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FMF 111


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Avoid all unnecessary movement
Remain motionless while observing. Anything in motion attracts the eye.
Use all available concealment because it offers a low silhouette and makes detection by the enemy difficult.
Expose nothing that reflects light.
Blend with background because contrasting colors are noticeable.
Remain in the shade because moving shadows attract attention.
Distort or change the regular outline of objects. Most military objects have distinctive shapes that make obvious shadows and silhouettes.
Avoid the skyline. Figures on the skyline can be seen from great dostances and are easily identified by their outlines.
Search field of view using the off-center vision method
The technique of viewing an object using daytime central vision s ineffective at night. This is due to the night blind spot that exists during low illumination. Requires viewing an object by looking 6 to 10 degress above, below, or to either side of the object rather than directly at it.
Search field of view using the scanning method
Scanning enables the Marines to overcome many physiological limitations of their eyes. Reduces confusing visual illusions. Involves looking from right to left ot left to right using a slow, regular scanning movement. At night, it is essential to avoid looking directly at a faintly visible object when trying to confirm it presence.
Search field of view using the strip method
In daylight, look first at the ground nearest you. begin observing close to your post and search a narrow strip 50 meters or less deep, going from right to left parallel to your front. Then search from left to right a second and similar strip farther away, but overlapping the first. continue to observe until the entire field of view has been searched.
Preserve night vision when subjected to lighted areas or illumination
When entering a lighted area or observing in a temporarily lighted area such as illumination and flares, one eye should be closed and covered to preserve its night vision.
When the light goes off, fades, or the lighted area is exited, the night vision retain by the protected eye enables it to see until the other eye adapts to the darkness.
Red light helps preserve night vision but like white light it can be observed at long distances.
Factors that decrease night visual acuity include fatigue, lack of oxygen, long exposure to sunlight, alcohol, nicotine within the pass 48 hours, and age.
When night vision has been attained, straining will not improve effectiveness, however, practicing to identify objects at night will improve perception.
Demonstrate techniques that enhance hearing
Hearing is amplified with the mouth open.
Removing the helmet will reduce sound distortion.
By holding the ear close to the ground, sounds of people walking and vehicles moving can be heard.
SAULTE report
Information must be reported as quickly, accurately and completely as possible.
Size and or strength
Activity or actions
Location and direction of movement
Unit identification (the enemy unit may be derived from unit markings, uniforms worn, or through prisoner interrogation)
Time of observation
Equipment and weapons
Seven enemy soldiers, traveling SW, crossed road junction on black rodge, unit unknown, at 211300 Aug carrying 1 machine gun and 1 rocket launcher
Five Paragraph order
Situation: environment, enemy forces, friendly forces, attachments and detachments
Mission: clear, concise statement of task that must be accomplished.
Execution: brief summary of tactical plan the patrol is to execute
Administration and logistics: corpsman, aid station, rations and ammunition
Command and signal: special instructions on communications, including prearranged signals, password and countersign, radio call signs and frequencies
SAFE when constructing a fighting position
Security: set up security before digging
Automatic weapons: set your automatic weapons so that they are oriented to the most likely avenues of approach
Field of fire: clear your fields of fire
Entrnchment: dig your positions
Fighting holes provide
Excellent protection against small arms fire, shell fragments, airplane strafings or bombings, the effects of nuclear detonations, and the crushing action of tanks. The two amn fighting hole permits one marine to rest while the other maintains security over the assignments.
Individual fighting position
It is as small as practicable, exposing a minimum target to enemy fire, wide enough to accommodate the shoulders of a man sitting on the fire step, long enough to permit use of an entrenching tool and at least 4 feet deep to the fire step.
Two-man fighting position
In most types of soil, the fighting hole gives protection against the crushing action of tanks provided the occupant crouches at least 2 feet below the ground sirface. The soil is piled around the hole as a parapet, approximately 3 feet thick and 1/2 foot high leaving a berm or shelf wide enough for the Marine to use as an elbow rest while firing.
Disadvantages of a two man fighting hole
less protection against a tank crossing along the long axis as well as less protection against strafing, bombing and shell fragments
Advantages of a two-man fighting hole
Allows continuous observation, mutual assistance and reasurrance, and the redistribution of ammunition between occupants
How is 782 gear cleaned?
Must be hand washed
What can you not do with the helmet?
Do not heat water in it
Do not hammer with it
Do not dig with it
How do you silence your gear?
Cover all metal areas with tape
Anything that can be used to keep yourself, equipment and position from looking like what they really are.
Anything that gives protection. Can also conceal.
Anything that hides you from enemy observation. Does not protect you from enemy fire.
High crawl
Used when cover and/or concealment are available. Greater speed of movement is required.
Low crawl
Used when cover and concealment are scarce
Speed is not essential
Back crawl
Carry weapon lengthwise on your body
I'm up they see me I'm down
Night walk
Place heel down first. Balance the weight of your body on the rear foot until a secure spot is found.
Use you hands to feel for twigs, leaves, or other substances that might make a noise.
Crossing a wall
Quickly roll over keeping low silhouette
Obseving around a corner
Do not allow weapon to extend beyond corner before observing thereby exposing your position.
Short stock technique
Prevents muzzle from protruding and keeps weapon ready to fire, reduces exposure as a target, common mostake when firing around corners is firing from standing position and exposing self at height the enemy would expect a target to appear and risks exposing entire length of body as a target for the enemy.
Popping the corner technique
Prone position near corner
Crossing a danger area
Use smoke grenades to conceal movement, run shortest distance between buildings and move along the far building to next position
Determine precedence of casualty
senior military person present makes the determination to request medical evacuation and assignment of precendence.
Priority 1
Urgent - evacuated ASAP and within 2 hours
Priority 1A
Urgent surgical - surgical intervention
Priority 2
Priority - within 4 hours
Priority 3
Routine - within 24 hours
Priority 4
Convenience - medical convenience
Landing Zones
Should not contain high obstacles or debris
Offer some measure of protection
All around security should be maintained
Throw smoke grenade to mark position and show pilot direction of wind
Mark obstacles
Marking landing zone
Smoke is best used downwind from the landing points so as not to obsure vision during landing
Which 2 line on 9 line MEDEVAC request are different during peacetime and wartime?
Line 6 - changed to number and type of wound, inury or illness
Line 9 - Changed to description of terrain
9 line MEDEVAC request
Line 1 - Location of pickup site
Line 2 - Radio frequency, call sign and suffix
Line 3 - Number of patients by precendence A - Urgent, B- Urgent Surg, C - Priority, D - Routine, E - Convenience
Line 4 - Special equipment required A - None, B - Hoist, C - Extraction Equipment, D - Ventilator
Line 5 - Number of patients by types
Line 6 - Security of pickup site (wartime) N - No enemy troops in area, P - Possibly enemy troops in area approach with caution, E - enemy troops in area approach with caution, X - enemy troops in area armed escort required; number and type if wound, injury or illness (peacetime)
Line 7 - Method of marking pickup site A - panels, B - pyrotechnic signal, C - smoke signal, D - none, E - Other
Line 8 - Patient nationality and status A - US Military, B - US Civilian, C - Non US Military, D - Non US Civilian, E -EPW
Line 9 - NBC contamination (wartime) N - Nuclear, B - Biological, C - Chemical; Terrain Description (peacetime)
Column formation
Raise either arm to the vertical position. Drop the arm to the rear, describing complete circles in a vertical plane parallel to the body. The signal may be used to indicate either a troop or vehicular column.
Echelon left/right
The leader may give this signal either facing towards or away from the unit. Extend one arm 45 degrees below the horizontal, palms to the front. The lower arm indicates the direction of echelon. (Example: for echelon right, if the leader is facing in the direction of the forward movement, the right arm is lowered; if the leader is facing the unit, the left is lowered.) Supplementary commands may be given to ensure prompt and proper execution.
Skirmishers left/right
Raise both arms lateral until horizontal, arms and hands extended, palms down. If it is necessary to indicate a direction, move in the desired direction at the same time. When signaling for fire team skirmishers, indicate skirmishers right or left by moving the appropriate hand up and down. The appropriate hand does not depend on the direction the signaler is facing. Skirmishers left will always be indicated by moving the left hand up and down; skirmishers right, the right hand.
Wedge formation
Extend both arms downward and to the side at an angle of 45 degrees below the horizontal, palms to the front.
Fire team
The right arm should be placed diagonally across the chest.
Extend the hand and arm toward the squad leader, palm of the hand down; distinctly move the hand up and down several times from the wrist, holding the arm steady.
Extend both arms forward, palms of the hands down toward the leaders (or units) for whom the signal is intended, and describe large vertical circles with hands.
Close Up
Start the signal with both arms extended sideward, palms forward, and bring palms together in front of the body momentarily. When repetition of this signal is necessary, the arms are returned to the starting position by movement along the front of the body.
Open Up/extended
Start the signal with the arms extended in front of the body, palms together, and bring the arms to the horizontal position at the sides, palms forward. When repetition of this signal is necessary, the arms are returned along the front of the body to the starting position and the signal is repeated until understood.
Carry the hand to the shoulder, palm to the front; then thrust the hand upward vertically to the full extent of the arm and hold it in that position until the signal is understood.
Dismount/Take cover
Extend the arm sideward at an angle of 45 degrees above the horizontal, palm down, and lower it to side. Both arms may be used in giving this signal. Repeat until understood.
Hasty Ambush Left/Right
Raise fist to shoulder level and thrust it several times in the desired direction.

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