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psychology-state of consciousness


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a person's experience of mental awareness, including current sensations, perceptions, memories, and feelings.
Altered state of consciousness(ASC)
a condition of awareness distinctly different in quality or pattern from waking consciousness
biological rhythm
any cucle of biological activity, such as sleep and waking cycles or changes in body temperature
sleep deprivation
being deprived of desired or needed amounts of sleep
A device designed to detect, amplify, and record electrical activity in the brain.
sleep stages
various levels of sleep depth identified by brain-wave patterns and behavioral changes
hypnic jerk
a reflex muscle twitch throughout the body that often occurs as one is falling asleep
light sleep
stage 1 sleep, marked by small, irregular brain waves and some alpha waves
deep sleep
stage 4 sleep; the deepest form of normal sleep
rapid eye movement(REM) sleep
swift eye movements during sleep
non-rapid eye movement(NREM) sleep
non-rapid eye movement sleep characteristic of stages 2,3,and 4 and largely dream-free
difficulty in getting to sleep or staying asleep
one who sleep walks
sleep talking
speaking while sleeping
a upsetting dream
night terror
a very frightening NREM sleep episode
a serious sleep disturbance in which the individual suffers uncontrollable sleep attacks
sleep apnea
repeated interruption of breathing during sleep
wish fulfillment
Freudian belief that the content of many dreams reflects unfulfilled desires that cannot be consciously expressed
activation-synthesis hypothesis
theory tht relates dream content to motor commands in the brain, which are made but not carried out during sleep
a mental technique for quieting the mind and body
drug addiction
development of physical dependence on a drug such that craving and physical discomfort(withdrawal symptoms)occur in its absence
withdrawal symptoms
physical illness and discomfort that accompany the withdrawal of an addictive drug
drug tolerance
a reduction in the body's respnse to a drug
physical dependence
physical addiction, as indicated by the presence of drug tolerance and withdrawal symptoms.
psychological dependence
drug dependence that is based primarily on emotional or psychological needs
a substance that decreases activity in the body and nervious system`
a substance that produces a temporary increase of activity in the body and nervous system
suppress or reduce pain; act like naturally occuring painkillers in the body called endorphins
any substance that alters or distorts sensory impression
a crystalline drug derived from coca leaves; used as a central nervous system stimulant and local anesthetic
a natural drug with stimulant properties; found in coffee and tea and added to artificial beverages and medicine
a potent stimulant drug found primarily in tobacco; nicotine is a known carcinogen
common name for ethyl alcohol, the intoxicating element in fermented and distilled liquors
the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant, cannabis sativa

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