la tripulacion
- the crew
- el/la camarero(a)
- waiter/waitress
- ver
- to see
- Day 3- bible
- oceans, dry land, first life, plants
- el/la mesero(a)
- waiter/waitress
- el almuerzo
- lunch
- Earth
- third planet from the Sun; has an atmosphere that protects life and surface temperatures that allow water to exist as a solid, liquid, and gas
- cliff
- in Nazareth the people tryed to throw him off what?
- concurrent
- happening at the same time; simultaneous
- chemical change
- leaves changing color
- mercury
- no atmosphere or moons
- Exposition (2)
- A public exhibit or show.
- el gato
- cat
- fero, ferre, tuli, latum
- to bring; to bear; to carry
- aburrir
- to bore
- el pescado
- fish
- 1869
- When was the periodic table first constructed?
- el comedor
- dining room
- circum
- around PRE
- saturn
- complex ring system
- salir a tiempo
- to leave on time
- la rodilla
- knee
- lavāre
- to wash
- cumplir... años
- to be ... years old(squiggle over n in 2nd word)
- axis
- imaginary vertical line that cuts throught the center of Earth and around which Earth spins
- earth
- only planet (so far) to have water in solid, liquid, and gas forms
- conflict
- The main problem that is a struggle between opposing forces
- The Geneology in Matthew
- ladies are said, mary's lineage, goes back to Aberaham
- Se
- Selenium
- el biftec
- steak
- la carne
- meat
- neutron star
- collapsed core fo a supernova that can shrink to about 20 km in diameter and contains only neutrons in the dense core
- order of electromagnetic spectrum
- Radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, x rays, gamma rays
- el pescado
- fish
- thermal energy
- the total kinetic and potential energy of all the particles in a substance.
- tos
- a cough
- la boletería
- ticket booth
- Meters
- Metric unit of length measurement equal to 39.37 inches.
- el tío
- uncle
- los mariscos
- shellfish
- el jonrón
- home run
- la orden
- order
- ayer
- yesterday
- la prima
- cousin (girl)
- solubility
- the # of grams of on substance that will dissolve in 100g of another substance at a given temperature
- la carne
- meat
- el bateador
- batter (masculine and feminine)
- el hijo
- son
- la pista
- the trail
- coherent
- showing an orderly relation of parts; sticking together
- una ensalada
- salad
- el libro
- book
- perder
- to lose
- congelado(a)
- frozen food
- What was the shepards response to seeing an angel
- terrified
- las zanahorias
- carrots
- el pie
- foot
- Mr. Darrow
- Flat/Static. Short tempered. Desperate for money. (treasure)
- el invierno
- winter
- vivir
- to live
- Gabriel
- the angel that spoke to Mary, Joseph, and Zechariah
- el queso
- cheese
- Density
- Amount of mass in a definite volume. (g/mL or g/cm3)
- las judías verde
- green beans
- deposition
- change from gas to solid
- dry ice
- sublimation example
- la cola
- line
- los padres
- parents
- SI Units
- International System of Units
- Exorbiant
- Excessive.
- released
- thermal energy is _______ during condensation
- la película, el film
- film
- solid to gas
- sublimation
- el receptor
- catcher
- electromagnetic spectrum
- arrangment of electromagnetic wavew according to their wavelengths
- el almuerzo
- lunch
- el/la camarero(a)
- waiter/waitress
- Charles' Law
- volume of a fixed mass of a gas held at a constant pressure varies directly with the absolute temperature
- delante de
- in front of
- poder
- to be able to
- la estación metro
- train station
- to join
- jungo, jungere, junxi, junctum
- Obsequious
- Excessively willing to yield to others.
- comer
- to eat
- periods
- the rows in the periodic table are called ______
- satellite
- any natural or artificial object that revolves around another object
- mercury
- iron core, weak magnetic field
- el sobrino
- nephew
- El dormitorio
- The room
- to draw together tightly, to tie
- stringo, stringere, stinxi, strictum ("string")
- lanzar
- to throw
- la sala de salida
- the departure area
- la representación
- performance
- Who does Jesus heal at the end of Luke 4?
- Simons mother-in-law- had a high fever
- resolution
- The ending to the story that states the final outcome of the conflict and/or what might lie ahead for the characters in the story.
- el bate
- bat
- la cuenta
- check
- devolver
- to give back
- condensation
- the change from a gas to a liquid
- galaxy
- large group of stars, dust, and gas held together by gravity; can be elliptical, spiral, or irregular
- comet
- space object made of dust and rock particles mixed with frozen water, methane, and ammonia that forms a bright coma as it approaches the Sun
- el mostrador
- the counter
- solid
- matter with a definite shape and volume
- full moon
- phase that occurs when all of the Moon's surface facing Earth reflects light
- condensation
- gas to a liquid
- altostratus
- middle clouds in layers
- el esquí
- skiing
- third person omniscient
- writer is not in the story but knows and decribes all the character's thoughts and ideas
- después de
- after
- ubi ?
- where Q
- neptune
- 11 moons - tritan
- el basquetbol/ baloncesto
- basketball
- el catcher, el receptor
- catcher (accent over a in 1st word)
- Kr
- Krypton
- Dynamic
- A character who changes throughout the story
- physical property
- a characteristic that you can observe w/out changing or trying to chnage the composition of the substance
- beber
- to drink
- catarro
- cold
- law of conservation of mass
- total mass of matter is the same before and after the physical or chemical change
- aplaudir
- appluse
- nosotoros(as)
- hablamos
- meter un gol
- make a goal
- perder
- to lose
- el buceo
- The dive
- escribir
- to write
- Lukes purpose in writing his gospel
- he is writing to the gentiles, Sharing the word with them
- solar system
- system of nine planets, including Earth, and other objects that revolve around the Sun
- new moon
- moon phase that occurs when the Moon is between Earth and the Sun, at which point the Moon cannot be seen because its lighted half is facing the Sun and its dark side faces Earth
- el actor
- actor
- la estatua
- statue
- la cocina
- kitchen
- aprender
- to learn
- el gato
- cat
- los tomates
- tomatoes
- subservient
- excessively willing to yield; submissive
- el jugador
- player (masculine and feminine)
- los vegetales
- vegetables
- meteorologists
- Scientists who study the causes of weather and try to predict it are called _____.
- una ensalada
- salad
- el piso
- floor
- la tía
- aunt
- dar la bienvenida
- to welcome
- Isaiah
- What scroll did Jesus read from?
- venus
- carbon dioxide in atmosphere traps heat - greenhouse effect
- protangonist
- The hero or good guy in the story
- el tio
- uncle (accent over i in 2nd word)
- Philip and Herod's Wife
- Who is Herodias?
- la sala
- living room
- Meter
- unit of legnth
- Cosmological Constant
- a false theory that Einstein created to make the data fit his beliefs
- la mano
- hand
- empatado
- tied (masculine and feminine)
- los anteojos
- the eyeglasses
- Herod
- king of Judea
- equinox
- twice-yearly time-each spring and fall-when the Sun is directly over the equator and the number of daylight and nighttime hours are equal worldwide
- el cesto, la canasta
- basket
- los parientes
- parents
- las papas
- potatoes
- escalofrios
- chills
- mercury
- this planet has craters and high cliffs like earth's moon
- salir del teatro
- to leave the theater
- los mariscos
- shellfish
- un helado de chocolate
- choclate icecream
- Matter
- anything that has mass and takes up space
- abrir las maletas
- to open the suitcases
- chromosphere
- layer of the Sun's atmosphere above the photosphere
- insists that Bob Ewell's death is an accident
- Heck Tate
- el portero
- goalie (masculine and feminine)
- el jardín
- garden
- las papas
- potatoes
- ¿Está incluido el servicio?
- is the tip included?
- supergiant
- late stage in the life cycle of a massive star in which the core heats up, heavy elements form by fusion, and the star expands; can eventually explode to form a supernova
- una limonada
- lemonade
- el balon
- ball (accent over the o)
- las naranjas
- oranges
- How does Luke present Jesus?
- Son of Man
- elders
- Who did the centurion send to Jesus
- el dormitorio/ la recámara
- bedroom
- nada más
- nothing else
- la orden
- order
- el mercado
- market
- cirrus
- wispy cloud, forms above 6000 meters
- una sopa
- soup
- .27mm = __l
- .00842l
- volume
- amount of space an object takes up
- escribir
- to write
- attonitus
- astonished
- una tortilla
- tortilla
- Hecto
- (h) 100 (hundred
- la obra teatral
- play
- la celebración
- celebration (accent over o)
- comer
- to eat
- reflecting telescope
- optical telescope that uses a concave mirror to focus light and form an image at the focal point
- la estación de esquí
- the ski resort
- un bocadillo
- sandwich
- el portero
- goalie (masculine and feminine)
- la emision deportiva
- sports program(accent over o in 1st word)
- el pie
- foot
- toser
- to cough
- el cuadro
- painting
- una soda
- soda
- Un tablero indicador
- The scoreboard
- querer
- to want, wish
- more
- As the temperture of air goes up, the air can hold ____ water vapor.
- extraterrestrial
- outside or originating outside the limits of the earth's atmosphere
- to fasten, to attach
- apo, apere, epi, aptum
- una sopa
- soup
- el regalo
- gift
- vapor
- matter that exists in the gas state but is generally a liquid or solid at room temperature
- energy
- the ability to do work or cause change
- el postre
- dessert
- Jupiter
- largest and fifth planet from the Sun; contains more mass than all the other planets combined, has continuous storms of high-pressure gas, and an atmosphere mostly of hydrogen and helium
- space probe
- instrument that travels far into the solar system and gathers data to send back to Earth
- papas fritas
- french fries
- portate!
- carry! COM
- pasar el fin de semana
- to pass
- preferir
- to prefer
- incur
- to meet with; to run into; to bring upon oneself
- cum
- with, together wtih
- siempre
- always
- line
- a series of points that extends in opposite directions without end
- chromosphere
- layer of the Sun's atmosphere above the photosphere
- I
- Iodine
- la abuela
- grandma
- estornudar
- to sneeze
- facturar el equipaje
- to check the baggage
- el museo
- museum
- Boo leave presents for Scout and Jem here
- The knot hole in the oak tree
- Where did John the Baptist grow up?
- the desert
- el cumpleanos
- birthday (squiggle over n)
- Hace sol
- it Is sunny
- el fútbol
- soccer
- stringent
- severe; constricted; tight
- extrovert
- a person chiefly interested in things outside the self, directing, thoughts outward rather inward
- la entrada
- inning
- los padres
- parents
- Earth
- third planet from the Sun; has an atmosphere that protects life and surface temperatures that allow water to exist as a solid, liquid, and gas
- el almuerzo
- lunch
- peter
- simon is later renamed who?
- una gaseosa/ una soda
- soda
- esquiar
- to ski
- closing paragraph
- wrap up essay, rewrite thesis
- meter
- to make
- Un Cesta
- The net (basketball)
- pluto
- 1 moon - charon
- comprender
- to understand
- el guante
- glove
- lunar eclipse
- occurs when Earth's shadow falls on the Moon
- corona
- outermost, largest layer of the Sun's atmosphere; extends millions of kilometers into space and has temperatures up to 2 million K
- el cesto, la canasta
- basket
- el platillo/la base
- base
- esquiar
- to ski
- el queso
- cheese
- Exonerate (2)
- To relieve of a task
- los vegetales
- vegetables
- subjugate
- to conquer; to dominate completely
- los plátanos
- bananas
- isotherm
- An ______ connects points of equal temperature with a line.
- to serve cristians
- What are angels jobs?
- contrite
- thoroughly remorseful and repentant of one's sins
- waning
- describes phases that occur after a full moon, as the visible lighted side of the Moon grows smaller
- el pícher, el lanzador
- pitcher
- las naranjas
- oranges
- los vegetales
- vegetables
- la estatua
- statue
- el arroz
- rice
- with, together with
- cum
- tenacity
- hangin on to something persistently
- aula
- palace
- desembarcar
- to disembark
- el tanto
- point
- la familia
- family
- sumite!
- pick up! COM
- la escalera
- stairs
- liters
- unit for volume
- yo
- comí
- pluto
- 1 moon - charon
- la escena
- stage
- venus
- extremely dense atmosphere, hottest planet
- True
- (true of false) life happend on purpose
- un helado de vainilla
- vanilla icecream
- strait
- a difficulty or bad position
- la pantalla
- screen
- Lysanias
- Abilene
- el jonrón
- home run
- el cuarto de baño
- bathroom
- point
- a location in space
- lāvī
- washed
- un pan dulce
- sweet roll
- La arena
- The sand
- medius
- middle
- strait
- a difficulty or bad position
- Man vs. Wild
- A character in conflict with part of the environment
- C
- Carbon
- el basquetbol/ baloncesto
- basketball (accent over a in 1st word)
- galaxy
- large group of stars, dust, and gas held together by gravity; can be elliptical, spiral, or irregular
- las zanahorias
- carrots
- 3rd Temptation
- asked Jesus to throw himself down from the top of the temple
- la fila
- line, row of seats
- density
- amount of massin a definate volume
- Ni
- Nickel
- ¿Qué desean ustedes?
- what do y'all desire?
- la lechuga
- lettuce
- el partido
- game
- el tenis
- tennis
- el guante
- the glove
- inept
- inappropriate or out of place; foolish or absurd
- las zanahorias
- carrots
- la boca del metro
- the mouth of the metro station
- Impose (transitive verb)
- To set up, or to force something (or oneslef) on others.
- un té helado
- iced tea
- el verano
- summer
- ayer
- yesterday
- vivir
- to live
- transversal
- a line that intersects two lines
- Nieva
- Snows
- chemical change
- the composition of a substance changes into a different substance with different properties
- Simon becomes ______
- Peter
- caprice
- a sudden impulse, whim, or unmotivated change of mind
- revolution
- Earth's yearlong elliptical orbit around the Sun
- rhombus
- quadrilateral with all sides congruent and opposite sides parallel. Opposite angles are congruent
- marcar un tanto
- mark a point
- practicar el surfing
- to practice surfing
- contend
- to engage in a quarrel, a struggle or rivalry; to assert, to put forward an argument
- el bateador
- batter (masculine and feminine)
- el campo
- field
- chemical change
- rotten egg, odor
- Jem
- Scout's Brother
- Elizabeth
- Zechariahs wife, old, no kids (till John)
- mass
- amount of matter in an object
- infer
- to use available evidence to for a conclusion; to guess
- Excerpt (Verb)
- To take a passage from a book, etc.; to quote.
- la madre
- mother
- el/la camarero(a)
- waiter/waitress
- vibrate in place
- solid particles motion
- la pelicula
- movie (accent over i)
- straight
- an angle that has a measurement of 180 degrees
- La porteria
- The net/goal
- house burns down
- Miss Maudie Atkinsin
- una limonada
- lemonade
- day 6- bible
- land animals, humans
- stratus
- forms below 2000 meters, flat, layered
- ocupado(a)
- occupied
- el padre
- father
- pharisees say Jesus and disciples are _______
- unlawful
- abject
- humiliating, miserable
- La natación
- swimming
- the first messianic prophesy
- God said to Satan " He will crush your head, and you will strike His heel
- sequiester
- to go into hiding; to seek solitude; to isolate
- astringent
- a substance that tightens tissues
- NaCl
- salt
- meteorite
- a meteoroid that strikes the surface of a moon or planet
- Expound
- To set forth an explanation or view of something in detail.
- uranus
- thin rings
- comer
- to eat
- izquierdo
- left (masculine and feminine)
- el perro
- dog
- venus
- carbon dioxide in atmosphere traps heat - greenhouse effect
- color, energy, odor, gases or solids
- examples of chemical changes
- determine a material's state of matter
- motion of particles and strength of attraction
- gas
- matter that does not have a definite shape or volume
- escalofrios
- chills
- beneficence
- doing good; a kindly action
- marcar un tanto
- mark a point
- Miss Maudie Atkinsin
- Finch's Neighboor
- compares man to _________
- fruit
- Iraque and Iran
- what 2 countries now ocuppy the land of Eden?
- Mediate
- To act as negotiator between opposing sides.
- Doctor
- What is luke's job?
- el teatro
- theater
- cur?
- why Q
- después de
- after
- el cumpleaños
- birthday
- la nieta
- granddaughter
- plane
- a flat surface with no thickness that extends without end
- el béisbol
- baseball
- la sobrina
- niece
- el balón
- ball
- aliquid
- something
- Tiberius Caesar
- 15th year, ruler, king of rome while Jesus was doing his ministres
- la taquilla
- ticket booth
- percussion
- striking of one thing against another; instruments that make a sound when struck
- crystal
- particles arranged in a repeating, three-dimensional pattern
- el tío
- uncle
- saturated
- When air holds all the water vapor it possibly can, we say that it is ____.
- Mr. Small
- Round/Static. Brave and open-minded. Leadership characteristics.
- abberation
- straying from what is normal or accepted
- space station
- large facility with living quarters, work and exercise areas, and equipment and support systems for humans to live and work in space and conduct research
- la aduana
- customs
- doblado
- dubbed
- aterrizar
- to land
- equinox
- twice-yearly time-each spring and fall-when the Sun is directly over the equator and the number of daylight and nighttime hours are equal worldwide
- vaporization
- the change from liquid to gas
- quadrilateral
- polygon with 4 sides
- astringent
- a substance that tightens tissues
- la carne
- meat
- nebula
- large cloud of gas and dust that contracts under gravitational force and breaks apart into smaller pieces, each of which might collapse to form a star
- el jugador
- player (masculine and feminine)
- el público
- audience
- impertinent
- impudent; rude
- el brazo
- arm
- temperature
- average kinetic energy of the individual particles
- moon phase
- change in appearance of the Moon as viewed from the Earth, due to the relative positions of the Moon, Earth, and Sun
- corona
- outermost, largest layer of the Sun's atmosphere; extends millions of kilometers into space and has temperatures up to 2 million K
- how Miss Caroline learnt her educational techniques
- From college
- snow
- _____ forms when water vapor is converted directly into ice crystals.
- David's
- Who's throne will Jesus inherrit?
- la abuela
- grandma
- la cocina
- kitchen
- mars
- frozen carbon dioxide and water at the polar ice caps- may suggest life
- decagon
- polygon with 10 sides
- el telesquí
- the tow lift
- adjunct
- an added part not essential to the whole
- contrite
- thoroughly remorseful and repentant of one's sins
- cumplir... años
- to be ... years old(squiggle over n in 2nd word)
- Atticus admires Mrs. Dubose because...
- she has courage
- Abject
- 1. Humiliating and miserable. 2. Contemptible
- torqueo, torquere, torsi, tortum
- to twist, to bend, to turn around
- un helado de vainilla
- vanilla icecream
- desultory
- jumping from one thing to another; rambling; haphazard
- la película
- movie
- cumplir... años
- to be ... years old(squiggle over n in 2nd word)
- el guante
- glove
- regular polygon
- all sides and angles are congruent
- S
- Sulfur
- per
- through
- ser
- to be
- skew
- two lines that do NOT lie in the same plane, are not parallel, and do not intersect
- Copernicus and Galileo
- Who discoverd that the sun was the center of the earth? (2 men)
- la calle
- street
- proponent
- one who argues in support of something
- el campo
- field
- ¿Está incluido el servicio?
- is the tip included?
- specific heat
- the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1g of a substance 1 degree Celsius
- mars
- iron oxide in rocks makes this planet a redish color
- Br
- Bromine
- la cena
- dinner
- maria
- dark-colored, relatively flat regions of the Moon formed when ancient lava reached the surface and filled craters on the Moon's surface
- Flat
- The audience is given little or no information about this character
- ir
- to go
- fiebre
- fever
- distort
- to change something to make it false; to twist (something) out of its natural shape
- una ensalada
- salad
- el cesto, la canasta
- basket
- la hermana
- sister
- invitar
- to invite
- el pollo
- chicken
- injunction
- an authoritative command or order
- el fútbol
- soccer
- solstice
- twice-yearly point at which the Sun reaches its greatest distance north or south of the equator
- colloquial
- characteristic or ordinary conversation rather than formal speech or writing
- Extra
- on the outside
- el periódico
- newspaper
- tenacity
- hanging on to something persistently or stubbornly
- el cereal
- cereal
- right triangle
- triangle with 1 right angle
- eye wittnesses
- how did luke get his information for the gospel?
- Joseph
- jesus's dad
- las noticias
- news
- discourse
- conversation
- mercury
- All metals, except ________ are solids at room temperature
- volver
- to return
- viscosity
- a liquid's resistance to flow
- el reclamo de equipaje
- the luggage claim
- aburrir
- to bore
- el cereal
- cereal
- la hermana
- sister
- Medium (2)
- A person thought to have communication with spirits of the dead.
- el actor
- actor
- el dormitorio/ la recámara
- bedroom
- Levi/Matthew
- tax collector, leaves everything and follows Jesus
- Bob Ewell
- Rapes Mayella
- Genisis 3:15
- where is the 1st Jesus Prophesy?
- las naranjas
- oranges
- la hija
- daughter
- una ensalada
- salad
- el brazo
- arm
- Cl
- chlorine
- poder
- to be able to
- theme
- The main idea of the story
- day 5-science
- 1st multicellular animals, fish, cambrian explosion
- las frutas
- fruits
- consequence for adam and eve's sin
- pain in child birth, husband and wife will fight, men will work hard and sweat, ground will produce thorns and thistles
- la abuela
- grandma
- la pierna
- leg
- extraterrestrial
- outside or originating outside the limits of the earth's atmosphere
- Está helando.
- It's icy.
- full moon
- phase that occurs when all of the Moon's surface facing Earth reflects light
- el carro/ un coche
- car
- ¿A cuánto está?
- how much is/are ...? *can be plural
- deposition
- change from the gas state to a solid state
- el periódico
- newspaper
- silicon
- metalloid example
- sublimation
- change from a solid directly to a gas
- el tenista
- the tennis player
- falling action
- follows the climax and usually calms the reader down or tells what happens after the climax; the aftermath
- el primo
- cousin (boy)
- leer
- to read
- el jardinero
- outfielder
- celerity
- swiftness, quickness of speed
- las habichuelas
- beans
- As
- Arsenic
- el postre
- dessert
- serpentine
- resembling a serpent in form or movement; sinuous, winding
- nada mas
- nothing else(accent over a in 2nd word)
- What is significant about shepards being the 1st to know about Jesus's birth
- it shows that God has a heart for the humble
- el boleto
- ticket
- el jardinero
- outfielder
- Herod locks up
- John
- test
- 3rd temptation (he wanted to ____ god)
- crystal examples
- table salt
- las comidas
- meals
- la lechuga
- lettuce
- Day 4- science
- atmosphere becomes transparent
- What did Jesus cast out of a man?
- a demon
- convene
- to assemble, especially for a meeting
- el partido
- game
- Metaphor
- Comparing two things WITHOUT using "like" or "as"
- Antoine Lavoisier
- 18th century scientist who discovered the law of conservation of mass
- el cereal
- cereal
- boiling
- vaporization that takes place below the surface of a liquid
- el gato
- cat
- estornudar
- to sneeze
- un pan dulce
- sweet roll
- jugar
- to play
- gas to solid
- deposition
- meteorite
- a meteoroid that strikes the surface of a moon or planet
- vaporization
- the change from a liquid to a gas
- el verano
- summer
- impervious
- not penetrable by light rays, moisture, etc.
- la casa
- house
- Mn
- Manganese
- enfermo
- sickness
- thesis statement
- identifies the focus for your academic essays
- melt
- crystalline solids ____ when heated
- condone
- to forgive; to disregard and offense
- el cumpleaños
- birthday
- el menú
- menu
- ad
- to PRE
- Mayella Ewell
- Raped by her Father
- el telon
- curtain
- exodus
- mass departure or immigration
- querer
- to want
- comprender
- to understand
- rock to bread
- 1st temptation
- Llueve
- Rains
- las zanahorias
- carrots
- Nativity story in matthew
- 3 wise men(magi), angel appears to Joseph
- ambience
- environment; the surrounding atmosphere
- amorphous solid
- a solid that is not arranged in a repeating pattern-random
- isosceles
- triangle with 2 congruent sides
- entrar en escena
- to come on stage
- ellipse
- elongated, closed curve that describes Earth's yearlong orbit around the Sun
- Cr
- Chromium
- La sala
- The living room
- the verdict in the Tom Robinson case
- Guilty
- accrue
- to come as a natural increase or advantage
- una sopa
- soup
- en version original
- original version
- 3
- herod had how many sons?
- defer
- to postpone, to delay; to yield respectfully to the opinion or will of another
- where was adam was eve was tempted
- next to her
- el ascensor
- elevator
- el marido
- husband
- preferir
- to prefer
- las judías verde
- green beans
- el dormitorio/ la recámara
- bedroom
- third person omniscient
- writer is not in the story but knows and decribes all the character's thoughts and ideas
- hail
- Ice pellets called ____ add layers of ice as they are carried up and down in a cumulonimbus cloud.
- Neptune
- usually the eighth planet from the Sun; is large and gaseous, has rings that vary in thickness, and is bluish-green in color
- Round
- The audience is well informed about this character's traits, background, etc.
- el menú
- menu
- la red
- the network
- juncture
- the condition or point of bein joined
- absorbed
- thermal energy is _____ during vaporization
- neptune
- 11 moons - tritan
- con leche
- with milk
- Anna
- what prophetess saw Jesus at the temple (hinnt: she lived at the temple)
- la playa
- the beach
- Kilo
- (k) 1,000 (thousand)
- la mesa
- table
- 97
- more than ______% of your body is made up of varoius nonmetals
- un helado de chocolate
- choclate icecream
- mediate
- to act as a negotiator between opposing sides in a dispute
- to follow
- sequor, sequi, secutum
- nōbilis: nōbilem
- noble
- el escenario
- scenery
- después de
- after
- el televisión
- television
- deviate
- to turn aside from a course, norm, pattern, or subject
- beat Mayella Ewell
- Bob Ewell
- fiebre
- fever
- el biftec
- steak
- perder
- to lose
- gas particles motion
- farther apart than liquid and solid, high speed in all directions and spread out evenly
- subtítulos
- subtitles
- Animals
- Day 5 (creation)
- space shuttle
- reusable spacecraft that can carry cargo, astronauts, and satellites to and from space
- space shuttle
- reusable spacecraft that can carry cargo, astronauts, and satellites to and from space
- isobars
- On a station model, lines drawn to show areas of equal barometric pressure are called _____.
- dolor
- pain
- white dwarf
- late stage in the life cycle of a comparatively low-mass main sequence star; formed when its core depletes its helium and its outer layers escape into space, leaving behind a hot, dense core
- perpendicular
- When 2 lines, rays, or segments intersect to form 4 right angles
- gustar
- to like, to be pleasing
- un sándwich
- sandwich
- cirrus
- wispy cloud, forms above 6000 meters
- la casa
- house
- Anna and Caiaphas
- high priests
- el comedor
- dining room
- crystalline solid
- solids in which the particles are arranged in a repeating, 3-D pattern, has a specific melting point
- el/la asistente de vuelo
- the flight attendent
- el portero
- goalie (masculine and feminine)
- invitar
- to invite
- ionosphere
- electrically-charged particles are found primarily in the _____.
- Jesus tells the people that they are ______
- blessed
- Un plate
- The plate
- Translucent
- Permitting light to pas through, but not transparent
- la prima
- cousin (girl)
- la cena
- dinner
- yo
- fui
- empatado
- tied (masculine and feminine)
- un sándwich
- sandwich
- ex
- from; out of
- ¿Qué desean ustedes?
- what do y'all desire?
- Plot
- A series of events which make up the story
- parallelogram
- quadrilateral with opposite sides congruent and parallel and opposite angles congruent
- marcar un tanto
- mark a point
- la escena
- scene
- grams
- unit for mass
- reflecting telescope
- optical telescope that uses a concave mirror to focus light and form an image at the focal point
- el bateador
- batter (masculine and feminine)
- dolor
- pain
- subsequent
- coming after or later
- la cabeza
- head
- humans
- Day 6 (creation)
- faction
- a group or clique within a larger group, party, or government
- temperature down
- volume down
- el pie
- foot
- estudiar
- to study
- Ca
- Calcium
- nada más
- nothing else
- heat
- movement of thermal energy from a substance at a higher temperature to one at a lower temperature
- la montaña
- the mountain
- injunction
- an authoritative command or order
- Rome
- Where is Theophilus from?
- brittle
- cannot change shape easily w/out breaking
- el pie
- foot
- tomar el telesilla
- to take the chairlift
- el biftec
- steak
- mary
- virgin, jesus's mom, nazarath
- privado/particular
- private (masculine or feminine for 1st word)
- el perro
- dog
- escuhar
- to listen
- los tomates
- tomatoes
- What did the people do when Jesus said he was the son of God
- tried to throw Him off a cliff (Jesus escaped-wasn't his time)
- gas to liquid
- condensation
- adversity
- hardship, misfortune
- La butaca
- seat
- cerca de
- near
- Elizabeth
- Zechariah's Wife, Jonn's mom, old, barren, Mary's Aunt
- Concur
- 1. To agree; to cooperate. 2. To coincide; to happen simultaneously
- Context
- The parts before or after a word or statement that influence its meaning.
- el actor
- actor
- satellite
- any natural or artificial object that revolves around another object
- una gaseosa
- soda
- el libro
- book
- die
- Simeon wouldn't ___ until he saw Jesus.
- el film
- movie
- Pontius Pilate
- Governor of Rome
- una limonada
- lemonade
- la entrada
- ticket
- el equipo
- team
- to turn, to turn around
- verso, versare, versavi, versatum
- Crest
- The top or peak of a wave.
- Medium (1)
- A substance or element through which something is transmitted.
- Quirinius
- Govener while Jesus was born
- giant
- late stage in the life of comparatively low-mass main sequence star in which hydrogen in the core is deleted, the core contracts and temperatures inside the star increase, causing its outer layers to expand and cool
- el/la agente
- the agent
- Mars
- fourth planet from the Sun; has polar ice caps, a thin atmosphere, and a reddish appearance caused by iron oxide in weathered rocks and soil
- el cesto, la canasta
- basket
- Cl
- Chlorine
- warm
- Cirrus clouds indicate the coming of a _____ front.
- el biftec
- steak
- Hid
- after they ate from the tree what did they do?
- El Balneario
- The Spa
- medius
- middle
- la prima
- cousin (girl)
- gripe
- flu
- el nieto
- grandson
- altostratus
- middle clouds in layers
- president of the United States at the time that the events of the story occur
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- earth
- 150 million km, or 93 milllion miles, which is 1 AU (distance from sun)
- la planta baja
- ground floor
- Day 5- bible
- 1st animal life in water, reptiles, winged animals
- gustar
- to like, to be pleasing
- el huevo
- egg
- el hermano
- brother
- juncture
- a serious state of affairs; the condition or point of being joined
- N
- nitrogen
- thesis formula
- specific topic + a particular feature, feeling, or stand
- la familia
- family
- jugar
- to play
- el futbol
- soccer (accent over u)
- la pelota
- ball (small like: tennis ball, baseball, etc.)
- cumulonimbus
- huge, towering clouds with thunderstorms
- una diversión cultural
- culture amusement
- orbit
- curved path followed by a satellite as it revolves around an object
- el postre
- dessert
- The Magnificat
- Mary's Song(or poem)
- la sobrina
- niece
- el equipaje (de mano)
- the carry on luggage
- Annas and Caiaphas
- priesthood
- La pelota
- A small ball (baseball, tennis ball, golf ball, etc.)
- el taxi
- the taxi
- ipse, ipsa
- himself, herself
- exhilarate
- to cheer, to stimulate, to enliven
- comprender
- to understand
- las frutas
- fruits
- el esquí acuático
- water skiing
- el televisión
- television
- Project Apollo
- final stage in the U.S. program to reach the Moon, in which Neil Armstrong was the first human to step onto the Moon's surface
- pasar
- to pass
- obituary
- notice of death with biographical information
- concurrent
- happening at the same time; simultaneous
- Extraterrestrial
- Outside or originating outside the limits of the earth's atmosphere.
- habeo
- I have V
- refracting telescope
- optical telescope that uses a double convex lens to bend light and form an image at the focal point
- Un plate
- The plate
- sublimation example
- dry ice
- escalofrios
- chills
- Caesar Augustus
- ruler of Rome when Jesus was born, had a census taken
- Galileo
- 1989 Jupiter
- las frutas
- fruits
- Seperation from God
- what is the major conciquence for sin?
- conjugate
- to give forms of verbs in a fixed order
- gripe
- flu
- El guante
- The glove (baseball)
- Ar
- Argon
- la entrada
- ticket
- get softer
- amorphous solids _____ when heated
- Saturn
- second-largest and sixth planet from the Sun; has a complex ring system, at least 31 moons, and a thick atmosphere made mostly of hydrogen and helium
- Arthur Radley
- Boo Radley's Actual Name
- percussion
- the sharp striking of one thing against another; instruments that make a sound when struck; describing the striking of a substance or a musical instrument
- el carro/ un coche
- car
- la escultora
- sculptor
- la cancha
- court
- las judías verde
- green beans
- Jem and Scout shocked to discover what about Atticus
- he is the best shot in maycomb county
- dormir
- to sleep
- Jesus tells lepored man tell _____
- no one
- Crest
- The top or peak of a wave.
- takes the children to the black church
- Calpurnia
- un te helado
- iced tea (accent over e in second word)
- la escena
- scene
- external conflict
- when the main character faces a struggle with/from an outside force
- un pan dulce
- sweet roll
- la orden
- order
- Lionize
- To regard or treat like a celebrity
- el atun
- tuna (accent over u)
- inept
- inappropriate or out of place; foolish or absurd
- el libro
- book
- obsequious
- **excessively willing to yield to others**
- despegar
- to take off
- el apartamento/ el departamento
- apartment
- extrovert
- a person chiefly interested in things outside the self, directing thoughts outward rather than inward
- la pantalla
- screen
- imposter
- one who deceives by using a false identity
- el cuarto de bano
- bathroom (squiggle over n in 4th word)
- un bocadillo
- sandwich
- decōrus
- right, proper
- La cocina
- The kitchen
- devolver
- to give back
- kite
- quadrilateral with 2 pairs of congruent adjacent sides
- Mrs. Dubose
- Morphine Addict
- observatory
- building that can house an optical telescope; often has a dome-shaped roof that can be opened for viewing
- una lata
- can
- el jamón
- ham
- colloquial
- characteristic or ordinary conversation rather than formal speech or writing
- Ca
- calcium
- el partido
- game
- el queso
- cheese
- un helado de vainilla
- vanilla icecream
- lataquilla (boletería)
- ticket booth
- golpear la pelota
- to strike the ball
- el primo
- cousin (boy)
- Calpurnia
- Finch's Cook
- marītus
- husband
- fiebre
- fever
- Boo's real first name
- Arthur
- leer
- to read
- la cancha
- court
- intersecting
- two lines that share exactly one point
- James son of _______
- Alphaeus
- gustar
- to like, to be pleasing
- viejo/anciano
- old (masculine and feminine adj.)
- tortuous
- having many twists and turns
- 2-3
- How many methods of support to use?
- nada más
- nothing else
- kinetic energy
- energy of motion
- devolver
- to return
- Accrue
- To come as a natural increase or advantage.
- fruit salad, trail mix
- heterogeneous example
- sequor, sequi, secutum
- to follow
- recibir
- to receive
- Day 6- science
- massive extinction, destroys dinosaurs, mammals rule the land, humans are most recent on Earth
- precipitation
- When water droplets form around dust particles and become heavy enough to fall from the clouds, we have ____.
- hecto-
- 100
- formula for volume
- lengthXwidthXheight
- La butaca
- seat
- mars
- 2 moons - phobos and deimos
- imposter
- one who decieves by using a false identity
- ganar
- to win
- la nube
- the cloud
- atrapar
- to catch
- inept
- without skill
- el cuarto
- room, bedroom
- él, ella, Ud.
- comió
- el cuadro
- painting
- How did Luke get his information for his Gospel
- from mark. paul, and other apostales
- jupiter
- The great red spot, a giant hurricane like storm, is on this planet
- Exonerate (1)
- To free from blame.
- W
- Tungsten
- Non sequitur
- A statement that does not follow logically from evidence.
- jugar
- to play(game,sports)
- in
- in/on PRE
- Temple
- Where was Jesus when he was missing?
- siste!
- stop! COM
- aburrir
- to bore
- la entrada
- admission ticket
- Sky
- Day 2 (creation)
- el regalo
- gift
- el supermercado
- supermarket
- medium
- a substance or element through which something is transmitted; a person thought to have communication with spirits of the dead
- temperature
- the average kinetic energy of the individual particles
- F
- Fluorine
- maria
- dark-colored, relatively flat regions of the Moon formed when ancient lava reached the surface and filled craters on the Moon's surface
- la cancha
- court
- el brazo
- arm
- quam
- how, that
- pasar
- to pass
- el/la piloto
- the pilot
- el/la mesero(a)
- waiter/waitress
- un helado de chocolate
- choclate icecream
- doldrums
- windless zones near the equator
- los padres
- parents
- westerlies
- are responsible for the movement of much of the weather across the United States.
- enseguida
- immediately/right away
- la carne
- meat
- extraneous
- coming from outside; foreign; not essential or vital
- a veces
- sometimes
- sequester
- to go into hiding; to seek solitude; to isolate
- nimbostratus
- low clouds that bring long, steady rain
- la cuenta
- check
- el artista
- artist
- el espectador
- spectator (masculine and feminine)
- nonmetals
- elements that are usually dull in appearance, poor conductors of heat and electricity, gases at room temperature
- la montaña
- the mountain
- La comidor
- The dining room
- estornudar
- to sneeze
- matter
- anything that has mass and takes up space
- el equipo
- team
- el cuadro
- painting
- el bateador
- batter (masculine and feminine)
- resolution
- The ending to the story that states the final outcome of the conflict and/or what might lie ahead for the characters in the story.
- el piso
- floor
- gas
- matter that does not have a definite shape or volume
- rocket
- special engine that can work in space and burns liquid or solid fuel
- thermal energy
- total kinetic and potential energy of all the particles in a sample of matter
- los mariscos
- shellfish
- jugar
- to play
- inspeccionar
- to inspect
- surface tension
- the uneven forces acting on the particles on the surface of a liquid; as if a thin film was stretch across the surface
- dīligenter
- carefully
- injunction
- an authoritative command or order
- Hace viento.
- It's windy.
- obtuse triangle
- triangle with 1 obtuse angle
- la pantalla
- movie screen
- permeate
- penetrate thorugh spaces, spread throughout
- La comidor
- The dining room
- permitir
- to permit
- atrapar
- to catch
- la carne
- meat
- square
- quadrilateral with all sides congruent and opposite sides parallel and all angles are right angles
- Extrovert
- A person chiefly interested in things outside the self, directing thoughts outward rather inward.
- papas fritas
- french fries
- un bocadillo
- sandwich
- Mercury
- 2nd smallest planet, closest to the Sun; does not have a true atmosphere; has a surface with many craters and high cliffs
- uranus
- atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, and methane
- deviate
- to turn aside from a course, norm, pattern, or subject
- abject
- humiliating, miserable
- el joven
- youth, young
- Great Red Spot
- giant, high-pressure storm in Jupiter's atmosphere
- el queso
- cheese
- jupiter
- largest planet
- el bate
- bat
- ubi
- when
- hacer un viaje
- to take a trip
- Jesus
- What is Simeon waiting for?
- with, together with
- cum
- la representación
- performance
- el comedor
- dining room
- cumplir... años
- to be ... years old(squiggle over n in 2nd word)
- los frijoles
- beans
- tortuous
- having many twists and turns; deceitfully roundabout, tricky
- you are my son, whom i love, and with you i am pleased
- what did god say to Jesus while he was being baptized?
- Man vs. Man
- Two characters in conflict
- wavelength
- The distance between 2 correspondening parts in a wave
- Facile
- Acting, working, or proceeding with ease; fluent. (Sometimes, superficial, when something is too easily done.)
- siempre
- always
- 1970
- What year was the Metric System invented?
- el hijo
- son
- el béisbol
- baseball
- El dormitorio
- The room
- empatado
- tied (masculine and feminine)
- el huevo
- egg
- el postre
- dessert
- las papas
- potatoes
- God and eve
- Who does adam blame? (2 people)
- la tía
- aunt
- twisted God's Words
- how did satin tempt eve
- subjugate
- to conquer, to dominate completely
- Atticus
- Defendent of Tom Robinson
- conflict
- The main problem that is a struggle between opposing forces
- nada más
- nothing else
- Compound (Adj)
- Having two or more parts or elements.
- la portería
- goal
- comprender
- to understand
- libre
- free
- freezing
- the change from the liquid to the solid
- Joseph
- from the tribe of David, Jesus's father, Mary's husband
- Static
- A character who does not change throughout the story
- el café
- café
- poder
- to be able
- Adam's Rib
- What did god use to create eve?
- warm
- Cirrus clouds indicate the coming of a _____ front.
- sed
- but CON
- Discourse
- 1. Conversation 2. A formal discussion of a subject in speech or writing. Intr. V. To talk; to discuss formally in speech or writing.
- jail
- where did herod put john?
- el desayuno
- breakfast
- tucks Scout in at the end of the novel
- Atticus
- La porteria
- The net/goal
- el esquí acuático
- water skiing
- salir tarde (con una demora)
- to leave late (with a delay)
- llamar
- to call
- la hermana
- sister
- astringent
- harsh; severe
- refracting
- convex
- pasar
- to pass
- encestar
- to put in (make) a basket
- vender
- to sell
- precipitation
- When water droplets form around dust particles and become heavy enough to fall from the clouds, we have ____.
- distort
- to twist something out if it's natural shape
- el sobrino
- nephew
- Harper Lee based Dill on ...
- Truman Capote
- Day 1- science
- big bang
- shepards
- who were the first people to lear that Jesus was born?
- Na
- Sodium
- ¿A cuánto está?
- how much is/are ...? *can be plural
- el anorak
- the anorak
- space probe
- instrument that travels far into the solar system and gathers data to send back to Earth
- batear
- to hit
- contort
- to twist or bend out of shape
- el esquí
- skiing
- Mariner 2
- 1962 Venus
- el jamón
- ham
- privado/particular
- private (masculine or feminine for 1st word)
- el ascensor
- elevator
- interesar
- to interest
- privado/particular
- private (masculine or feminine for 1st word)
- What is Zechariah Song about
- Jesus (some parts about his son)
- La arena
- The sand
- Ambience
- Environment; the surrounding atmosphere.
- To turn stone into bread
- 1st time tempted
- deposition example
- snow
- snow
- _____ forms when water vapor is converted directly into ice crystals.
- dēlēre
- to destroy
- Project Mercury
- first step in the U.S. program to reach the Moon; orbited a piloted spacecraft around Earth and broght it back safely
- hacer
- to do
- enfermo
- sickness
- Project Gemini
- second stage in the U.S. program to reach the Moon, in which an astronaut team connected with another spacecraft in orbit
- Day 2- bible
- heavenly firmament forms
- el ticket
- the ticket
- retort
- to reply quickly and sharply, often as if in reply to an accusation; a quick witty, sometimes bitting reply
- ayudar
- to help
- quod
- because CON
- la prima
- cousin (girl)
- evaporation
- vaporization that takes place at the surface of a liquid
- los platanos
- bananas (over 1st a)
- Volume
- Amount of space an object takes up (cm3 or mL)
- el estadio
- stadium
- la lechuga
- lettuce
- un helado de chocolate
- choclate icecream
- un sándwich
- sandwich
- ¿Está incluido el servicio?
- is the tip included?
- Circumvent
- 1. To avoid; to evade by cleverness. 2. To avoid by passing around.
- el ascensor
- elevator
- to hold, to keep
- teneo tenere, tenui, tentum
- vapor
- gas state of water
- abstain
- to refrain from something by one's choice
- un bocadillo
- sandwich
- waxing
- describes phases that occur after a new moon, as more of the Moon's lighted side becomes visible
- quid?
- what Q
- elation
- excited feelings of pride, triumph, or happiness
- volver
- to return
- una tortilla
- tortilla
- el espectador
- spectator (masculine and feminine)
- commiserate
- to feel or express sorrow or pity
- el invierno
- winter
- gripe
- flu
- batear
- to hit
- mercury
- iron core, weak magnetic field
- el postre
- dessert
- black hole
- final stage in the evolution of a very massive star, where the core's mass collapses to a point that its gravity is so strong that not even light can escape
- el mercado
- market
- expound
- to set forth an explanation or view of something in detail
- el beisbol
- baseball (accent over e)
- privado/particular
- private (masculine or feminine for 1st word)
- la hermana
- sister
- él, ella, Ud.
- fue
- la cena
- dinner
- Voyager 2
- 1977 Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
- meter un gol
- make a goal
- extranjero(a)
- foreign
- ________ Jesus and what he tells them
- follow
- SI units
- standard international units
- perverse
- stubbornly doing something other than what is reasonable or required
- siempre
- always
- el escultor
- sculpture
- el mercado
- market
- ellos, ellas, Uds.
- hablaron
- amorphous solid
- a solid that is not arranged in a repeating pattern-random
- el biftec
- steak
- Zecharia
- What is John's Dad's name?
- el pescado
- fish
- viejo/anciano
- old (masculine and feminine adj.)
- ductile
- drawn into wires without breaking
- el mural
- mural
- Pesty
- Flat/Static. Secretive, but clever.
- Hace sol
- it Is sunny
- Exposition (1)
- A precise statement or explanation.
- chemical change
- cement/ limestone
- el tablero indicador
- scoreboard
- leer
- to read
- aprender
- to learn
- el abuelo
- grandpa
- reflecting
- concave
- Au
- Gold
- Third Person
- Point of view in which the narrator is outside of the story - an observer
- el jonron
- home run(accent over 2nd o)
- el basquetbol/ baloncesto
- basketball
- conjugate
- to give forms of verbs in a fixed order
- lanzar
- to throw
- Resolution
- Darrows figure out about Smalls scaring them. Smalls house becomes safe. Treasure is kept safe.
- el dormitorio/ la recamara
- bedroom (accent over 1st a in 2nd word)
- el sobrino
- nephew
- devolver
- to give back
- How does Jesus answer the temptations?
- with scipture
- revisar el boleto
- to check the ticket
- Deviate
- To turn aside from a course, norm, pattern, or subject.
- el regalo
- gift
- una hamburguesa
- hamburger
- la pista
- the trail
- ability to burn ability to undergo change
- examples of chemical properties
- desultory
- jumping from one thing to another; rambling; haphazard
- what was man told not to do?
- eat from the garden of the knowledge of good and evi or you will die
- el jamon
- ham (accent over o)
- el sobrino
- nephew
- Tiberus caesar
- emperor during Jesus's minnistry
- electromagnetic spectrum
- arrangment of electromagnetic wavew according to their wavelengths
- consequence for ALL sin?
- death, separation from God
- el espectador
- spectator (masculine and feminine)
- mars
- atmosphere of carbon dioxide
- nadar
- to swim
- el bateador
- batter (masculine and feminine)
- en versión original
- in the original version
- familiāris: familiārem
- relative
- la calle
- street
- bow down to me
- 2nd temptation
- siempre
- always
- el regalo
- gift
- la familia
- family
- Mg
- Magnesium
- reclamar(recoger) el equipaje
- to claim the baggage
- Voyager 1
- 1977 Jupiter, Saturn
- la orden
- order
- las manzanas
- apples
- What other book did Luke write?
- Acts
- Valor
- Heroic courage; bravery
- enfermo
- sickness
- saturated
- When air holds all the water vapor it possibly can, we say that it is ____.
- el cuarto
- room, bedroom
- la temperatura
- the temperature
- encestar
- to put in (make) a basket
- El cuarto de baño
- The bathroom
- el estadio
- stadium
- outsiders
- gentials were known as outsiders
- el apartamento/ el departamento
- apartment
- Pluto
- considered to be the ninth planet from the Sun; has a solid icy-rock surface and a single moon, Charon
- Why did people wait for the sun the set to come to Jesus for healing?
- there wouldn't have been people around- wouldn't like that
- las papas
- potatoes
- exposition
- The beginning of the story
- isotopes
- atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons
- el ascensor
- elevator
- Está nublado.
- It's cloudy.
- cansado
- tired
- las frutas
- fruits
- Excerpt (Noun)
- A passage slsected from a book, play, piece of music, etc.
- marcar un tanto
- mark a point
- la sala
- living room
- la casa
- house
- neptune
- blue-green atmosphere
- La natación
- swimming
- el carro/ un coche
- car
- la cabeza
- head
- el basquetbol/ baloncesto
- basketball
- matter
- anything that has mass and takes up space
- translucent
- permitting light to pass through, but not transparent
- Mass
- Amount of matter in an object (g)
- el equipo
- team
- catarro
- cold
- tirar
- to kick
- tortuous
- deceitfullly roundabout; tricky
- tener
- to have
- batear
- to hit
- la ola
- the wave
- what did they do once they ate from the tree?
- they saw that they were naked and they made coverings out of fig leaves
- setting
- The time and place of events in the story. Can also describe the atmosphere of the story.
- perverse
- stubbornly doing something other than what is reasonable or required
- las comidas
- meals
- trinity
- when jesus was baptised what was shown?
- extra
- on the outside
- el talon
- the luggage claim ticket
- The geneology of Luke
- no women are said, Josephs lineage, goes back to God (to prove that he was the son of God)
- la sesión
- session
- Ne
- Neon
- avert
- to turn away (one's eyes)
- el desayuno
- breakfast
- to fasten, to attach
- apo, apere, epi, aptum
- ionosphere
- electrically-charged particles are found primarily in the _____.
- climax
- the main event in the story in which a problem arises or is solved.
- to join
- jungo, jungere, junxi, junctum
- to hold, to keep
- teneo, tenere, tenui, tentum
- temperature up
- volume up
- la planta baja
- ground floor
- opposite
- inversely
- driblar
- to dribble
- tendo, tendere, tetendi, tensum
- to stretch
- bovine
- sluggish, dull
- meteorologists
- Scientists who study the causes of weather and try to predict it are called _____.
- cansado
- tired
- el jonron
- home run(accent over 2nd o)
- meter
- to make
- groups
- the columns in the periodic table are called ___________
- density, solubility, melting and boiling point, magnetic, state of matter, color change
- size-independent physical properties
- el tablero indicador
- scoreboard
- la película, el film
- film
- 3
- how many days did Mary and Joseph spend looking for Jesus?
- la esposa
- spouse (female)
- Falling Action
- Smalls, Mr. Pluto, and Mayhew plot against Darrows. Smalls dress up as slave ghosts. Smalls scare Darrows away.
- Cassini
- 1997 Saturn
- el tablero indicador
- scoreboard
- prevailing westerlies
- are responsible for the movement of much of the weather across the United States.
- el menú
- menu
- Boo Radley
- Has Mental disorder and Stays in his house
- acute
- angle measuring less than 90 degrees
- Uranus
- seventh planet from the Sun; is large and gaseous, has a distinct bluish-green color, and rotates on an axis nearly parallel to the plane of its orbit
- to join
- jungo, jungere, junxi, junctum
- el principiante
- the novice
- vapor
- matter that exists in the gas state but is generally a liquid or solid at room temperature
- escribir
- to write
- evaporation
- surface only
- How many days was he tempted by the devil?
- 40 days
- Compound (Verb)
- To mix together; to combine two or more parts or elements.
- la cocina
- kitchen
- preferir
- to prefer
- la entrada
- inning
- él, ella, Ud.
- habló
- Thepophilus and Gentials
- Who is luke writing to (2 people)
- temperature
- the average kinetic energy of the individual particles
- mars
- frozen carbon dioxide and water at the polar ice caps- may suggest life
- el tío
- uncle
- los mariscos
- shellfish
- metalloids
- shiny and many are conductors (not as good as metals)
- algo mas
- anything else?(accent over a in 2nd word)
- después de
- after
- el gato
- cat
- Un bate
- The bat
- tener
- to have
- atrapar
- to catch
- chemical properties
- characteristic that cannot be observed without altering the substance
- volver
- to return
- empezar
- to begin, to start
- venir
- to come
- Nieva.
- It is snowing.
- el desayuno
- breakfast
- solution
- 1 substance dissolved in another- "BEST MIXED" mixture
- el control de seguridad
- the security
- persevere
- hold to a task or purpose despite handicaps or obstacles
- equilateral
- triangle with all 3 sides congruent and acute
- el teatro
- theater
- el/la maletero(a)
- the porter
- el artista
- artist
- singles
- singles
- una limonada
- lemonade
- los tomates
- tomatoes
- ray
- a part of line that has exactly one endpoint
- dar una representación
- to put on a performace
- un té helado
- iced tea
- matter
- anything that has mass and takes up space
- surface tension
- uneven forces acting on the particles on the surface of a liquid
- Where Dill lives during the school year
- Mississippi
- llamar
- to call
- leer
- to read
- permeate
- to penetrate through spaces; to spread throughout
- foreshadowing
- hints that suggest what might occur later in the story
- Cd
- Cadmium
- pat
- purpose, audience, topic
- el platillo/la base
- base
- resilient
- buoyant; recovering quickly from illness, change, or misfortune
- la pista
- the trail
- metalloids
- elements that have characteristics of metals and nonmetals
- el cielo
- the sky
- antes de
- before
- alternate interior
- located between 2 lines (that are parallel most of the time) and are located on opposite sides of the transversal. When a transversal intersects 2 lines that are parallel, the alternate interior angles become congruent.
- Mollify
- To calm; to make gentler or softer in feeling.
- venus
- similar to earth in size and mass
- el mar
- the sea
- Un Cesta
- The net (basketball)
- el pescado
- fish
- aptitude
- a natural talent or ability; quickness in learning
- driblar
- to dribble
- cirrocumulus
- high, puffy cloud that looks like cauliflower
- empatado
- tied (masculine and feminine)
- la cabeza
- head
- los mariscos
- shellfish
- sequor, sequi, sectum
- to follow
- boiling
- vaporization that takes place BELOW THE SURFACE of the liquid
- condone
- to forgive; to disregard and offense
- setting
- The time and place of events in the story. Can also describe the atmosphere of the story.
- Magnificat
- mary's song is called what?
- el mural
- mural
- subvert
- to upset; to overthrow; to ruin
- bovine
- sluggish, dull